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Nehrdzavejúca oceľ Závit Skrutky s vnútorným šesťhranom

 (2 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Celozávitové kolíky a tyče

Fully threaded studs and rods are ideal for applications where a screw head is not needed or space is precious. Fastening completely into material, they can be threaded right down into the application.

Skupina SR: SR1985

Skrutky s vnútornou drážkou - kovové s valcovou hlavou s vnútorným šesťhranom

Socket Head Cap Screws with Metal Standard Heads are used to secure and tighten a connection between two or more pieces of material. The cylindrical metal standard head design has a flat top and a recessed hex socket.

It has high strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. The recessed hex socket ensures a secure grip and high torque transfer during installation.

Installation and removal are easy using a hex key or Allen wrench. Used in industries such as automotive, electronics, manufacturing, and construction.