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V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.

Silikón Závit Račňa

 (2 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Krytky na ochranu stĺpikov

Flanged Caps are designed for easy assembly and removal, either with automated equipment or by hand. Typically used to protect metric or imperial threads, with or without O-Rings. The larger flange allows for faster application and removal when using it by hand.

For the purpose of quality control; the natural coloured caps allow you to see through the cap and check whether the O-ring is installed, or not installed, on the protected fitting.

  • Používajú sa na ochranu príslušenstva s BSP a UNF závitom.
  • Vyrobené s malou prírubou.
  • Zvyšujú ochranu pred znečistením a obmedzujú stratu času pri opakovaných úkonoch.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, Polyetylén Farba: Prírodná, Červená Skupina SR: SR1024, SR1124, SR1025, SR1380

Samolepiace protišmykové podložky

Self-adhesive bumpers provide cushioning and protection for an array of surfaces, across many applications.

The range includes black adhesive discs with a single-sided foam that has anti-skid properties. Available in packs of four that are either on a roll or on a pad, these versatile discs are designed to bond to many surfaces including; corrugated card, chipboard, wood, low surface energy plastics and powder coats.

Also included are anti-slip pads that are made from PE Foam tape, featuring a silicone coated paper liner. These are suitable for applications with temperatures ranging from -29C up to 66C.

  • Rubber adhesive
  • Permanent solution
  • Black finish.

Skupina SR: SR5808