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DIN NEMA Metalli

 (41 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

90 lukko

This Quarter Turn Lock is vibration proof and suitable for left and right hand. The opening of the lock is only possible by pushing and rotating the driver with the key.This range of Quarter Turn Latch is offered in a selection of finishes and drivers to suit many applications and is to be used  16.5 x 19.0 mm cut out.

90 lukot - helppo kiinnitys

The Easy Fixing Quarter Turn Lock is easily fitted into a 20.2 x 22.2 mm cut out and secured with the help of a clip. It is suitable for left and right hand. The internal spring provides a 1.5 mm torsion and it can be used for panel thickness from 0.8 to 2.0 mm.

Avainlukittavat salpalukot kaappeihin

This range of Cam Locks are suitable for display units, security cabinets and stock cupboards. A selection of key alike or key to differ and a variation of grip ranges is on offer to suit various application requirements.


Kaapelikouru valikoima on kehitetty ja testattu kaikkein tiukimpien laatuvaatimusten mukaisesti, ja sille on myönnetty maailmanlaajuisesti laatuhyväksynnät ja vaatimustenmukaisuus. Valikoimaan kuuluu muovisia kaapelikanavajärjestelmiä ja tarvikkeita. Kaapelikanava on erittäin joustava, ja se kestää rasitusta hyvin. Hyvä iskunkestävyys auttaa sitä palautumaan muotoonsa, jos se jää puristuksiin. Kaapelikourujen tyypillisiä käyttökohteita ovat esim. laitteiden yleiset tehdasjohdot ja -kytkennät. Saatavilla useissa eri materiaaleissa, vaatimustesi mukaan.

Kaapeliläpiviennit - suora/messinki

Kaapelit voidaan viedä koteloon kaapeliläpivientien läpi. Eri kierrekokojen, värien ja asennuskierteen pituuksien ansiosta valikoima tukee erilaisia kaapeliläpivientejä eri käyttökohteisiin. Lukkomutterit ja tiivistealuslevyt saatavana erikseen.

Kaapeliläpiviennit - suora/nailon

Kaapelit voidaan viedä koteloon kaapeliläpivientien läpi. Eri kierrekokojen, värien ja asennuskierteen pituuksien ansiosta valikoima tukee erilaisia kaapeliläpivientejä eri käyttökohteisiin. Lukkomutteri ja tiivistealuslevy saatavana erikseen.

Kahvalliset salpalukot - L-kahva

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an L-shaped handle. They are commonly used in applications such as electric panels and machinery covers.

Available in a choice of materials that include; Nylon, Polyamide, Stainless Steel and Die-Cast Zinc Alloy. Our range also boasts several visually pleasing finishes; Powder Coated, Matt, Chrome Plated and Bright Chrome.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Eurokey, Quarter Turn Key, Push Button, Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design
  • DIN-EN 1774 rated

Kahvalliset salpalukot - T-kahva

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an T-shaped handle. They are commonly used cabinet and furniture applications.

The cam latches compression allows for a more secure seal where IP/NEMA performance is required. This also allows for improved insulation against noise and vibration conditions.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ, Keyed CH751, Keyed J327 and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design

Kahvalliset salpalukot - minisiipinuppi

Mini Cam Latches are Wing Knob designed and secure access to your panels and doors with a rotating cam (pawl) that is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side.

The cam latch provides easy fixing and has a clip assembly.

  • Colour: Black, , Chrome, Natural, Silver

Kierteitetyt muoviset neljänneskierrossalvat

Quarter Turn Latches with Spring are made from Polyamide that is 30% glass-fibre reinforced. It is a lightweight alternative to our range of Die-Cast Zinc Alloy Quarter Turn Latches.

The range features a choice of locking options, with head styles including; 5mm Double Bit, 8mm Square, 8mm Triangle and Slotted.

The latches are supplied with a metal lock nut, but a plastic lock nut can be purchased separately.

  • Seals to IP65 standard
  • Colour: Black

Kiinni painettavat neljänneskierrossalvat

This range of Quarter Turn Locks are fitted with a cam that lifts and returns when the door is closed. The range proposes a left hand or a right hand with a 5 mm double bit head driver.

Kompressiosalvat - T-kahva

Compression Latch with a T Handle are hand-operated and have a fixed design. They are used in a range of access hardware applications and are a great choice for cabinets and access panels.

Our range is available with locking and non-locking options. All locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are supplied with rubber sealing gasket and 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy
  • Finish Options: Chrome Plated and Black Powder Coating

Kompressiosalvat - siipinuppi

Compression Latch with a Wing Knob is an ideal choice when better sealing is required under vibration conditions. A popular choice for cabinets, access panels and other access hardware applications.

This compression latch range has a fixed design that are available in locking and non-locking options. Locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are provided with 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.

The latches require the use of standard cams without stoppers, which are sold separately.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy
  • Finishes: Chrome Plated and Black Powder Coating

Kompressiosalvat - säädettävä

Compression Latches that feature a wide grip range with adjustable screw. The latch provides good compression and is available in a choice of pre-set compression options that include; 4mm and 6mm for improved noise isolation.

The latch has noise dampening properties and offers better sealing under vibration and shock conditions. The latch is rated per DIN-EN 61373.

The range features latches with a quarter turn cam operation and a choice of locking and non-locking options. Cams and driver keys are sold separately.

  • Materials: Die Cast Zinc Alloy and Stainless Steel
  • Finish Options: Chrome Plated, Powder Coating, Matt and Stainless Steel
  • Left Hand and Right Hand mounting

Kompressiosalvat - säädettävä/siipinuppi

Compression Latches with a Wing Knob design are ideal for applications that require better sealing under vibration conditions. They are commonly used for cabinets and access panels in manufacturing environments.

Our range features adjustable and fixed latches that are locking or non-locking. Where the latch is locking, two keys are supplied with every lock. The adjustable latches have a quarter turn cam operation. Cams are sold separately.

These latches can be used for both left-hand and right-hand applications. Features 6mm of pre-set compression for improved noise isolation.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy with Rubber gasket
  • Finish: Black Powder Coated
  • DIN-EN 1774 Rated
  • RoHS Compliant
  • IP65 Standard

Koneruuvit - kartio

Matalakupukantaiset koneruuvit on suunniteltu käytettäviksi monissa eri käyttökohteissa, kuten rakennusalalla, elektroniikan kokoonpanossa ja koneen kokoonpanossa. Sen muotoilu mahdollistaa ruuvin tasaisen asettumisen pintaan kiinnityksen jälkeen, mikä tarjoaa tasaisen ja viimeistellyn ulkomuodon.

Toisin kuin tavallisten ruuvien kohdalla koneruuvit ovat kestävämpiä ja lujia, mikä tekee niistä täydelliset korroosion, korkeiden lämpötilojen ja muiden kemikaalien tai sääolosuhteiden kestoon. Sitä käytetään yleisesti koneen kokoonpanossa, mukaan lukien elektroniikan, autoteollisuuden ja teollisuuden käyttökohteissa.

  • Materiaali: Nailon, ruostumaton teräs, niukkahiilinen teräs, PEEK, PC, Reny, PPS, PA
  • Väri: väritön, ruskea, kirkas, beige
  • Materiaalin syttyvyysstandardi: UL94 V-2, , UL94 V-0, UL94 HB

Koneruuvit - upotettava

Upotettavat koneruuvit sopivat erinomaisesti kohteisiin, jossa kanta ei saa jäädä pinnan ulkopuolelle

Kupumutterit - metalli

Kupumutterit sopivat erinomaisesti peittämään ja suojaamaan pultteja ja ruuveja, jotka näyttävät hyviltä tuotteessa

Kuusiomutterit - vakiokoko - metalli

Vakiokokoiset kuusiomutterit ovat yksi yleisimmistä saatavilla olevista muttereista, ja niitä käytetään koneruuvikierteisten ankkureiden, pulttien, ruuvien, tappien, kierteisten tankojen ja muiden kiinnikkeiden kanssa.

Kääntöniitit - Jousi/IP65

The popular Quarter Turn Latches is used for cabinets and enclosures requiring vibration control. The housing is equipped with an internal spring to provide 1.5 mm of compression. An o-ring provides a seal between the spring and the driver. This IP65 range, offers an extensive combination of materials and finishes along with grip range selection to suit many applications. The cams will not rotate beyond quarter turn due to the stop lip.

Kääntöniitit - riippulukkomallit siipinupilla

Featured with Padlock Fittings for additional security option when sealed with a padlock. They are also fitted with a rubber gasket for additional sealing properties. On offer are right and left hand door orientations and an array of grip ranges

Kääntöniitit - siipinupilla ja erityispitkällä kotelolla

Quarter Turn Latches with Wing Knobs are available with an extra long housing. These are ideal for sound-proof or isolated doors and are supplied with a rubber gasket for additional sealing properties. They are available in both Chrome Plated and Black Coated Die-cast Zinc and in an array of grip ranges

Kääntöniitit - siipinuppi

Quarter Turn Latch with Wing Knobs are designed to secure doors, cabinets, enclosures, and other access points. They are operated by twisting the knob 90 degrees, which causes the latch to engage or disengage, making them ideal for applications requiring frequent opening and shutting. Each lock comes with an outer sealing gasket and an assembly nut.

It is made to be easy and quick to install by inserting it into the installation hole and tightening the nut. The range of products includes various materials, finishes, and grip ranges that are utilised in various applications, such as electrical enclosures, furniture cabinets, and equipment covers.

  • Material: PA and Die Cast Zinc Alloy
  • Finishes: Chrome Plate and Black Powder Coating

Lehtisaranat - puolikierteitetty tappi- ja puolikartioupotettu

Tämä lehtisaranavalikoiman yksi lehti kiinnitetään urosnastalla ja vastakkainen lehti uppoasennetuilla ruuveilla. Tämä valikoima tunnetaan myös pinta-asennettuina saranoina tai sivusaranoina. tarjolla on useita materiaaleja ja nastakokoja, joista löytyy ratkaisu useimpiin käyttökohteisiin.

Lehtisaranat - uppoasennus

Uppokiinnitetyt lehtisaranat ovat litteitä saranoita, joita käytetään laajalti erilaisissa käyttökohteissa. Ne sopivat parhaiten uppoasennettuihin oviin. Pinta-asennetuiksi saranoiksi kutsuttu valikoima tarjoaa erimallisia uppoasennettavia reikiä riippuen käyttökohteen edellyttämän tuen vahvuudesta. Saatavana on erilaisia materiaaleja, jotka sopivat sisällä tai ulkona sijaitsevan käyttökohteen ympäristövaatimuksiin. Saatavilla on myös erilaisia kääntökulmia.

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