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(16 Tuotteet)
Tämä 90 lukko on tärinänkestävä ja sopii sekä vasen- että oikeakätisille. Lukko aukeaa vain työntämällä ja kiertämällä ohjainta avaimella. Tässä 90 lukkovalikoimassa on erilaisia pinnoitteita ja ohjaimia, jotka sopivat moniin käyttökohteisiin. Sitä voi käyttää 16,5 x 19,0 mm aukoissa.
Sarjanumero: SR5007
Compression Latch with a T Handle are hand-operated and have a fixed design. They are used in a range of access hardware applications and are a great choice for cabinets and access panels.
Our range is available with locking and non-locking options. All locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are supplied with rubber sealing gasket and 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.
Compression Latch with a Wing Knob is an ideal choice when better sealing is required under vibration conditions. A popular choice for cabinets, access panels and other access hardware applications.
This compression latch range has a fixed design that are available in locking and non-locking options. Locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are provided with 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.
The latches require the use of standard cams without stoppers, which are sold separately.
Tämä salpalukkojen valikoima sopii näyttöyksiköihin, turvakaappeihin ja säilytyskomeroihin. Valikoima samalla tai eri avaimella sekä erilaisilla oteratkaisuilla mahdollistavat käytön erilaisia vaatimuksia tarvitseviin kohteisiin.
Sarjanumero: SR1887
Adjustable Compression Latches featuring a wide grip range with adjustable screws. The latch provides good compression and is available in a choice of pre-set compression options including 4mm and 6mm, for improved noise isolation. The latch has noise-dampening properties and offers better sealing under vibration and shock conditions.
Used in applications where environmental factors such as temperature fluctuations, or gasket wear, can impact sealing effectiveness. Resistant to temperatures between -50C up to +80 C. Commonly used in industries like industrial enclosures.
The range features latches with a quarter-turn cam operation and a choice of locking and non-locking options.
Quarter Turn Latch with Wing Knobs are designed to secure doors, cabinets, enclosures, and other access points. They are operated by twisting the knob 90 degrees, which causes the latch to engage or disengage, making them ideal for applications requiring frequent opening and shutting. Each lock comes with an outer sealing gasket and an assembly nut.
It is made to be easy and quick to install by inserting it into the installation hole and tightening the nut. The range of products includes various materials, finishes, and grip ranges that are utilised in various applications, such as electrical enclosures, furniture cabinets, and equipment covers.
Neljänneskierrosjousisalvat sopivat erinomaisesti sähkökaappeihin ja koteloihin. Seitsemän päätyyliä ja kuusi otinvalikoimaa saatavilla sekä kaksi materiaalivaihtoehtoa (ruostumaton teräs ja ruiskuvalettu sinkkiseos), erilaisilla pinnoitteilla. Tälle tuotteelle on saatavilla lukuisia muunnelmia.
Minisalpalukkoja on tarjolla useita päätyylejä, kahvavalikoimia ja tyyppejä eri käyttökohteisiin. Tyyppi 1 on jousellinen ja valmistettu vahvasta painevaletusta sinkkiseoksesta
Sarjanumero: SR5528
Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an L-shaped handle. They are commonly used in applications such as electric panels and machinery covers.
Available in a choice of materials that include; Nylon, Polyamide, Stainless Steel and Die-Cast Zinc Alloy. Our range also boasts several visually pleasing finishes; Powder Coated, Matt, Chrome Plated and Bright Chrome.
With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.
Cam Latches with compression have a T-shaped handle. They are designed to offer secure access to panels and doors, courtesy of the rotating cam (pawl).
The cam is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side. These latches come with standard technology. Ideally used for cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.
Nosto- ja kääntöpuristuslukot sopivat kaappeihin, joissa tarvitaan parempaa tiivistystä tärisevissä olosuhteissa. Lukot tarjoavat 5 mm:n puristuksen melueristyksen parantamiseksi. Tämän valikoiman aukko on 16,5 x 13,7 mm.
Sarjanumero: SR6483
Cover Locks are most commonly used with thick panels, such as insulated panels and thick doors. The are supplied with a 5mm double-bit head and a rubber sealing gasket.
Featured with Padlock Fittings for additional security option when sealed with a padlock. They are also fitted with a rubber gasket for additional sealing properties. On offer are right and left hand door orientations and an array of grip ranges
Adjustable T Handle Compression Latches that are provided with up to 6mm of pre-set compression. Ideal for use with cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.
The latches are hand operated, have locking (CH 751 stainless steel shutter) and non-locking (no cylinder) options. Two keys are supplied with every lock. The latches are also supplied with a rubber sealing gasket. Cams are sold separately.
The adjustable latches have a quarter-turn cam operation and a wide grip range with an adjustable nut.
Mini Adjustable Compression Latches are IP65 rated and are made from Black Die-Cast Zinc. They offer a 4mm compression and are supplied with a sealing gasket. They allow for a simple adjustment of the grip range and are ideal for applications with a limited space. The keys that are compatible are sold separately
Siipinupilla varustettuja kääntöniitit on saatavilla erityispitkällä kotelolla. Ne sopivat erinomaisesti äänieristettyihin ja eristettyihin oviin, ja niiden mukana toimitetaan tiivistystä parantava kumitiiviste. Niitä on saatavilla kromi- tai mustalla jauhepinnoitteella, ne on valmistettu painevaletusta sinkistä, ja tarjolla on erilaisia kahvoja
Sarjanumero: SR5523
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