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Calhas lineares

 (5 Produtos)

As calhas lineares, também conhecidas por guias lineares, servem como um sistema crucial para facilitar o movimento e fornecer um apoio à carga do equipamento de forma linear, quer seja numa orientação vertical, quer horizontal. Dentro da nossa seleção, irá encontrar uma gama diversificada de componentes lineares, incluindo:

Calhas lineares em miniatura - concebidas para um posicionamento linear preciso e reprodutível, estas calhas compactas são valiosas para aplicações científicas. Não só poupam espaço como também se revelam rentáveis.

Calhas de guia lineares - as guias lineares de corrente esférica são um artigo essencial em vários setores, particularmente na construção de máquinas, devido à sua excecional precisão e capacidade para lidar com cargas pesadas. Proporcionam um movimento linear consistente e uniforme. Os sistemas de transporte contam com calhas de rolamentos esféricos em aço endurecido, equipados com uma caixa esférica distinta.

Guias de calhas lineares com caminhos de rolamento - fabricadas em alumínio leve, estas guias proporcionam uma impressionante redução de 60% no peso em comparação com os seus equivalentes em aço. Além disso, o alumínio apresenta uma resistência louvável à corrosão. Os caminhos de rolamento e os rolamentos esféricos, construídos em aço ou aço inoxidável, aumentam a resistência destas calhas leves, garantindo que podem suportar uma utilização rigorosa.

Calhas de apoio do veio - estes sistemas de apoio incluem varas de veio lineares resistentes à corrosão ou em aço endurecido afixadas a calhas de apoio em liga de alumínio. São compatíveis com sistemas de transporte com flange aberta e não flangeados.

Lista Painel

Calhas de guia lineares com corrediças

Estas guias de calhas lineares com corrediça são alumínio uma forma de rolamento de movimento linear que permite o movimento linear preciso e exato. São normalmente compostas por uma calha de base, um bloco deslizante e peças rolantes. A calha da base é endurecida através da qual os componentes se deslocam e o bloco deslizante retém os elementos rolantes e é fixado à peça móvel.

Estas calhas são utilizadas em aplicações que exigem uma elevada precisão, reduzida fricção e movimentos suaves. Pode suportar cargas dinâmicas considerando o impacto, a vibração e a fadiga.

Regra geral, as estruturas serão entregues nas vias individualmente. Para colocar a estrutura nas vias, aproxime das calhas e deslize para as mesmas. Amplamente utilizadas em aplicações de elevada carga e precisão no setor industrial, incluindo dispositivos médicos, equipamentos de produção de semicondutores e equipamentos de automação industrial.

  • Permitem o movimento linear preciso e exato.
  • São compostas por uma calha de base, um bloco deslizante e peças rolantes.
  • Pode suportar cargas dinâmicas considerando o impacto, a vibração e a fadiga.
Material: AlumínioCor: Padrão de inflamabilidade do material:

Crossed Roller Rail Sets

These Crossed Roller Rail Sets are linear motion systems that provide applications with positioning and smooth guiding. Its design, which consists of two parallel rails with crossed roller bearings, allows for high-precision linear motion and outstanding load-carrying capability.

They evenly distribute loads, resulting in minimum deflection and great repeatability, allowing for precise motion control. Because of their small shape, they are perfect for applications where space is restricted or a compact design is required.

It comes in four rails, each with two roller cages and eight head bolts. They are corrosion-resistant and can withstand temperatures from -40 C to +80C. Used in applications such as industrial automotive, medical equipment, machine tools and defence.

  • It is perfect for applications where space is restricted or a compact design is required.
  • It can withstand temperatures from -40 C to +80C.
  • It comes in four rails, each with two roller cages and eight head bolts.
Material: Steel Series Code: SRL1000

Linear Guide Rails

These Linear Guide rails are a linear motion-bearing system used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction. Linear guide rails are made up of two major components: a rail and a carriage. The rail is a long, straight beam attached to a permanent surface. The carriage is a moving block that goes along the rail. The carriage comprises bearings that make contact with the rail and offer low-friction linear motion.

These rails are used in applications requiring high accuracy, low friction and smooth movements. It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.

In general, the carriages will be delivered to the tracks individually. To put the carriage onto the tracks, bring it up to the rails and slide it onto the rail. It is widely utilised in high-load and accurate applications throughout the industry, including medical devices, semiconductor production equipment, and industrial automation equipment.

  • Used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction.
  • Made up of two components a rail and a carriage.
  • It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.
Material: Steel Series Code: SRL1016.RF45, SRL1016.RF35, SRL1016.RF30, SRL1016.RF25, SRL1016.RF20, SRL1016.RF15, SRL1016

Miniature Linear Rails

These Miniature Linear Rails are used to direct and support moving loads. It delivers smooth and accurate linear motion in small systems. They comprise a foundation rail, a sliding block, and a series of rolling parts. The base rail is attached to the machine frame, and the slide block slides along it. The rolling components, commonly ball bearings, sustain the weight and decrease friction between the sliding block and the base rail.

It can withstand dynamic loads while considering impact, vibration, and fatigue. As this is a precise system they must be mounted on accurately prepared surfaces.

The carriages come mounted on dummy blocks. Offer the carriage up to the rails and move it off the block and onto the rail to install it. They are often smaller and lighter than regular linear rails, making them excellent for applications requiring restricted space and weight, such as scientific applications, medical equipment, or semiconductor manufacturing.

  • It is smaller and lighter than regular linear rails, making them excellent for applications requiring restricted space and weight.
  • It must be mounted on accurately prepared surfaces.
  • It can withstand dynamic loads while considering impact, vibration, and fatigue.
Material: Stainless Steel Series Code: SRL1012, SRL1010

Shaft Support Rails

These Shaft support rails are used to provide continuous support and stability for linear shafts. They are frequently used with linear bearings to provide a fully supported low friction system.

It comes with a hardened steel shaft and mounting holes to mount and support across its entire length. These rails are used with open linear bearings or carriages to create a linear motion system.

The shaft is pre-mounted to the shaft support rail. It has great durability and wear resistance, allowing it to tolerate high application loads and repetitive motion. It is widely used in industrial, automotive, medical devices, and electronics manufacturing.

  • Used to provide continuous support and stability for linear shafts.
  • These rails are used with open linear bearings or carriages to create a linear motion system.
  • It has great durability and wear resistance, tolerating high application loads and repetitive motion.
Material: Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Steel Series Code: SRL1783, SRL1781.50, SRL1781.40, SRL1781.30, SRL1781.25, SRL1781.20, SRL1781.16, SRL1781.12, SRL1780.80, SRL1780.60, SRL1780.50, SRL1780.40, SRL1780.30, SRL1780.25, SRL1780.20, SRL1780.16, SRL1780.12