These Gas Springs with Adjustable Force are a form of gas spring that allows the user to alter the force exerted by the gas spring after it has been installed. This is accomplished by varying the pressure of the gas inside the spring. When employed, theoretical forces are frequently discovered to be wrong because factors such as hinge friction and apparent speed of action influence computations. It can be modified to match individual preferences and adjusted while in use, saving you both time and effort.
When the gas springs are delivered, they are charged to their maximum force. It is simple to install and remove with the included equipment, and gas may be progressively released through the valve at the end of the tube to provide the force required for your application. Once confirmed, we can measure the force and offer fixed force gas springs to your specifications. Used in various industries, including automobile, furniture, medical equipment, and industrial machinery.
Skupina SR: SR5487
V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
Použite filtre alebo vyhľadajte nižšie, aby ste našli presne to, čo hľadáte
Cenové rozpätie | Dostupnosť | Výsuvná dĺžka | Priemer tyče | Materiál | Dĺžka zdvihu | Maximálna sila | Kúpiť | |
171,1971 € - 171,1971 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
17.717 in
450.0 mm
0.394 in
10.0 mm
7.874 in
200.0 mm
1200.0 N
1200.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
9.843 in
250.0 mm
0.236 in
6.0 mm
3.937 in
100.0 mm
400.0 N
400.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
14.331 in
364.0 mm
0.315 in
8.0 mm
5.906 in
150.0 mm
650.0 N
650.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
25.984 in
660.0 mm
0.394 in
10.0 mm
11.811 in
300.0 mm
1200.0 N
1200.0 N
51,817 € - 51,817 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
17.323 in
440.0 mm
0.236 in
6.0 mm
7.874 in
200.0 mm
400.0 N
400.0 N
67,7983 € - 94,4463 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
22.205 in
564.0 mm
0.315 in
8.0 mm
9.843 in
250.0 mm
650.0 N
650.0 N
85,1592 € - 118,5983 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
25.394 in
645.0 mm
0.394 in
10.0 mm
11.811 in
300.0 mm
1200.0 N
1200.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
26.772 in
680.0 mm
0.551 in
14.0 mm
11.811 in
300.0 mm
2500.0 N
2500.0 N
146,0829 € - 146,0829 € | 2 Na sklade |
9.843 in
250.0 mm
0.315 in
8.0 mm
3.937 in
100.0 mm
650.0 N
650.0 N
456,5024 € - 456,5024 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
33.858 in
860.0 mm
0.551 in
14.0 mm
15.748 in
400.0 mm
2500.0 N
2500.0 N
178,504 € - 178,504 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
25.591 in
650.0 mm
0.394 in
10.0 mm
11.811 in
300.0 mm
1200.0 N
1200.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
13.78 in
350.0 mm
0.236 in
6.0 mm
5.906 in
150.0 mm
400.0 N
400.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
22.205 in
564.0 mm
0.315 in
8.0 mm
9.843 in
250.0 mm
650.0 N
650.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
17.323 in
440.0 mm
0.236 in
6.0 mm
7.874 in
200.0 mm
400.0 N
400.0 N
10203187 | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
17.52 in
445.0 mm
0.394 in
10.0 mm
7.874 in
200.0 mm
1200.0 N
1200.0 N
Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
21.457 in
545.0 mm
0.394 in
10.0 mm
9.843 in
250.0 mm
1200.0 N
1200.0 N
190,6497 € - 227,3099 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
14.331 in
364.0 mm
0.315 in
8.0 mm
5.906 in
150.0 mm
650.0 N
650.0 N
155,2166 € - 155,2166 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
16.142 in
410.0 mm
0.315 in
8.0 mm
7.087 in
180.0 mm
650.0 N
650.0 N
148,3559 € - 148,3559 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
11.417 in
290.0 mm
0.315 in
8.0 mm
4.724 in
120.0 mm
650.0 N
650.0 N
78,8564 € - 109,8411 € | Požiadajte o dodací termin tu |
21.457 in
545.0 mm
0.394 in
10.0 mm
9.843 in
250.0 mm
1200.0 N
1200.0 N
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