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Okrúhle Polyetylén HD Krytky so závitom

 (6 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Ochranné krytky so závitom

Threaded Protection Caps are designed for use with BSP and Gas Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during manufacturing, storage and transportation. The knurled head shape allows for easy installation and removal by hand, by simply twisting them on to the pipe or tube.

  • Vyznačujú sa vrúbkovaným dizajnom hlavy, ktorý uľahčuje manuálnu montáž a demontáž, otočením na trubke alebo potrubí.
  • Ochranné krytky zabraňujú prenikaniu nečistôt do otvoru, ako sú špina, prach, úlomky a vlhkosť.
  • Využívajú sa v rôznych zariadeniach vrátane hydraulických a pneumatických systémov, automobilov a v priemyselných zariadeniach.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, Polyetylén HD, Polyamid Farba: Prírodná, Žltá, Červená Skupina SR: SR1018, SRF0015, SRF0014

Ochranné krytky so závitom - metrické závity

Threaded Protection Caps for Metric Threads threads and fittings protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and are ready for use when needed. The protection cap keeps contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them onto the pipe or tube. Suitable for Metric threads. Used in various applications, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: HDPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Yellow, Red, Natural

Skupina SR: SR1161, SR1018, SRF0015

Ochranné krytky so závitom - závity UNF/JIC

Threaded Protection Caps for UNF /JIC Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection cap protects flared and flare less from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them or pushing them in on the pipe or tube. They are ideal for UNF/JIC threads, and if you pick the yellow option, they are made of HDPE and have a long profile, which allows for more threading turns. It can withstand temperatures between Min. -30C, Max. +80C. The range of Protection caps can be used in various applications, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: Nylon, HDPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1018, SRF0015, SRF0014

Krytky so závitom a tesnením

Threaded Sealing Caps are designed for use with BSP and Gas Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage and shipping. Features an interior neoprene rubber sealing disc that limits fluid leakage and reduces possible shear. Used in hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

  • Krytky sú vybavené vnútorným tesniacim diskom z neoprénovej gumy, ktorá zamedzuje únik kvapaliny a navyše znižuje šmykové napätie.
  • Ľahko sa manuálne montujú a demontujú, a ich šesťhranná hlava umožňuje nasadenie alebo vybratie zátky pomocou kľúča alebo nástrčného nástavca pri nízkom krútiacom momente.
  • Využívajú sa v rôznych zariadeniach vrátane hydraulického, pneumatického a všeobecného strojárskeho priemyslu.
Materiál: Polyetylén HD Farba: Žltá, Červená Skupina SR: SR1126

Tesniace krytky so závitom - metrické závity

These Threaded Sealing Caps for Metric Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The cap is fitted with an internal neoprene rubber sealing disk to limit fluid leakage, plus it reduces potential shearing. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.

It is easy to install and remove by hand, but its hex head allows the plug to be applied or removed with a spanner or socket at low torque. They are suitable to protect metric threads and are used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.

  • Material: HDPE
  • Colour: Yellow

Series Code: SR1126

Tesniace krytky so závitom - závity UNF

These Threaded Sealing Caps for UNF Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The cap is fitted with an internal neoprene rubber sealing disk to limit fluid leakage, plus it reduces potential shearing. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.

It is easy to install and remove by hand, but its hex head allows the plug to be applied or removed with a spanner or socket at low torque. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.

  • Material: HDPE
  • Colour: Yellow

Series Code: SR1126