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V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.

Nastaviteľná Zasúvacie nity

 (38 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje sú lacným riešením pre aplikácie s nízkym zaťažením. Nastaviteľné nožičky sa používajú na kancelársky nábytok, police, skrinky a strojové zariadenia malých rozmerov.

Zasúvacie nity - Šípková spona

Klipy Canoe sú lacný spojovací prvok, ktorý je navrhnutý tak, aby fungoval rovnako ako nity alebo skrutky. Konštrukcia týchto klipov umožňuje ich ľahšie odstránenie ako pri iných nitoch. Sortiment ponúka rôzne štýly, vrátane tých s úplne dutou alebo čiastočne dutou kotvou.

Tieto úsporné klipy, vhodné na montáž na čelný panel, sa ľahko zacvaknú do okrúhlych otvorov a zaberajú menej miesta. Sú ideálne na bezpečné uchytenie rôznych materiálov vrátane kovov a plastov. Na inštaláciu nie je potrebné žiadne náradie – stačí zatlačiť palcom na plochú okrúhlu hlavu.

Náš sortiment ponúka dobrú elektrickú izoláciu, ako aj odolnosť proti vibráciám, oderu a korózii. Môžu sa použiť v elektronike, automobiloch alebo strojoch. Klipy Canoe sa dajú úhľadne zasunúť do otvorov v paneli a sú ideálne na trvalé nápisy a výstavné tabule. Môžu sa príležitostne odstrániť a znovu použiť, ale vzhľadom na ich mimoriadne pevné uchytenie sú vhodnejšie na aplikácie, ktoré sa často nemenia.

  • Materiál: polyamid 6/6
  • Farby: čierna a prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2

Zatlačovacie nity - Chladič

Tepelno-izolačné nity sú montované s pružinou. Používajú sa na pripevnenie chladiča k čipu procesora na doske plošných spojov. Kovová pružina zabezpečuje nepretržitý tlak na chladič, kým tepelné lepidlo nevytvrdne.

Náš sortiment ponúka dva varianty pružín. Jeden má pružinu z pochrómovanej ocele a druhý z nehrdzavejúcej ocele. Variant z nehrdzavejúcej ocele sa dá nainštalovať aj pomocou krížového skrutkovača.

  • Materiál: polyamid 6/6
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Trieda horľavosti materiálu UL94 V2

Zatlačovacie nity - kolíky so západkou

Spona so západkou vytvára efektívny rýchly spoj, ktorý sa rýchlo a jednoducho zostavuje. Je obzvlášť užitočná pre aplikácie, ktoré neumožňujú použitie skrutiek a matíc.

Spony so západkou sú ideálne na upevnenie konektorov na dosky plošných spojov (PCB) pred spájkovaním. Okrem toho sa dajú použiť aj ako štandardný zasúvací upevňovací prvok do panelu. Ľahko sa používajú - jednoducho ich vložte do otvoru v paneli a zatlačte. Zabezpečujú hladký a upravený vzhľad.

Tento rad obsahuje spony so západkou v tvare šípky pre bezpečnejšie držanie a ponúka široký rozsah upínania.

Spony so západkou sa ľahko zackvakávajú a zaisťujú do vopred vyrazených otvorov a majú vynikajúcu odolnosť voči vibráciám, oderu a korózii.

  • Materiál: polyamid 6/6
  • Trieda horľavosti UL94 V2
  • Farba: prírodná

Zatlačovacie nity - plastové, pre okrúhle/štvorcové otvory

These Push-In Rivets feature a pin for easy finger-pressure installation. They are a versatile rivet that can be mounted in round, square or rectangular holes. Square hole mounting is used for anti-rotation applications.

The rivet features a pin and a grommet, with options supplied either assembled or pre-assembled. These rivets can also be removed after installation, for added convenience.

  • Material: Nylon 6/6
  • Colours: Black and Natural
  • UL94 V0 and UL94 V2 Material Flammability Rating

Skupina SR: SR2306

Zatlačovacie nity - rozloženie zaťaženia

Spreading Rivets are a type of rivet that provides a fast, economical and permanent fastening solution. Spreading Rivets are installed by placing the rivet body into a panel hole and pushing the pre-assembled plunger downwards into the assembly. The rivet expands in the application, providing a secure and tight fit. These rivets provide solid connections by means of blind side fixing.

Our range features a choice of material options that include; Nylon 6, Nylon 6/6, Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene (PE). This rivet range offers good electrical insulation, and also corrosion resistance.

Available to buy separately is a Rivet Hand Tool that offers faster fixing for these Spreading Rivets, and is the recommended application method.

  • Colours: Black, Grey, Natural and White
  • UL94 V0, UL94 V1 and UL94 V2 flame rated options

Skupina SR: SR1963

Zatlačovacie nity - spona s plochou hlavou

Mounting Button Push In Rivets create a tight locking solution that mates two objects together. They are ideal for applications where metal fasteners cannot be used, such as Electrical and PCB applications.

The tensions wings help lock the rivet securely in place and cover a wider surface area. The rivet can only be removed from the underside of the board.

Our range features two types. Type 1 snap-locks into a 4mm diameter hole and Type 2 snap-locks into a 4.8 mm diameter hole.

  • Material: Nylon 6/6
  • Colour: Natural
  • UL94 V2 Flame Rated

Skupina SR: SR2321

Zatlačovacie nity - zatlačovacie spony s ozubením

Push In Fasteners are an easy to use and quick fastening solution that is ideal for neatly, and securely joining two parts together. Our range is made from Natural Nylon 6/6 and Polypropylene (PP).

Nylon is a strong, tough and durable material often used for connecting elements and other technical components. They provide an inexpensive, fast, and convenient method to join plastic, light sheet metal, insulating materials, circuit boards, or any other thin, lightweight material. Push In Fasteners have specially designed legs that provide compression and expansion, helping to lock the fastener into pre-punched holes. They also have large heads for much easier assembly, and can be reused - making them an economical choice for your application.

This range lock into pre-punched panels. The effective design, as well as the materials used to produce them offers vibration, abrasion and corrosion resistance.

UL94 V2 flame rated options

Skupina SR: SR1968

Zatlačovacie spony

Drive Fasteners feature a hollow body that increases flexibility during the insertion and removal process - making them easy to install and remove. The grommet expands as the pin is inserted, providing a snug fit.

Our range includes material options made from Natural Acetal with a UL94 HB flame resistances rating, Polyoxymethylene (POM) that are available in Black and Natural, and Nylon 6/6 in Black and Natural that offer a flame resistance rating of UL94 V0.
Drive Fasteners are a multi-purpose rivet, ideal for applications in need of a front-mounted rivet. These rivets mean that connecting, mounting and fastening is feasible without the requirement of installation tools. They can be used as an effective, decorative hole plug.

Skupina SR: SR2319

Zatláčacie nity so zámkom

Tough Rivets have a quick and easy push-fit design. They have a one-piece design with a pre-driven pin that allows the rivet to be quickly installed by hand, or with automatic equipment. They can be easily removed by pulling the pin from the grommet.

Our range of Tough Rivets are suitable for applications requiring a push in, front-mounted (blind-side fixing) fastener, which can be removed and reused. The rivets provide that and more! They also benefit from strong vibration resistance and are a solid choice for for lightweight applications.

The rivet has a robust design that stays tough in its structure, but still provide a clean and tidy finish. These rivets are strong, reliable and are a highly economical choice.

  • Material: Nylon 6/6
  • UL94 HB and UL94 V2 Flame Rated options
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1912

Západky s rukoväťou a vystupujúcou spúšťou

Flush Compression Lever Latch with an offset trigger design. Provides good gasket compression and is easy to use. Suitable for left and right hand applications to secure doors, cabinets, or panels.

Suitable for a panel thickness of less than, and including, 2mm. It is available in a selection of adjustable grip range: 0-24mm, 24-46mm, 36-48mm, and 51-63mm.

These Latches come as either keyed alike (5333), keyed different or with no lock and supplied with 2 keys per lock.

  • Colour:Black

Skupina SR: SR5090

Západky vačkové otočné - nastaviteľné

Handle Turn Cam Latches - Adjustable used for electronic panels, doors, cabinets and other similar installations.

These latches offer exceptional durability and security making them the ideal choice for industrial, commercial, and high-stakes environments. These latches are quick and easy to install. They are perfect for situations requiring lightweight access and can be put on doors of any thickness.

Its handle is removable therefore not mandatory, and when not in use the lock can be opened with a 9mm triangular key.

  • Colour: Natural

Západky štvrtotáčkové – s rukoväťou v tvare T

Cam Latches with compression have a T-shaped handle. They are designed to offer secure access to panels and doors, courtesy of the rotating cam (pawl).

The cam is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side. These latches come with standard technology. Ideally used for cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.

  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural (Silver)
  • DIN-EN 1774 rated

Cam sold separately

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