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(6 sady výrobkov)
Compression Latch with a Wing Knob is an ideal choice when better sealing is required under vibration conditions. A popular choice for cabinets, access panels and other access hardware applications.
This compression latch range has a fixed design that are available in locking and non-locking options. Locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are provided with 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.
The latches require the use of standard cams without stoppers, which are sold separately.
Nastaviteľné kompresné západky so širokým rozsahom úchopu a nastaviteľnými skrutkami. Zámok poskytuje dobrú kompresiu a je k dispozícii v rôznych prednastavených možnostiach kompresie vrátane 4mm a 6mm, pre zlepšenie izolácie hluku. Zámok má vlastnosti tlmiace hluk a poskytuje lepšie tesnenie za podmienok vibrácií a nárazov.
Používa sa v aplikáciách, kde môžu environmentálne faktory, ako sú kolísania teploty alebo opotrebenie tesnenia, ovplyvniť účinnosť tesnenia. Odolné voči teplotám medzi -50C až +80 C. Bežne používané v odvetviach, ako sú priemyselné obaly.
Tento rad obsahuje západky so štvrťotáčkovým vačkovým ovládaním a výberom možností uzamykania a bez uzamykania.
Cam Latches with compression have a T-shaped handle. They are designed to offer secure access to panels and doors, courtesy of the rotating cam (pawl).
The cam is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side. These latches come with standard technology. Ideally used for cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.
Quarter Turn Latches with spring are ideal for use on electrical cabinets and enclosures. Seven head styles and six grip ranges are available, as well as two material options (stainless steel and die cast zinc alloy), in a choice of finishes. The variations are wide ranging for this product.
This Quarter Turn Lock is vibration proof and suitable for left and right hand. The opening of the lock is only possible by pushing and rotating the driver with the key.This range of Quarter Turn Latch is offered in a selection of finishes and drivers to suit many applications and is to be used 16.5 x 19.0 mm cut out.
Skupina SR: SR5007
Featured with Padlock Fittings for additional security option when sealed with a padlock. They are also fitted with a rubber gasket for additional sealing properties. On offer are right and left hand door orientations and an array of grip ranges
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