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DIN Polyetylén HD

 (2 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Chrániče Banjo

Banjo Union Caps prevent against dirt, damage and contamination, while in storage and transit. Quick and easy to install. Can endure temperatures ranging from -30C up to +80C.

  • Sortiment ochranných krytiek navrhnutých pre pripojenia chráničov Banjo. Poskytujú vonkajší montážny kryt počas skladovania a prepravy na ochranu spojenia pred vniknutím nečistôt.
  • Mäkčené PVC ponúka tesné priliehanie a rýchle nasadenie a odstránenie. Možnosti HD polyetylénu ponúkajú bezpečné uchytenie jednoduchým zacvaknutím.
  • Vhodné pre hydraulické spojovacie prvky Banjo podľa normy DIN 7642 B/E.
Materiál: Polyetylén HD, PVC Farba: Žltá, Červená Skupina SR: SR1071, SRF0005

Prídržné podložky

Retaining Washers are primarily used to hold screws and bolts in place during assembly and have a design that grips the outside of screw or bolt shank. They also provide insulation. cushioning and spacing. They help insulate fastening assemblies from moisture and electricity.

This washer range includes options with internal and external teeth with a tapered design. The washer easily slides on to the screw (or bolt) and is retained by the screw once assembled. The washer cold forms and fully enters the pitch of the screw to provide sealing.

These washers allow for preliminary mounting of the screw (or bolt) before securing with a nut. They are ideal when pre-assembly of the screw and washer is required. They also help reduce assembly time and cost.

The range includes material options that provide corrosion, abrasion and chemical resistance.

  • Materials: Polycarbonate (PC), Polyamide 6.6 (PA) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR1945