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Nastaviteľná Polypropylén Nábytkové magnety

 (4 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka


Our range of counter plates are ideal for those catches which do not have counterplates supplied as standard or for when extra counter plates are required

Nastaviteľné nožičky - nečlenené

Stud Mount Leveling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - štandardné, nečlenené

Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.

Skupina SR: SR5439

Nastaviteľné nožičky s kĺbom a plastovou otočnou základňou

Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.