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Suchý zips kusový - výseky párové

These Hook and Loop- - Mated Sets are versatile and practical fastening solutions that may be utilised in various applications. These mated sets have hook and loop sides that are meant to be securely fastened together. The hook side has small hooks that interlock with the loops on the loop side to form a strong and dependable binding.

The matched pairs are pre-cut and ready to use, so no cutting or measuring is required. The interlocking hooks and loops provide a strong connection that offers a solid grasp while allowing for simple removal when needed.

Its adhesive allows for simple application. It can endure application temperatures of 18C to 38C and service temperatures of -20C to 65C. Used in various applications, including sample books, POP displays, exhibitions, enclosures, packaging, and binders.

Ovládacie gombíky - matice

Female Lobed Hand Wheels & Knobs have a scalloped edge to allow for maximum grip and comfort. These durable lobed knobs are impact and chemical resistant and provide a neat appearance for finished applications that require adjustment.

Ovládacie gombíky - nepredvŕtané

Our lobed blank hand wheels are ideal for many different applications, from metal fabrication equipment to display furniture, available in many different styles and sizes. The lobed sides are easy to grip.

Ručné kolesá - dvojlúčové

Our range of Spoked Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. A choice of technopolymer material offers resistance to oils and grease often found in their working environment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.

Ručné kolesá - kovové bez rukoväte

Control Handwheels are heavy duty leveraging hand hold to operate positioning adjustment on large machines.The 4 spoke design allow strong hold handling for the operator, and therefore are not fitted with handles. The range offer a choice of material to suit application environment.

Ručné kolesá - kovové s rukoväťou

Our range of Spoked Metal Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.