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Skrutka Matica s hríbovou hlavou Rýchlouvoľňovacie čapy

 (6 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Aretačné čapy - s prírubou

Essentra's range of Flanged Index plungers have a flange with screw holes for extra fastening. They are ideal for use on thin materials.

Skupina SR: SR6571

Klobúkové matice uzatvorené - kovové

Dome nuts, also known as acorn nuts, are a type of nut that has a rounded, dome-shaped head. The dome nut's head protects the application's bolt or screw from damage and aids in the prevention of loosening. Additionally, they protect from exterior elements such as dust, debris, moisture, and corrosion.

Easy to install and remove by screwing it. This range offers some dome nuts with a silicone seal to offer greater seal and security to external factors. Commonly used in industrial, automotive, medical and food production applications.

  • Material: Stainless Steel, Mild Steel

Klobúkové matice uzatvorené - polyamid

These Dome Nuts are a durable, reliable, and versatile fastening solution. Their dome-shaped design provides improved grip and stability when connecting different materials. It is great for covering and protecting a bolt or screw while offering a neat appearance in various applications.

It is used in applications where the nut must be electrically, chemically, and thermally resistant and aesthetically beautiful. It also locks into place and is lightweight. Suitable for a wide range of applications such as electrical circuit breakers and fuse, electronics, and machinery.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Natural, Black
  • DIN 1587 rated

Skupina SR: SR1955

Kompaktné tesniace vypuklé matice

Kompaktné tesniace matice sú typ spojovacieho prvku s kompaktným tesniacim komponentom, ktorý kombinuje funkčnosť matice a tesniaceho komponentu v jednom celku. Tieto matice poskytujú spoľahlivú ochranu, zjednodušujú montáž a eliminujú potrebu ďalších tesniacich komponentov. Zabraňujú vniknutiu vody, prachu alebo iných nečistôt a zaisťujú obojsmerné tesnenie.

Tento sortiment kompaktných tesniacich vypuklých matíc obsahuje O-krúžok, ktorý je stlačený medzi maticu a protiľahlý komponent.

Sú vhodné pre teploty od -100 C do +260 C, opakovane použiteľné. Kompaktné tesniace matice sa používajú v aplikáciách, ako sú skrine, alebo v automobilovom, strojárskom a elektrotechnickom sektore.

  • Kompaktný tesniaci komponent, ktorý kombinuje funkčnosť matice a tesniaceho komponentu v jednom celku.
  • Spoľahlivé a vodotesné spojenie, zjednodušujú montáž a eliminujú potrebu ďalších tesniacich komponentov.
  • Vhodné pre teploty od -100 C do +260 C, opakovane použiteľné.
Materiál: Nehrdzavejúca oceľ AISI 316, Nehrdzavejúca oceľ (AISI 303) Skupina SR: SRP0179

Zaisťovacie skrutky - Valcová podpera

Locking Bolts - Cylindrical Support

Skupina SR: SR6566

Čapy s pružinou a krúžkom - zaťahovacie

Spring Plunger with a Pull Ring that is also hand-retractable. The design features Nickel Plated housing and a Stainless Steel Pin.

The pull ring provides a convenient way to lift the plunger. These plungers are ideal for locating, positioning and securing. Common applications include gym equipment, such as weights apparatus.

Thread sizes include M6, M8, M10 and M12.

  • Housing Material: Nickel Plated Steel
  • Pin Material: Stainless Steel

Skupina SR: SR5407