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Montážna doska Zvárané

 (5 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Uchytenia koliesok

A mixture of Castor Fittings, including; castor fitting plates, metal or plastic sockets, gripneck and threaded stems. Compatible with castors with a blind hole mount. Choose according to desired attachment method and size of castor mounting holes. A choice of material options to suit your application needs.

Pružinové pánty - otvorená a zatvorená poloha

Spring hinges have a centre pin with a spring attached, ensuring that the hinge always springs back into its starting position. Ideal for use on doors and panels that require a safety mechanism of returning to its original location being opening or closing. The range offers a selection for materials and finishes, spring actions, opening and closing forces.

Pánty skryté - naskrutkovanie

The range of Screw on Concealed Hinges are suitable for heavy duty applications.They are mounted with screws and have a removable pin to allow the lifting of the door from the frame for easy access.Various materials and rotation angles are provided to suit many applications.

Skupina SR: SR5468

Pánty skryté - navarovacie

The range of Weld on Concealed Hinges are suitable for heavy duty applications and offer a two part mounting solution with the frame part screwed on and the door part mounted by nut to welded stud on door. The use of a pin enables the removal of the door for easy access.They are suitable for left and right hand.

Skupina SR: SR5545

Rohové pánty – s odnímateľným čapom

Metal Corner Hinges have a hinge rotational angle of 180 degree, they are essentially used for steel panels on big sized applications. The range is made of die-cast zinc alloy with different type of finishes. The panels are hinges with a pin system.