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Aço Terminações de tubo Linguete com mola

 (6 Produtos)

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Ball Plungers Threaded with Hex Driver

These Spring Plungers with a pin end and a Hexagonal socket are used for locating, applying pressure, and lifting off. They have three components: a threaded body, a pin end, and a spring mechanism, as well as a hexagonal socket. The spring on the plunger provides the necessary force to keep the plunger in either the extended or retracted position.

The slotted design enables easy adjustment and precise alignment, allowing the plunger's extension or retraction to be fine-tuned to meet individual needs. The plunger pin can be quickly extended or retracted using manual force by push fitting, allowing for rapid modifications or changes in position.

The hex socket makes it easy to drive the spring plunger with a hex key. The threaded body makes it easy to integrate into existing systems or buildings. If the Pin is made of thermoplastic, it can withstand temperatures from -30C to +50C; however, if your Pin is made of stainless steel, it can withstand temperatures up to 250C. These spring plungers are widely utilised in various industries, including medical, optics, orthopaedics, machine and fixture design, lighting equipment, and electronic components, due to their endurance and versatility.

  • It has three components: a threaded body, a pin end, and a spring mechanism, as well as a hexagonal socket.
  • It can withstand temperatures from -30C to +50C; however, if your Pin is made of stainless steel, it can withstand temperatures up to 250C.
  • Slotted design enables easy adjustment and precise alignment, allowing the plunger's extension or retraction to be fine-tuned.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel, Black Steel Series Code: SR32200

Patins aparafusados

Fabricados em politetrafluoroetileno (PTFE), estes patins para aparafusar são montados com parafuso e incluem uma anilha de aço. Estes fixadores de parafuso para patins impedem que as cadeiras e outros produtos deslizem em superfícies lisas.

  • Furo do parafuso de 4,5 mm de diâmetro
  • Opções de centro não roscado e roscado
  • Cores: natural e preto.

Patins de pressão

Os patins de pressão ou elementos de tubos são normalmente utilizados na base de produtos tubulares como pernas de cadeiras. O patim de pressão oferece proteção, não só para a montagem, mas - acima de tudo - para a superfície por baixo. Ideal para a proteção de superfícies de madeira, com alcatifa ou de outros tipos.

A nossa gama de patins de pressão disponibiliza uma vasta gama de opções de materiais, incluindo, entre outros, poliamida (PA), polietileno (PE), estireno butadieno acrilonitrilo (ABS), feltro e aço, bem como vários acabamentos e opções de cores.

A nossa oferta inclui vários estilos, incluindo formas abobadadas, em ângulo, com dentes de metal, nervuradas, roscadas, leves e para uso muito intensivo. Além de muitas formas para responder às suas necessidades de aplicação, incluindo redonda, oval, retangular e quadrada.

  • O acabamento atrativo cria uma aspeto estético melhorado
  • Montagem fácil
  • Ajuste seguro
  • Resistentes e duradouros.

Pés de palete

Os pés de paletes de baixo perfil são habitualmente designados por copos de solda. Adaptam-se a patins de base metálica e fornecem mais força e proteção.

O material liso em aço macio protege o piso e ajuda a reduzir os níveis de ruído enquanto encapsula e protege totalmente a base de metal.

Os tamanhos máximos do poste pressupõem a utilização de tubagem SHS. Esta gama de pés para paletes é ideal para paletes e destilarias de metal.

  • Opções de empilhamento disponíveis.

Spring Plungers - Ball - Slotted

These Spring Plunger with a ball and slotted are used for locating, applying pressure, and lifting off. They have three components: a threaded body, a stainless ball, and a spring mechanism. The spring on the plunger provides the necessary force to keep the plunger in either the extended or retracted position.

The slotted design allows for simple adjustment and exact positioning, allowing one to fine-tune the plunger's extension or retraction to fit individual needs. While the stainless ball is selected for its outstanding corrosion resistance, it ensures the plunger's longevity and reliability even in tough settings. Additionally, the stainless steel ball enables smooth functioning, eliminating friction and wear.

It is simple to install and use and is designed to handle high stress and pressure. The threaded body makes it easy to integrate into existing systems or buildings. It can withstand temperatures up to 250C. These spring plungers are widely utilised in various industries, including medical, optics, orthopaedics, machine and fixture design, lighting equipment, and electronic components, due to their endurance and versatility.

  • Slotted design allows for simple adjustment and exact positioning, allowing one to fine-tune the plunger's extension or retraction to fit individual needs.
  • The stainless steel ball enables smooth functioning, eliminating friction and wear.
  • It can withstand temperatures up to 250C.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel, Blackened steel Series Code: SR32100

Spring Plungers - Pin - Slotted

These Spring Plungers - Pin - Slotted are used for positioning, indexing, applying pressure, lifting off, and locking. They are made of three parts: a threaded body, a plunger pin, and a spring mechanism. The plunger's spring provides force to hold the plunger in either the extended or retracted position.
Commonly used for precise alignment and secure positioning of components. Extending or retracting the plunger pin can lock or release a component, ensuring accurate alignment and preventing unintended movement. When the plunger pin is extended, it locks into place, preventing the component from being accidentally moved or dislodged.
It is simple to install and use and is designed to handle high stress and pressure. The threaded body makes it easy to integrate into existing systems or buildings. The plunger pin can be easily extended or retracted using manual force by push fitting, allowing for quick adjustments or changes in position. It can withstand temperatures up to 250ºC and is commonly used in industry sectors such as machine and fixture design, electronics, medical and lighting equipment.

  • Extending or retracting the plunger pin can lock or release a component, ensuring accurate alignment and preventing unintended movement.
  • It is simple to install and use and is designed to handle high stress and pressure.
  • It can withstand temperatures up to 250ºC.
Material: Stainless Steel, Black Steel Series Code: SR32150