V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
The Cable Conduit range has been developed and tested to the most demanding quality standards and have been awarded quality approvals and compliance worldwide. The range supports plastic conduit systems and accessories. Plastic conduit is highly flexible and has a high fatigue life. Its high impact strength aids to its recovery capability when crushed. Typical applications for this type of conduit include general factory wiring and connections to machines. Comes in a variety of materials depending on your requirements.
Skupina SR: SR1734
Tento sortiment koncoviek na hadice je k dispozícii z plastu alebo kovu. Skladajú sa z dvoch častí, plášťa a tela armatúry. Dá sa tiež vybrať medzi koncovkou s pevným vonkajším závitom a koncovkou s otočným vonkajším závitom.
Cable Duct is a versatile cable management product. With both adhesive and screw mounting options available there is added flexibility in the application.
Skupina SR: SR1732
Teardrop Male Clamping Handles are operated by a simple lift and rotate action with a push button for releasing and adjustment. The teardrop handle allows for convenient positioning for maximum leverage as well as saving space to keep the handle out of the way.
Tapered Male Clamping Handles are operated by a simple lift and rotate action with a push button for releasing and adjustment. The tapered handle allows for convenient positioning for maximum leverage when mounted onto female threaded applications.
Teardrop Female Clamping Handles are operated by a simple lift and rotate action with a push button for releasing and adjustment. The teardrop handle allows for convenient positioning for maximum leverage as well as saving space and keeping the handle out of the way.
Tapered Female Clamping Handles are operated by a simple lift and rotate action with a push button for releasing and adjustment. The tapered handle allows for convenient positioning for maximum leverage when mounted onto male threaded applications.
These clips are designed to mount onto the edge of a panel, requiring no through hole. They come in several styles that hold different corrugated tube sizes.
Skupina SR: SR6262
Dodávateľské balenie polypropylénových hadíc zahŕňa 10 m polypropylénovej hadice ako aj 10 koncoviek a poistných matíc. Dodávajú sa v praktickom balení, ktoré sa dá jednoducho objednať, uskladniť a použiť. Bežne sa používajú pri zabudovaní rozvodov do betónu a omietky. Hadica je odolná voči kyselinám a je samozhášavá.
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