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Nehrdzavejúca oceľ Bez zámku Vonkajšie závesy

 (12 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Kolieska pre reštauračné zariadenia

An ideal choice for the food and hospitality industry, these Catering Castors are likely to be used on equipment, such as; hostess trolleys, ovens and other portable cooking equipment, waste bins, kitchen units, storage racks and more. Our range includes tyres made from materials, including; Polyurethane, Stainless Steel and Nylon. An array of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5621 ,SR5630

Kolieska pre vysoké teploty

High Temperature Castors are ideal for equipment like bakery oven wheels, as well as in applications where high heats are expected - such as; industrial oven equipment and autoclaves. Plus other applications in need of high temperature resistance. Our range features Bolt Hole, Fixed Plate and Swivel Plate castors. These come in a choice of material and colour options, including Thermoplastic, Stainless Steel and Rubber. Different load capacity and sizes are available.

Kompresné západky - krídlový úchop

Compression Latch with a Wing Knob is an ideal choice when better sealing is required under vibration conditions. A popular choice for cabinets, access panels and other access hardware applications.

This compression latch range has a fixed design that are available in locking and non-locking options. Locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are provided with 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.

The latches require the use of standard cams without stoppers, which are sold separately.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy
  • Finishes: Chrome Plated and Black Powder Coating

Kompresné západky - nastaviteľné

Nastaviteľné kompresné západky so širokým rozsahom úchopu a nastaviteľnými skrutkami. Zámok poskytuje dobrú kompresiu a je k dispozícii v rôznych prednastavených možnostiach kompresie vrátane 4mm a 6mm, pre zlepšenie izolácie hluku. Zámok má vlastnosti tlmiace hluk a poskytuje lepšie tesnenie za podmienok vibrácií a nárazov.

Používa sa v aplikáciách, kde môžu environmentálne faktory, ako sú kolísania teploty alebo opotrebenie tesnenia, ovplyvniť účinnosť tesnenia. Odolné voči teplotám medzi -50C až +80 C. Bežne používané v odvetviach, ako sú priemyselné obaly.

Tento rad obsahuje západky so štvrťotáčkovým vačkovým ovládaním a výberom možností uzamykania a bez uzamykania.

  • Zámok hodnotený podľa DIN-EN 61373.
  • Kľúče a hriadele sa predávajú samostatne.
Materiál: , Nehrdzavejúca oceľ Farba: , Čierna, Pochrómované Skupina SR: SR 640, SR5547, SR5027, SR 040, SR 6413

Západky štvrtotáčkové – s rukoväťou v tvare T

Cam Latches with compression have a T-shaped handle. They are designed to offer secure access to panels and doors, courtesy of the rotating cam (pawl).

The cam is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side. These latches come with standard technology. Ideally used for cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.

  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural (Silver)
  • DIN-EN 1774 rated

Cam sold separately

Západky vačkové otočné - nastaviteľné

Handle Turn Cam Latches - Adjustable used for electronic panels, doors, cabinets and other similar installations.

These latches offer exceptional durability and security making them the ideal choice for industrial, commercial, and high-stakes environments. These latches are quick and easy to install. They are perfect for situations requiring lightweight access and can be put on doors of any thickness.

Its handle is removable therefore not mandatory, and when not in use the lock can be opened with a 9mm triangular key.

  • Colour: Natural

Rohové pánty – s odnímateľným čapom

Metal Corner Hinges have a hinge rotational angle of 180 degree, they are essentially used for steel panels on big sized applications. The range is made of die-cast zinc alloy with different type of finishes. The panels are hinges with a pin system.

Rohové pánty – s pevným čapom

External Metal Corner Hinge are suitable for machine covers and electric panels. They come in different profiles and sizes to be fixed either with stud or screwed on.

Tlakové západky vačkové pevné

Fixed Compression Cam Latches are a versatile, low-profile round design. Ideal for holding doors and panels shut while eliminating noises from vibration and panel movement.

The added compression allows for secure closure when IP/NEMA performance is required. It has been tested according to the DIN for vibration and shock. When the key is turned 180 degrees the cam moves to the fixing position.

It works in temperatures from -50 to +80 C.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy, Zinc Alloy, Zamak, and Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Black, Natural, Silver

Skupina SR: SR5551

Západky vačkové otočné s T-rukoväťou

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an T-shaped handle. They are commonly used cabinet and furniture applications.

The cam latches compression allows for a more secure seal where IP/NEMA performance is required. This also allows for improved insulation against noise and vibration conditions.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ, Keyed CH751, Keyed J327 and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design

Skupina SR: SR5518

Štvrťotáčkové zámky - bezpečnostné

The Secure Quarter Turn Lock is IP65 and suitable for left or right hand. When the lock is open the key functions as a knob. The key is specific to this lock and must be ordered with the lock. Select Key Chrome Plated (16711E) or Key Black Coated (16712E).

Štvrťotáčkové zámky - jednoduchá montáž

The Easy Fixing Quarter Turn Lock is easily fitted into a 20.2 x 22.2 mm cut out and secured with the help of a clip. It is suitable for left and right hand. The internal spring provides a 1.5 mm torsion and it can be used for panel thickness from 0.8 to 2.0 mm.