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(6 sady výrobkov)
Flanged Caps are designed for easy assembly and removal, either with automated equipment or by hand. Typically used to protect metric or imperial threads, with or without O-Rings. The larger flange allows for faster application and removal when using it by hand.
For the purpose of quality control; the natural coloured caps allow you to see through the cap and check whether the O-ring is installed, or not installed, on the protected fitting.
Masking pull plugs are used to mask threaded and non-threaded holes, offering resistance to chemicals. The pull tab makes them easy to install and remove, ensuring a secure fit that prevents leaks or seepage. The reusable material allows for multiple uses, reducing the need for frequent replacements and helping minimize waste. Cn withstand temperatures of up to 250C.
High temperature Washer Plugs are designed to mask the surface around a threaded or plain hole, with an integrated washer and plug that function as a single item. Easy to install and remove; they ensure a snug fit and secure seal to prevent leakage or contamination. Capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 250C.
High-temperature Tapered Plugs protect and mask components during painting, sandblasting, abrasive chemical processing, and during exposure to high temperatures (of up to +218ºC for EPDM parts and 316C for silicone parts). The tapered form allows the plug to expand and adapt to the contour of the hole, as it heats.
Zátka so stredovým úchytom sa ľahko zasunie do závitového alebo hladkého otvoru. Kónický tvar možno použiť na zasunutie do viacerých vnútorných priemerov. Tieto zátky ponúkajú priliehavé a bezpečné uchytenie, ktoré zabraňuje vniknutiu nežiaducich látok do otvorenej rúrky alebo otvoru, chránia vnútorné komponenty a zaisťujú optimálny výkon.
Integrovaný stredový úchyt je určený na rýchle a jednoduché odstránenie jeho potiahnutím. Zátka chráni pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.
Používa sa v rôznych aplikáciách.
Easy Pull Masking Caps are intended for masking parts during anodising, blasting, powder coating, e-coating, plating, and ordinary paint applications. Available in a variety of materials with a wide range of benefits. Silicone is a high-quality masking substance that can withstand high temperatures. EPDM is a less expensive compound that is less heat resistant.
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