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Našli sme 11 typov produktov pre Hadice na ochranu káblov, Suchý zips

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Hadice na ochranu káblov

Zoznam Mriežka

Hadice na ochranu káblov

The Cable Conduit range has been developed and tested to the most demanding quality standards and have been awarded quality approvals and compliance worldwide. The range supports plastic conduit systems and accessories. Plastic conduit is highly flexible and has a high fatigue life. Its high impact strength aids to its recovery capability when crushed. Typical applications for this type of conduit include general factory wiring and connections to machines. Comes in a variety of materials depending on your requirements.

Skupina SR: SR1734

Suchý zips - kotúče

K dispozícii v kotúčoch, ktoré je možné skrátiť na ľubovoľnú dĺžku. Sú vhodné pre káble, ktoré je potrebné pevne držať spolu, ale potrebujú byť aj príležitostne uvoľnené. K dispozícii aj samostatne.

Kotúče so suchým zipsom - kotúč s háčikmi

These Hook & Loop Hook Rolls are made of a strip of hooks that can be cut to any length, allowing for flexibility and customisation. The fastener's hook side attaches to loop surfaces, forming a secure and dependable connection. It has a high initial tack and a strong adhesion.

The rolls may be precisely customised by cutting them to the appropriate length using scissors or a utility knife. Hook fasteners may secure various things, including cables, wires, tools, and cloth. The hooks' firm grasp guarantees a tight hold.

Its adhesive makes it simple to install. It withstands application temperatures ranging from 18C to 38C to service temperatures ranging from -20C to 65C. Used in various applications, including sample books, POP displays, exhibitions, enclosures, packaging, and binders.

Suchý zips kusový - výseky párové

These Hook and Loop- - Mated Sets are versatile and practical fastening solutions that may be utilised in various applications. These mated sets have hook and loop sides that are meant to be securely fastened together. The hook side has small hooks that interlock with the loops on the loop side to form a strong and dependable binding.

The matched pairs are pre-cut and ready to use, so no cutting or measuring is required. The interlocking hooks and loops provide a strong connection that offers a solid grasp while allowing for simple removal when needed.

Its adhesive allows for simple application. It can endure application temperatures of 18C to 38C and service temperatures of -20C to 65C. Used in various applications, including sample books, POP displays, exhibitions, enclosures, packaging, and binders.

Koncovky na hadice na ochranu káblov

Tento sortiment koncoviek na hadice je k dispozícii z plastu alebo kovu. Skladajú sa z dvoch častí, plášťa a tela armatúry. Dá sa tiež vybrať medzi koncovkou s pevným vonkajším závitom a koncovkou s otočným vonkajším závitom.

Káblový kanálik

Cable Duct is a versatile cable management product. With both adhesive and screw mounting options available there is added flexibility in the application.

Skupina SR: SR1732

Viazacie pásky so samolepiacim suchým zipsom

These Clamps are ideal for cables that need to be held together securely, but also need to be released and resealed occasionally or where cables are fragile and require softer clamping. This range comes with an adhesive base for quick and easy installation. The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.

Skupina SR: SR2004

Suchý zips kusový - disky párové

These Hook and loop Pieces with Mated Coins are made from a strip of mated coin pieces with a high initial tack and strong adherence. The attached and removed coins are readily attached and detached, allowing repeated usage and repositioning.

Its adhesive makes installation easy. It withstands application temperatures ranging from 18C to 38C to service temperatures ranging from -20C to 65C. They are a quick and easy way to attach objects together, such as attaching cloth, mounting signage, or organising stuff.

Svorky na hadice - hranové

These clips are designed to mount onto the edge of a panel, requiring no through hole. They come in several styles that hold different corrugated tube sizes.

Skupina SR: SR6262

Súpravy hadíc na ochranu káblov

Dodávateľské balenie polypropylénových hadíc zahŕňa 10 m polypropylénovej hadice ako aj 10 koncoviek a poistných matíc. Dodávajú sa v praktickom balení, ktoré sa dá jednoducho objednať, uskladniť a použiť. Bežne sa používajú pri zabudovaní rozvodov do betónu a omietky. Hadica je odolná voči kyselinám a je samozhášavá.

Viazacie pásky so suchým zipsom

These Hook and Loop - Cable Ties are ideal for cable organisation since they must be securely held together, released, and resealed regularly. The hook and loop strap adjusts quickly and easily, ensuring a precise fit around bundles of cables without the risk of over-tightening or damaging the cables themselves, making it excellent for fragile cables.

The hook and loop strap wraps easily over the cables, and the firm grip offers a secure hold without the need for additional fasteners or adhesives. Commonly used in applications for industrial, automotive and commercial.

  • Colour: Black, Yellow, Red, Grey, Green, Blue, Orange, White

Skupina SR: SR2001