V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
Lift Off Screw Mount Hinges are an easy lift-off function to remove flush mounted doors. The range offers a selection of material to suit application and finishing requirements . They have an hinge rotation angle of 180 degree and can be used as left or right handed. The leaf hinge design is drilled to be screwed to the frame.
Tesnenia chráničov skosených hrán rúrok sa dodávajú na kotúči. Sú vhodné na ochranu skosenia hrán rúrok pred poškodením a koróziou, ktoré môžu ovplyvniť výslednú kvalitu zvaru pri zváraní k inej rúre alebo prírube.
Tesnenia sa dajú jednoducho narezať na potrebnú dĺžku, čo je obrovská výhoda pri montáži oproti iným výrobkom. Dodanie na kotúči je vhodné najmä pre použitie na mieste, v teréne.
Chránia skosené konce rúrok počas prepravy, skladovania a inštalácie pri rôznych aplikáciách na potrubia ropy a zemného plynu.
Recessed Pipe Caps protect pipe bevel edges, and interior walls from corrosion and damage. Can be used with crane hooks to move pipes during storage and transit. Resistant to temperatures ranging from -30C up to +60C.
Metal in-line Lift Off Hinges are side hinges easy to lift off to remove mounted doors. They have a hinge rotation angle of 180 degree and can be used as left or right hand.
These Lift Off Hinges have a 180-degree rotation angle and are designed to provide clearance between the door and the frame, allowing the door to be easily lifted off the hinge pin.
Consist of two leaves and one pin, which are sold separately. One leaf is attached to the door and the other to the frame by a hinge pin that may be taken out of the hinge. They have a strong construction, which ensures their longevity in severe industrial conditions.
May be easily removed by lifting the pin out of the hinge. Ideal for metal doors in enclosures, gates, and tool cabinets. Please use the same material for each pin & leaves you use together.
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