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 (3 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Madlá - odpružené

This range of Spring Loaded Pull Handles are designed to control the returned movement of the handle. The spring allow either an arrestment or a return to position of the handle. They are particularly suited for pulling and or lifting. A choice of shape and material is available to suit various application..

Skupina SR: SR5436

Nastaviteľný záves skrutkovací

Lift Off Screw Mount Hinges are an easy lift-off function to remove flush mounted doors. The range offers a selection of material to suit application and finishing requirements . They have an hinge rotation angle of 180 degree and can be used as left or right handed. The leaf hinge design is drilled to be screwed to the frame.

Prepínacia svorka

Base Type Manual Push-Pull Clamps hold materials in place using a plunger mechanism to produce positive straight-line action. The low profile uses side or end clamping for use in applications with a height restriction.

Skupina SR: SR5448