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Prevedenie pre vysokú záťaž Okrúhle Nábytok

 (11 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Nohy pre stroje - antivibračné

Antivibračné nohy pre stroje pohlcujú nárazy, znižujú hluk a poskytujú dobrú priľnavosť na podlahu. Tieto silentbloky sú ideálne na použitie ako nožičky na strojové zariadenia a dopravníky.

Nohy pre stroje - Štandard

Our range of Standard Machine Feet made with zinc-plated steel stud and a Polyamide (PA) base, are made to support machinery, electronic racks and conveyor belt applications. The feet have a maximum of 20 degree articulation and can be purchasesd in variants either with or without bolt holes. Additional non-slip pads can be purchased separately when extra friction is required.

Skupina SR: SR1545

Nožička s čapom

Nožičky s aretačným čapom, niekedy označované ako klzáky s hríbovou hlavou kvôli hríbovitému tvaru nožičky, sú atraktívnou náhradou koliesok s čapom alebo nožičiek s čapom. Vložené do nôh alebo základne aplikácie umožňujú v prípade potreby plynulé a ľahké presúvanie nábytku. Ponúkajú väčšiu stabilitu ako kolieska, ktoré môžu rolovať dopredu a dozadu, najmä na dláždených alebo laminátových povrchoch.

Náš sortiment nožičiek s aretačným čapom obsahuje základňu alebo nožičku z čierneho polyamidu (PA) a galvanizovaný oceľový čap. Zámkový čap umožňuje rýchlu inštaláciu a hladká základňa z PA poskytuje ľahkú manévrovateľnosť.

Na výber je šesť typov pre rôzne aplikácie. Typ 4 má dutú základňu.

Priečne spojovacie valcové matice

Cross Dowel Barrel Nuts are designed for use with Joint Connector Bolts, where a right-angle connection is required. M6 and M8 thread size options are available.

M6 nuts are supplied in Zinc Alloy for a cost-effective solution. M8 nuts are supplied in Steel for additional strength. The M8 nuts can be used where heavier applications are needed, such as on boards of 22mm thickness and upwards.

The nut has a crossed driver and can therefore be used with a cross-head screwdriver.

  • Materials: Zinc Alloy and Steel
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR1585

Samolepiace protišmykové podložky

Self-adhesive bumpers provide cushioning and protection for an array of surfaces, across many applications.

The range includes black adhesive discs with a single-sided foam that has anti-skid properties. Available in packs of four that are either on a roll or on a pad, these versatile discs are designed to bond to many surfaces including; corrugated card, chipboard, wood, low surface energy plastics and powder coats.

Also included are anti-slip pads that are made from PE Foam tape, featuring a silicone coated paper liner. These are suitable for applications with temperatures ranging from -29C up to 66C.

  • Rubber adhesive
  • Permanent solution
  • Black finish.

Skupina SR: SR5808

Silentbloky - silná záťaž

Skrutkovacie silentbloky pre silnú záťaž pohlcujú nárazy a znižujú hluk s vysokou priľnavosťou na podlahu. Tieto silentbloky sú ideálne na použitie ako nožičky na strojové zariadenia a dopravníky.

Skrutkovacie nožičky s dorazom

Screw-On Bumper Feet are recessed for use as feet on small appliances and other retail products. These feet are attached with a separate screw, bolt, or rivet to the assembly and are made from anti-scratch material to protect surfaces.

Skupina SR: SR1590

Skrutkovacie nožičky s dorazom - so závitom

Skrutkovacie dorazy so závitom sa môžu použiť ako vyrovnávací prostriedok alebo doraz pre malé zariadenia. Driek aj nožička sú vyrobené z nehrdzavejúcich, odolných materiálov, vhodným do náročných podmienok.

Spojovacie matice

Joint Connector Nuts, are a joint connector that offers supreme protection against oxidation. The nut has a hexagonal drive that is suitable for an M5 Allen Key. This makes them quick and simple to install.

Commonly used in combination with Joint Connector Bolts to connect and join together component parts. They are suitable for wooden assemblies, including flat packed furniture and timber framing.

Available in a choice of thread sizes to suit your application.

  • Material: Steel
  • Finish: Zinc Plating

Skupina SR: SR1585

Vačkové uzamykacie matice

Cam Lock Nuts are usually used in furniture and cabinet making industries. They are used to create a secure joint when assembling and connecting furniture. They feature a cross-shaped driver type.

The Cam Lock Nut is inserted into a pre-drilled hole found in one one of the furniture panels, such as a wooden board. They are then tapped into place with a hammer. They are self-locking to prevent rotation during hand or automatic assembly.

  • Material: Zinc Alloy
  • Finish Options: Nickel Plating, Zinc Plating (Zamak), Collinox Light Plating or No Finish

Zátky a dorazy - so závitom

Inserts & Bumpers - Threaded can be used as a leveling device or bumper for small equipment. The non-corrosive stud and foot material is durable and resists harsh environments.

Skupina SR: SR5804