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Držiaky cedúľ Priechodkové panely

 (6 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Priechodkové panely

Priechodkové panely možno jednoducho použiť na vloženie a utesnenie káblov s rôznymi priemermi do bezpečného krytu. Uzávery TPE vytvárajú okolo kábla tesniacu membránu, ktorá umožňuje jednoduchú a rýchlu inštaláciu. Poistné skrutky držia dosku na mieste (voliteľné upevnenie pomocou skrutiek M5).

Modulárny priechodkový panel

Priechodkové panely poskytujú riešenie pre montáž bez nástroja, ktoré je adaptabilné a šetrí čas pri inštalácii do steny. Modulárna konštrukcia (až 5 samostatných radov s celkovo 25 priechodkami) poskytuje plne flexibilné riešenie, ktoré umožňuje pridávať a odstraňovať priechodky s membránou montované na dosky. Ponúkame 8 veľkostí pre rôzne priemery káblov, ktoré nájdete v našom sortimente membránových priechodiek.

Regálové prúžky na údaje

Shelf Data Strips attach to shelf edges to display pricing, details, and special offers. These Data Strips enhance product detail visibility in retail environments and promote merchandise in an organised manner.

It is easy to use, versatile, and customisable. It helps keep shelves organised, provide information and promote products.

  • Material: PVC, Acrylic
  • Colour: Clear

Svorky panelové - slimáky

Snail Clips promote special pricing and detailed information by clipping securely onto shelving. The range features different mounting options, including some with an adhesive strip on the front to mount promotional materials and special offers easily.

It is used in retail stores, trade shows, and display signage, such as price tags (tag is not included), shelf labels and store hours. It is easy to install and remove.

  • Material: PC

Držiaky cedúľ s uchytením na okraj regálu

Shelf Edge Ticket Fixings promote special pricing and detailed information by hanging out from shelf edges, with the tag not included. These fixings call attention to specific products in retail environments for added promotion.

It is easy to use, versatile and the material makes them durable. It helps to keep shelves organised and provide information. It can be used in a variety of retail settings, including grocery stores, convenience stores, and department stores.

  • Material: PVC, PP, LDPE
  • Colour: Clear, Natural

Držiaky cedúľ na drôtené nosiče

Wire Rail Ticket Fixings promote special pricing and detailed information by hanging from wire display structures, but not including the displayed tag. These fixings call attention to specific products in retail environments for added promotion.

It is used in retail, office, event and other environments where information needs to be displayed. It is easy to install, provides a secure stand and has a parallel or vertical orientation display for your applications.

  • Material: PVC