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Okrúhle Kovový Silentbloky a dorazy

 (3 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Tlmiace prvky KPR

Anti-vibration machine mounts featuring a galvanised steel ST37 casing and a natural rubber moulding. These dampening mounts have a 60 shore rubber hardness and break safe options are available in the range. These mounts are available in a mix of types and thread sizes.

Nohy pre stroje - antivibračné

Anti-vibration Machine Mounts absorb shock and reduce noise as well as providing good adhesion to the floor. These mounts are ideal for use as feet for machinery and conveyors.

Sendvičový silentblok a čap

Vibration mounts made with zinc plated steel and rubber. Suitable for any application that requires the isolation of vibration. Can be used in compression, shear or both, where there are no requirements for fail safe functionality. Available in five options and in a selection of thread sizes.

Skupina SR: SR5495