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Okrúhle Kovový

 (21 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Vačkové uzamykacie matice

Cam Lock Nuts are usually used in furniture and cabinet making industries. They are used to create a secure joint when assembling and connecting furniture. They feature a cross-shaped driver type.

The Cam Lock Nut is inserted into a pre-drilled hole found in one one of the furniture panels, such as a wooden board. They are then tapped into place with a hammer. They are self-locking to prevent rotation during hand or automatic assembly.

  • Material: Zinc Alloy
  • Finish Options: Nickel Plating, Zinc Plating (Zamak), Collinox Light Plating or No Finish

Priečne spojovacie valcové matice

Cross Dowel Barrel Nuts are designed for use with Joint Connector Bolts, where a right-angle connection is required. M6 and M8 thread size options are available.

M6 nuts are supplied in Zinc Alloy for a cost-effective solution. M8 nuts are supplied in Steel for additional strength. The M8 nuts can be used where heavier applications are needed, such as on boards of 22mm thickness and upwards.

The nut has a crossed driver and can therefore be used with a cross-head screwdriver.

  • Materials: Zinc Alloy and Steel
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR1585

Gumené púzdra

Bushing made from natural rubber and steel. These bushings are available in three types and a mix of sizes to suit your purpose.

Skupina SR: SR6485

Spojovacie matice

Joint Connector Nuts, are a joint connector that offers supreme protection against oxidation. The nut has a hexagonal drive that is suitable for an M5 Allen Key. This makes them quick and simple to install.

Commonly used in combination with Joint Connector Bolts to connect and join together component parts. They are suitable for wooden assemblies, including flat packed furniture and timber framing.

Available in a choice of thread sizes to suit your application.

  • Material: Steel
  • Finish: Zinc Plating

Skupina SR: SR1585

Tlmiace prvky KPR

Antivibračné strojové prvky s puzdrom z pozinkovanej ocele ST37 a s výliskom z prírodného kaučuku. Tieto tlmiace prvky sú z kaučuku tvrdosti 60 Shore a v sortimente ponúkame varianty s bezpečným rozpojením. Tieto prvky sú k dispozícii v kombinácii typov a veľkostí závitov.

Klzáky s klincom

Klzáky s klincom alebo nožičky s klincom sú ideálne pre drevené nohy nábytku pre optimálnu ochranu podlahy a pomáhajú znižovať hluk. Klzáky sa jednoducho zatlačia na požadované miesto, sú dodávané vo vyhotovení s rôznymi povrchovými úpravami pre plynulý kĺzavý pohyb.

Naše klzáky s klincom sa dodávajú v rôznych základných materiáloch: napr. polyetylén s vysokou hustotou (HDPE), chróm, polyamid (PA) a polytetrafluóretylén (PTFE) – plus možnosť PTFE s plsťou, všetky sú dodávané s oceľovým klincom pre väčšie pohodlie a hodnotu.

  • Tvar: okrúhly
  • Farby: odtieň dreva, sivá, hnedá a prírodná.

Krytky na podložkách

Cover Caps are used to conceal and protect exposed screw or bolt heads, while providing an attractive finish. Caps and washers are supplied separately.

  • Sú určené na ochranu hláv skrutiek a ideálne na dekoratívne účely.
  • Zacvaknú sa na miesto, chránia pred nečistotami a vlhkosťou.
  • Používajú sa v medicíne a priemysle.
Materiál: Polyetylén HD, Mosadz, PA66, PA, Polyetylén LD Farba: Žltá, Strieborná farba, Prírodná, Čierna, Šedá, Béžová, Biela, Hnedá, Zelená, Modrá, Fialová, Červená, Ružová Skupina SR: SR1811, SR1889

Narážací klzák

Push-On Tilt Glides are a swivel glides with a spring insert. Designed to provide mobility and stability for furniture and other products. Features a tube end cap for a clean finish. Also has a ball-and-socket joint that creates a tilt action.

  • Používa sa na nábytok a iné výrobky na zabezpečenie stability a mobility.
  • Dodáva sa zmontovaný na jednoduchšiu montáž.
  • Sortiment ponúka výber základne, ktorá vyhovuje rôznym aplikáciám.
Materiál: Oceľ Farba: Prírodná, Čierna, Biela Skupina SR: SR6453, SR6450, SR6427, SR6452, SR6426

Nohy pre stroje - antivibračné

Antivibračné nohy pre stroje pohlcujú nárazy, znižujú hluk a poskytujú dobrú priľnavosť na podlahu. Tieto silentbloky sú ideálne na použitie ako nožičky na strojové zariadenia a dopravníky.

Nohy pre stroje - Štandard

Our range of Standard Machine Feet made with zinc-plated steel stud and a Polyamide (PA) base, are made to support machinery, electronic racks and conveyor belt applications. The feet have a maximum of 20 degree articulation and can be purchasesd in variants either with or without bolt holes. Additional non-slip pads can be purchased separately when extra friction is required.

Skupina SR: SR1545

Okrúhle kovové rozpierky bez závitu

Round Spacers are a versatile universal assembly element, for use in all sectors.

Available as Nickel Plated Brass or Stainless Steel. Spacer diameters start from 4mm up to 10mm, and lengths from 1mm up to 40mm.

Nickel is a non-ferrous material that is widely used in electronics applications, as it has good conductivity. Nickel plating makes it suitable for decorative applications, thanks to its appealing shine. Brass is a RoHS compliant material. Stainless steel has good corrosion and wear resistance, as well as being strictly non-magnetic.

Ideal for decorative applications, such as displays and furniture.

  • DIN Rated.

Okrúhle zátky so závitom

Round Threaded Inserts are quick-fit inserts for tube ends and connecting pipes, designed for secure screw fixing. Provides a stable and secure mounting point for various furniture and equipment components.

  • Sú k dispozícii vo forme rýchlomontážnych vložiek.
  • Ideálne na spojky profilov a spájanie potrubí.
  • Využívajú sa vo výrobnom, baliacom a v stavebnom priemysle.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, PA6, Polyetylén HD, Oceľ, Hliník, PA, PP Farba: Čierna, Prírodná Skupina SR: SR1570, SR1567, SR1430

Zatláčacie klzáky

Push In Glides, or Tube Inserts, are commonly used at the base of tubular products like chair legs. The push-fit glide provides protection, not just for the assembly, but more importantly for the surface below. Ideal protection for wooden, carpeted and other floor surfaces.

Our Push-In Glide range has a wide range of material options to choose from, including but not limited to; Polyamide (PA), Polyethylene (PE), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Felt and also Steel; as well as various finishes and colour choices to choose from.

Our offer features numerous styles, including; Domed, Angled, Metal-Pronged, Ribbed, Threaded, Lightweight and Heavy Duty. Plus lots of shapes to suit your application needs, including; Round, Oval, Rectangular and Square.

  • Attractive finish provides enhanced aesthetic appearance
  • Easy to assemble
  • Secure fitting
  • Durable and long-lasting.

Okrúhle závitové vložky - kovové

Round Threaded Inserts feature an internal thread for adjustable levelling feet and brackets. Their metal threads ensure a smooth, secure and durable fit, with two-piece mouldings that fit snugly into tubes.

  • Ich kovové závity umožňujú bezproblémové, bezpečné a pevné uchytenie a dvojdielne výlisky presne zapadajú do rúrok.
  • Majú vnútorný závit na nastavenienastaviteľných vyrovnávacích nožičiek a konzol.
  • Sú ideálne na vysoké zaťaženie a sú vyrobené z z liateho hliníka.
Materiál: Polyetylén HD, PA Farba: Čierna, Šedá Skupina SR: SR1571, SR5438

Ryhované doťahovacie kolieska

Rukou doťahovateľné skrutky majú vrúbkovaný povrch na vonkajších hranách rukoväte, ktorý vytvára pevné, pohodlné uchopenie. Tieto pevné vysokoodolné otočné gombíky sa dajú namontovať na zariadenia s maticou a sú odolné voči olejom, palivám a mazivám.

Ryhované doťahovacie kolieska - závitová vložka

Female Grip Hand Knobs have rough ridges around the outside of the handle creating a firm gripping surface that is also comfortable. These durable knobs fit onto male applications and are resistant to oils, fuels, and greases.

Sendvičový silentblok a čap

Vibration mounts made with zinc plated steel and rubber. Suitable for any application that requires the isolation of vibration. Can be used in compression, shear or both, where there are no requirements for fail safe functionality. Available in five options and in a selection of thread sizes.

Skupina SR: SR5495

Skrutkovacie klzáky

Tieto skrutkovacie klzáky sú vyrobené z polytetrafluóretylénu (PTFE), montujú sa skrutkami a dodávajú s oceľovou podložkou. Tieto skrutkovacie upevňovacie klzáky zabraňujú kĺzaniu stoličiek a iných produktov s rúrkovými profilmi po hladkých povrchoch.

  • Montážny otvor 4,5 mm
  • Bez závitu a so závitom v strede
  • Farby: prírodná a čierna.

Spojovacia svorka základnej dosky

Structural tubing clamp base made, available in aluminium or steel and suitable for a selection of hole sizes.

Dvojcestná spojovacia svorka

Useful two-way connector clamp, with entry points for two tubes. With stainless steel or aluminium options and available for multiple hole sizes.

Ventilačné zátky

Vent Plugs are designed to seal openings, while allowing controlled ventilation. Ideal for use in applications where pressure or temperature variations occur, such as in the automotive, electronics and manufacturing industries. These plugs offer a secure fit to prevent air, moisture and contaminants from entering or escaping. Has an integrated venting feature that makes them essential for pressure equalisation and temperature control.

  • ponúkajú spoľahlivé riešenie na utesnenie otvorov a reguláciu prúdenia vzduchu.
  • Sú skonštruované so zabudovanými ventilačnými prvkami, ktoré umožňujú riadené vetranie pri zachovaní spoľahlivého tesnenia.
Materiál: Nehrdzavejúca oceľ, PA Farba: Prírodná, Biela, Čierna, Šedá, Mosadz Norma pre horľavosť materiálu: UL94 V-2Skupina SR: SR6260, SR1708, SR1868, SR1866