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(65 sady výrobkov)
Binder Screw Sets are designed to screw the threaded part and receptacle together in seconds for a quick, easy, secure joining component. Supplied in sets including screw and receptacle (female part is the receptacle, and the male part is the screw).
It provides a secure binding solution, preventing the materials from coming apart, plus they are easy to use, install and remove. Used for bookbinding and with laminated applications.
The Book Binding Posts are made of plastic, which makes them lightweight and durable. These are the female or receptacle sides (male threaded posts sold separately). Both parts are joined together to hold the bound papers or materials.
It joins several sheets together by screwing them into a mating piece by hand or with a flat screwdriver. Used for panel fastening assemblies, such as swatch cards, colour charts, catalogues, sample books and many others.
The Book Binding Posts are made of metal, which offers superior strength, durability, and excellent resistance to wear and tear. This group includes the male threaded post and the female receptacle side; both parts are joined to hold the bound papers or materials (each part is sold separately).Unlike its male counterpart, the female book screws do not have a drive to its head.
It joins several sheets together by screwing them into a mating piece by hand or with a flat screwdriver. Used for panel fastening assemblies, such as swatch cards, colour charts, catalogues, sample books and many others.
Príruba s upínacou skrutkou je alternatívou k rezaniu do panela alebo použitiu zaisťovacej podložky. Príruba sa pripevňuje do panelu zatlačením hlavy do zapusteného otvoru.
Upínacia skrutka sa potom jednoducho naskrutkuje cez prírubu a udrží v paneli.
Príruby sú vyrobené buď z nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá má dobrú odolnosť proti korózii, alebo z hliníka, ktorý má dobrú tepelnú vodivosť.
Tento rad upínacích skrutiek má valcovú hlavu s drážkou s vnútorným šesťhranom. Drážky s vnútorným šesťhranom sú vhodné na presnú montáž a používajú sa v miestach s menšou plochou.
Sú vhodným riešením montáže pre panely s otvormi bez závitov. Používajú sa na dodržanie predpisov smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES - vo všeobecnosti ISO 1207. Upínacie skrutky sa bežne používajú s upínacími podložkami so závitom (predávajú sa samostatne).
Tieto skrutky sú vyrobené z nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá poskytuje dobrú odolnosť proti korózii a opracovateľnosť. Materiál je obľúbenou voľbou v stavebníctve a automobilovom sektore.
Upozornenie: Tieto skrutky majú menší priemer drieku a nemali by sa uťahovať na odporúčaný krútiaci moment pre ekvivalentnú skrutku zobrazenej veľkosti závitu.
Upínacie skrutky sú bezpečné spojovacie prvky navrhnuté tak, aby zostali pripevnené ku komponentu, v ktorom sú nainštalované, aj keď sú úplne uvoľnené, čo poskytuje komfort, bezpečnosť a jednoduché použitie v rôznych aplikáciách. Sú obľúbenou voľbou pre aplikácie, kde je potrebné často odstraňovať skrutky alebo kde sú obavy o bezpečnosť, pretože tieto skrutky zostanú pevne na svojom mieste a neuvoľnia sa zo zostavy. Tieto skrutky sa bežne používajú v elektronike, priemyselných strojoch, skriniach, paneloch a zdravotníckych pomôckach.
Tento rad upínacích skrutiek má zapustenú hlavu a drážku s vnútorným šesťhranom. Drážka s vnútorným šesťhranom je vhodná na presnú montáž a použitie tam, kde je k dispozícii menšia plocha. Používajú sa na dodržanie smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES - vo všeobecnosti ISO 1207, ktorá vyžaduje, aby upevňovacie prvky zostali pri odstránení pripevnené k pevným krytom alebo aplikáciám.
Skrutky sú vyrobené z nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá je odolná voči korózii a mierne magnetická. Tieto skrutky sa bežne používajú v elektronike, priemyselných strojoch, skriniach, paneloch a zdravotníckych pomôckach.
Pamätajte si, že tieto skrutky majú menší priemer drieku a preto by sa nemali uťahovať na odporúčaný krútiaci moment pre rovnakú skrutku s rovnakou veľkosťou závitu.
Tento rad upínacích ručných skrutiek má dlhú hlavu. Sú vhodným riešením montáže pre panely s otvormi bez závitov. Používajú sa na dodržanie predpisov smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.
Bežne sa používajú s upínacími podložkami so závitom (predávajú sa samostatne).
Skrutky sú vyrobené z austenitickej nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá poskytuje dobrú odolnosť proti korózii a opracovateľnosť. Niektoré majú čiernený povrch a iné sú bez čiernenia. Materiál je obľúbenou voľbou v stavebníctve a automobilovom sektore.
Upozornenie: Tieto skrutky majú menší priemer drieku a nemali by sa uťahovať na odporúčaný krútiaci moment pre ekvivalentnú skrutku zobrazenej veľkosti závitu.
Confirmat Screws are primarily used for the easy assembly and dismantling of panels. Ideal applications include wooden furniture and flat pack assemblies. They feature a hexagonal driver that is compatible with an #3 or #4 Hexagonal Key.
The screw has a deep cutting thread that ensures accurate and close-fitting joints are achieved. The range features M5 and M7 thread size options.
Hex keys are known by many names including allen key, allen wrench, and L-key. A single key is an L shaped hexagonal rod, though some fold up sets have multiple-sized straight rods that are attached to a handle, resembling a multi-tooled knife. The hex keys are used to tighten and loosen socket-head bolts.
Hexagonal Head Cap Screws are distinguished by their hexagonal head, allowing easy installation and tightening with a wrench or socket. Made of metal to provide strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, and temperature resistance.
It is used to secure metal parts that must withstand heavy loads, vibrations, or other stresses. Used in various applications, including machinery construction, electrical equipment and automotive.
Hexagonal Head Cap Screws are distinguished by their hexagonal head, allowing easy installation and tightening with a wrench or socket. Made of plastic, they are lightweight and resistant to corrosion, oil, abrasion and most chemicals.
Offered in a variety of standard imperial and metric sizes as a replacement to all metal versions. Used in various applications, including electrical equipment, automotive trim, and furniture.
Joint Connector Bolts are for use with Joint Connector Nuts and Barrel Nuts, which are available to buy separately. The head size of the bolt and nut match, providing an excellent surface finish on both sides of the assembly.
These bolts are most commonly used for self-assembly and flat-pack furniture. The are easily and quickly applied using an M4 Allen Key (not supplied).
Available in a range of lengths to suit your application.
Knurled Thumb Screws are screws with a knurled head with a textured surface that allow easy tightening and loosening by hand, eliminating the need for tools.
It is durable, corrosion-resistant, and can withstand high temperatures. They can be used in various applications, including furniture assembly, machinery construction, and electrical equipment.
Knurled Thumb Screws have a slotted head and a knurled surface for manual tightening and loosening of threaded fasteners but can also be installed using a flat screwdriver. It is simple to install and provides a firm grip, making it ideal for applications requiring easy adjustment.
Due to their plastic construction, they are lightweight, vibration, chemical, electrical and corrosion resistant options, making them an excellent choice for use in harsh or outdoor environments. They are frequently utilised in furniture assembly, electrical equipment, and automobile industries.
Lock Screws are designed to provide a strong locking force, preventing the screw from loosening or coming undone over time due to vibration or other factors. They are quick and simple to install in panel fasteners that screw for added tightness.
Their transparent plastic look makes them a popular solution for combining functionality with aesthetics, offering a clear view of the secured objects without losing strength or durability. Ideal for use in various applications and industries, such as electronics, medical devices, automotive, and construction.
Binder Machine Screws feature a slotted head that allows them to be tightened or loosened using a flathead screwdriver. The head is thicker than the pan, with a deeper slot and a bevelled outside edge.
Ideal for applications that demand minimal weight and strong chemical and electrical resistance. They are universal fasteners that meet DIN 85 or ISO 1580 specifications. Used for binding material swatches, big manuals, and electrical applications.
These slotted cheese Machine Screws have a deep head with a recess and a smooth bearing surface. They may be tightened with a screwdriver or other tools and have high precision and driving capacity.
It is easy to install and remove and provides a strong and long-lasting grip, preventing the screw from sliding. These are appropriate for applications where the head is not visible. Used in residential appliances, automotive, fixing electrical components and machinery construction.
Countersunk machine screws have a flat head with a tapered bottom, allowing the screw to rest flush with the surface of the material to which it is fastened, making them excellent for situations where the head is not visible. This keeps the skin and clothes from snagging.
Usually threaded down the shaft and may be tightened with a screwdriver or equivalent equipment. It is simple to install and remove, providing a tidy and visually pleasing finish while remaining useful. They are long-lasting, corrosion-resistant, and lightweight. Used in applications such as handrails, furniture and lighting fixtures.
Fillister Machine Screws have a convex top comparable to socket head or socket head cap screws. The high head height in relation to its head diameter, makes it excellent for applications into deeper bores. It features a smooth bearing surface and a convex top. It is used for countersunk holes and comes with either a countersunk or a Phillips drive head.
Protects the surface by elevating the level at which the screwdriver is used. They are less prone than protruding machine screws to deform or harm the surface of the material they are screwed into. Used in applications for furniture assembly, machinery construction and automotive repair.
Flat machine screws are characterised by a flat head with no tapering that sits flush with the surface. Typically threaded along the entire shaft length, and can be tightened with a screwdriver. Designed to screw completely into a countersunk hole.
The flat head offers a firm grip and keeps the screw from sliding. It is a durable, aesthetically pleasing fastener with good temperature resistance. It is less likely to damage the surface of the material they are being screwed into than protruding machine screws. Used in applications for furniture, machinery and electrical.
Machine Screws are designed with a low head height for aesthetic and space saving purposes. The low profile head makes them an ideal choice for low-clearance applications. It can be used to join machinery or equipment without requiring a nut, making it a convenient fastening solution.
It is lightweight yet strong and durable. It is resistant to chemicals and temperatures up to 200 ºC. It is used for furniture applications, electronics and construction applications. This range includes Low Head and Special Low Head options.
Machine Screws with a mushroom head are designed for use in a wide range of applications, including machine assembly, woodworking, and construction. Its mushroom head is rounded with a wide bearing surface and a low-profile design. It can be used in applications requiring a low profile, as the head shape allows for a reduced profile compared to other types of screws. It also provides a large bearing surface to distribute the load evenly.
Unlike regular screws, machine screws tend to be more durable and robust, making them perfect for resisting corrosion, high temperatures, and other chemicals or weather conditions. It is commonly used in machine assembly, including electronics, automotive, and industrial applications.
Machine Screws with an oval head are designed for use in a wide range of applications, including construction, furniture assembly, and machine assembly. Its oval head provides a larger bearing surface area than other screw types, which can increase stability and prevent damage to the fastened surface.
Unlike regular screws, machine screws tend to be more durable and robust, making them perfect for resisting corrosion, high temperatures, and other chemicals or weather conditions. It is commonly used in machine assembly, including electronics, automotive, and industrial applications.
Machine Screws with a pan head are designed for use in a wide range of applications, including construction, electronics assembly, and machine assembly. Its design allows the screw to sit flush against a surface after being fastened, providing a smooth, finished appearance.
Unlike regular screws, machine screws tend to be more durable and robust, making them perfect for resisting corrosion, high temperatures, and other chemicals or weather conditions. It is commonly used in machine assembly, including electronics, automotive, and industrial applications.
Machine Screws with a round head are designed for use with a threaded nut. Its round head shape provides a smooth and finished appearance, distributes force evenly, and resists loosening, making it ideal for applications requiring high torque or vibration resistance.
It is lightweight yet strong and durable. Its Philips drive merges the key features of domed and countersunk headed fasteners. It is corrosion-resistant. It is commonly used in machine assembly, including electronics, automotive, and industrial applications.
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