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(11 sady výrobkov)
A useful cap with a cross head design that is commonly applied to the tip of garden canes, metal rods and other stick applications.
Their main function is to protect the application from damage and the ingress of foreign contaminants, as well as offering some weather protection.
They also serve as a protective buffer, by capping the exposed sharp ends of canes and rods that users risk coming into contact with, resulting in the prevention of accidental injury.
Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)Colours: Green and Yellow
Skupina SR: SR1203
Tube End Caps offer ideal protection for threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes and rods. Standard, short and long caps are available. The short versions are for general purpose closure and the long versions have an extra depth and feathered edge that ensure a tight fit.
The design of these longer caps helps to prevent accidental displacement. Tube End Caps serve the same purpose as Heat Shrink End Caps, but do not shrink when heated during the application process. They are UV and weather resistant, making them ideal outdoor applications.
Tapered Round Feet Ferrules are a type of protective cap that offer protection to tubes, rods and occasionally threads, as well as the end of furniture legs, chair legs, and ladder steps. They are anti-slip and anti-scratching floors. Designed to fit perfectly, providing a snug and secure fit.
The ferrules offer protection to the shaft or tube to ensure it doesn't split when meeting hard surfaces and provide floor protection and grip.
It is easy to install simply by pushing them onto the end of the applications. Also durable and long-lasting, protecting your applications. It is used in furniture manufacturing, retail and commercial applications.
Material: PVC, NylonColour: White, Black, Natural
Skupina SR: SR1520, SRF0071, SRF0069
Standard Round Feet Ferrules are a type of protective cap that offer protection to tubes, rods and occasionally threads, as well as the end of furniture legs, chair legs, and ladder steps. They are anti-slip and anti-scratching floors. Designed to fit perfectly, providing a snug and secure fit.
The ferrules offer protection to the shaft or tube to ensure it doesn't split when meeting hard surfaces and provide floor protection and grip.
It is easy to install simply by pushing them onto the end of the applications. Also durable and long-lasting, protecting your applications. It is used in furniture manufacturing, retail and commercial applications.
"Push Fit Round Vinyl End Cap are a versatile and practical accessory that provides a clean and finished look to the ends of various cylindrical objects.
Designed to fit securely over ends of round or cylindrical tubes, rods, or pipes. It offers protection, durability and is resistant to impact, abrasion, and weathering.
The glossy and attractive finish makes this cap ideal for use as a decorative end cap. It also acts as protective barriers, shielding the ends of tubes or rods from moisture, dust, dirt, and other contaminants.
Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)Colour: Black, Red
Skupina SR: SR1044
Oval Feet Ferrules are designed to provide stability, floor protection and a finished look to furniture, equipment, and other applications requiring a secure footing. Made to fit the ends of tubular legs or oval shaped furniture feet.
They are quick and easy to install thanks to their push fit, as well as offering a polished finish to applications.
Priechodky izolačné s membránou majú tenkú stredovú membránu, ktorá sa dá prepichnúť a umožňuje prechod káblov rôznych veľkostí do ochranných krytov alebo cez panel. Zatiaľ čo na obidvoch stranách priechodky sa nachádzajú v strede výrezy s tenkou stredovou membránou, na jednej strane priechodky sa nachádza výrez s tenkou stredovou membránou.
Flexible End Caps are made from flexible material that is able to stretch on to larger diameters for a snug fit. They provide excellent protection for threaded applications.
The cap features a hanging tab, which allows them to be used with wire hooks. They are an ideal solution for masking applications.
The caps are highly resistance to shredding, making them a durable product. The Green PVC option is suitable for use in oil and grease applications.
Our range of Flexible End Caps come in a variety of sizes that are suitable for Metric, BSP and UNF threads. These Flexicaps are durable making them an ideal choice for a multitude of uses.
The attractive vinyl appearance makes them a great choice for finished products. Thanks to their versatility they have a broad range of uses that include; thread protection, dust and moisture control, pipe and stud end colour coding and masking during paint and plating operation.
The flexible PVC (90 Shore) material can withstand high operating temperatures and can be stretched up to 15 percent larger than then manufactured diameter. The specially formulated PVC is unaffected by weather, oxidation, oils and moisture.The caps are extremely pliant and provide excellent chemical resistance. They can also be glued to other PVC items.
They are an economical solution for one-time uses.
Zátky na konce rúrok sú základné komponenty používané na utesnenie koncov rúrok a hadíc v rôznych priemyselných odvetviach. Poskytujú bezpečný a spoľahlivý uzáver, ktorý pomáha zabraňovať priesakom, kontaminácii a poškodeniu rúrky alebo hadice. Majú výnimočnú odolnosť, všestrannosť a jednoducho sa nasadzujú. Ponúkajú množstvo výhod, používajú sa v rôznych aplikáciách, ako je stavebníctvo, inštalatérstvo a výroba.
Veľmi univerzálne z hľadiska materiálov a veľkosti. Tieto zátky sú zvyčajne vyrobené z vysoko kvalitných materiálov, ako je guma a plast, pre vynikajúcu pevnosť a odolnosť voči opotrebovaniu.
Ponúkame ich v rôznych veľkostiach a prevedeniach pre rôzne rozmery rúr alebo hadíc, poskytujú presné a spoľahlivé utesnenie.
Štandardné ochranné krytky potrubia sú úsporné ochranné krytky s vysoko kvalitnou povrchovou úpravou.
Lisované krytky navrhnuté na obopnutie vonkajšieho priemeru koncov rúr so závitom a bez závitu, zabraňujú vniknutiu cudzích materiálov počas skladovania a prepravy.
Dizajn krytky má vnútorné rebrovanie, ktoré zaisťuje pevné osadenie. Tento rad tiež zahŕňa krytky, ktoré majú malý vetrací otvor na elimináciu nárastu tlaku vzduchu, spĺňajú špecifikácie podľa ANSI a DIN.
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