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Hidrolik Hortum Koruması

 (7 Ürün grupları)

Makine titreşimleri harekete ve hortumlara sürtünmeye yol açarak hortum kapaklarında aşınmaya sebep olabilir. Çok çeşitli hortum koruyucular içeren ürünlerimiz bu sorunları ortadan kaldırarak korumayı ihtiyaç duyduğunuzda sağlar. Ürün grubumuz yangın koruma manşonları ve zorlu ortamlar için mükemmel bir silikon kılıf ile hortumunuzun ömrünü uzatırken aşınma ve ezilmeye karşı korumak üzere tasarlanmış çeşitli hortum koruyucuları sunar. Daha fazla bilgi için "Hidrolik Hortum Koruma Pratik Kılavuzumuza" göz atın.
Liste Kılavuz

Yangından Koruma Manşonları

Standard and Premium Fire Protection Sleeves shield cables, hydraulic leads and rubber hose lines from extreme temperatures, flames, radiation heat, and liquid metal spills. The inner sleeve has strong insulating capabilities and can withstand temperatures as high as 700C. The Standard variant has a thinner outer cover than the Premium option.

  • Protects against high temperatures, radiation heat, direct flames and liquid metal splashes.
  • Keeps shape well for easy application.
  • Ideal for cables, hydraulic leads and hoses.
  • Micron Calcium Silicate Yarn is constructed with silk to avoid residues often appearing from glass fibre alternative.
Malzeme: Silicone Renk: Silver, Red, Grey Seri Kodu: SR1100, SR6001, SR6002

Hortum Koruma Manşonları

Hose Protection Sleeves are strong covers that protect hoses against heat, abrasion and noise reduction. Resistant to heat, ozone and abrasions. Can withstand temperatures ranging from 110ºC up to 185ºC.

  • Excellent abrasion resistance.
  • Easy to install.
  • Ideal for connectors, fittings, splices, cables and hoses.
Malzeme: 1050 Ballistic Nylon, PA, PES; PO Renk: Black Seri Kodu: SR1080, , SR1108

Hortum Koruma Manşonları - Maden Güvenliği Onaylı

Hose Protection Sleeves that are Mining Safety approved. Durable coatings are approved to protect hoses against heat, abrasion and bursts. Can withstand temperatures ranging from -40C up to +130C. The US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has approved this product. Effective in minimising a concentrated stream of pinhole leaks, while maintaining high burst resistance.

  • US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approved product.
  • Highly abrasion and burst resistant.
  • Temperature resistance: -40C to +130C.
  • Can be branded with your company logo and part number details.
  • Standard roll length: 50 metres.
Malzeme: Polyester, Nylon Renk: Black Seri Kodu: , SR1082

Hortum Manşonu Yüksükleri

Sleeve Ferrules are used to secure the hose protection sleeve by crimping it to the hose. This prevents damage and leaks, and protects hoses from wear, pressure and corrosion.

  • Used to seal the sleeve on a hose.
  • Crimped on to hose assembly.
Malzeme: Alüminyum Seri Kodu: SR1098

Hortum Aşınma Koruyucuları

Hose Wear Protectors prevent abrasive surfaces from causing point-of-contact wear. Cable ties can be attached via the moulded grooves. Used on hydraulic hoses, and gasoline and oil lines.

  • Protects hose against point of contact wear with abrasive surfaces.
  • Highly durable material with high wear factor.
  • Moulded grooves designed to fit with cable ties.
  • Easy application and removal.
  • Can be used on hydraulic hoses, fuel and oil lines, brake systems, wiring harnesses and battery cables.
Malzeme: PVC Renk: Yellow, Black, Orange Seri Kodu: SR6000

Spiral Sargılı Hortum Koruyucular

Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors are intended to protect hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.

  • Hortumun hizmet süresini son derece artırır.
  • Maliyetli onarımları, iş durma sürelerini ve operatör güvenliği olaylarını azaltır.
  • Maksimum aşınma ve ezilme direnci.
  • Koruma manşonuyla birlikte kullanıldığında premium koruma sağlar.
Malzeme: HDPE, PP Renk: Yellow, Black Seri Kodu: SRV0021, SR1084, SRV0052, SR1081

Spiral Sargılı Hortum Koruyucular - Maden Güvenliği Onaylı

Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors for mining safety. Flame retardant and anti-static properties are approved, making it ideal for subterranean applications. Designed to protect hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.

  • Eski 182:1986 numaralı İngiliz Kömür şartnamesine uygun olarak test edilip onaylanmıştır. Yeraltında kullanım için metalik olmayan malzemeler düzenlemesi gereksinimlerini karşılar.
  • NSW Maden Güvenliği Laboratuvarı Maden Kaynakları Departmanı tarafından test edilip AS2660 FRAS uyumluluğu onaylanmıştır - 1991.
  • Uluslararası Standart: ISO 6805.
  • Geçerli patentler: Avustralya 747837, Almanya 69912586.3-08, İtalya ve Birleşik Krallık 1062456, Birleşik Devletler 6286557
  • Alev geciktirici ve anti statik.
Malzeme: HDPE Renk: Grey Seri Kodu: SR1081