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ISO Plastik

 (8 Ürün grupları)

Liste Kılavuz

Altıgen Başlı Kapak Vidaları - Plastik

Hexagonal Head Cap Screws are distinguished by their hexagonal head, allowing easy installation and tightening with a wrench or socket. Made of plastic, they are lightweight and resistant to corrosion, oil, abrasion and most chemicals.

Offered in a variety of standard imperial and metric sizes as a replacement to all metal versions. Used in various applications, including electrical equipment, automotive trim, and furniture.

  • Material: Nylon, PA, PEEK, PC, PP, PVDF
  • Colour: Natural, Light Brown, Brown, Black

Series Code :SR1992

Seri Kodu: SR1992

Cıvata Mühürleri

High-security Bolt Seal is ideal for securing goods during import and export. Features an 18mm insert and pin head that ensures the seal stays engaged, even if the plastic cover is removed. The seal is ISO 17712:2013 compliant (coated pin) and C-TPAT certified.

Yüksek emniyetli Cıvata Mührü ithalat ve ihracat ürünlerini ülke içinde ve uluslararası olarak emniyete almada kullanmak için idealdir. Tipik uygulamalar arasında nakliye konteynırları, kargo konteynırları, kamyonlar, treyler kapakları ve demiryolu yükleri yer alır.

  • Plastik kapak bilerek veya kazara çıkartıldığında uygulamaların mandalına mührün bağlı kalmasını sağlayan 18 mm eklenti ve pim kafası bulunur.
  • ISO 17712:2013 (yalnızca kaplı pim seçeneği) ve C-TPAT uyumlu.
Malzeme: ABS, PP, Steel Renk: Yellow, Blue, White, Orange, Red, Green Seri Kodu: SREinLock, SRH0019, SRH0018

Makine Vidaları - Havşalı

Countersunk machine screws have a flat head with a tapered bottom, allowing the screw to rest flush with the surface of the material to which it is fastened, making them excellent for situations where the head is not visible. This keeps the skin and clothes from snagging.

Usually threaded down the shaft and may be tightened with a screwdriver or equivalent equipment. It is simple to install and remove, providing a tidy and visually pleasing finish while remaining useful. They are long-lasting, corrosion-resistant, and lightweight. Used in applications such as handrails, furniture and lighting fixtures.

  • Material: Stainless Steel, Mild Steel, Nylon, PVDF, PP, PPS, Reny, PEEK, PA
  • Colour: Natural, White, Black, Beige, Light Brown, Tan
  • Material Flammability Standard: , UL94 V-0, UL94 HB

Series Code :SR1967

Seri Kodu: SR1967

Hızlı Sökülebilen Kapaklar

Quick Release Caps are designed for capping ISO A and ISO B series. They protect hoses, fittings and tubes from contamination, dirt, moisture and corrosion. They can withstand temperatures ranging from -40C up to 135C.

Hidrolik uygulamalar için Hızlı Sökülür Kapak. Dişi bağlantı elemanı, ISO 7241-1, A ve B Serisi hızlı sökülür kaplinleri korumaya uygundur

  • Hortuma bağlı kalacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
  • Kir ve nem girmesine karşı koruma, korozyona direnç sunar.
Malzeme: TPE Renk: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red Seri Kodu: SR1181

Hızlı Çıkarılır Tapalar

Quick Release Plugs provide secure sealing for hoses. They remain attached during use. Designed as male fittings for ISO A and ISO B series. Can withstand temperatures from -40C up to 135C.

  • Male fittings for the ISO A and ISO B series.
  • It provides great protection against dirt, moisture, and corrosion and prevent leaks.
  • It can withstand temperatures from -40C to 135C.
Malzeme: TPE Renk: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red Seri Kodu: SR1182

Spiral Sargılı Hortum Koruyucular - Maden Güvenliği Onaylı

Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors for mining safety. Flame retardant and anti-static properties are approved, making it ideal for subterranean applications. Designed to protect hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.

  • Eski 182:1986 numaralı İngiliz Kömür şartnamesine uygun olarak test edilip onaylanmıştır. Yeraltında kullanım için metalik olmayan malzemeler düzenlemesi gereksinimlerini karşılar.
  • NSW Maden Güvenliği Laboratuvarı Maden Kaynakları Departmanı tarafından test edilip AS2660 FRAS uyumluluğu onaylanmıştır - 1991.
  • Uluslararası Standart: ISO 6805.
  • Geçerli patentler: Avustralya 747837, Almanya 69912586.3-08, İtalya ve Birleşik Krallık 1062456, Birleşik Devletler 6286557
  • Alev geciktirici ve anti statik.
Malzeme: HDPE Renk: Grey Seri Kodu: SR1081

Standart Altıgen Somunlar - Plastik

Standard Hex Nuts - Plastic are versatile and lightweight fasteners that offer reliable and secure connections in a variety of applications. These nuts feature a hexagonal shape with internal threads, allowing for easy tightening onto bolts, screws, or threaded rods. Manufactured using high-quality plastic materials such as nylon or polypropylene, Standard Hex Nuts - Plastic provide excellent resistance to corrosion, chemicals, and electrical conductivity. Their unique characteristics make them suitable for numerous industries and applications.

One of the main characteristics of Standard Hex Nuts - Plastic is their lightweight and non-conductive nature. Plastic nuts are significantly lighter than their metal counterparts, making them ideal for applications where weight reduction is crucial. The non-conductive property of plastic ensures electrical insulation, preventing the risk of short circuits or electrical interference. Standard Hex Nuts - Plastic are available in various sizes and thread pitches, providing flexibility for different applications. Additionally, their plastic construction offers resistance to corrosion, chemicals, and harsh environmental conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

  • Material: PC, PA, PP, PVDF, PEEK
  • Colour: Natural, Brown, Black, Light Brown, Clear
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2, , UL94 V-0

Series Code :SR1954

Seri Kodu: SR1954 ,SR2014

Tahrik Mili Koruma Tapaları

Driveshaft Protection Caps protect the ends of exposed driveshafts from oil and chemicals, during transportation and storage. They are resistant to ripping and splitting.

Tahrik Mili Koruma Tapaları tahrik milinin ve çevresindeki yatakların benzin ve çeşitli kimyasallardan maskelenmesi ve korunmasında kullanılır.

  • DIN 748, IEC 600-72 ve ISO R775 ile uyumludur.
Malzeme: LDPE, PVC Renk: Yellow Seri Kodu: SR1079