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Pevná Nehrdzavejúca oceľ Nastavenie polohy

 (8 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Nastaviteľné polohovacie pánty s uhlom nastavenia každých 30

Detent Hinges are Torque Hinges indented every 30 degrees allowing panels to be positioned and maintained withough auxiliary components. The torque is factory preset and cannot be modified by users. Made of Anodised Aluminiumm, a choice of finish is available for aesthetic appeal. Several torque values are available.

Paletový podstavec

Low-profile Pallet Feet that are often called Weld Cups. They fit standard metal base glides and provided added strength and protection.

The smooth Mild Steel material protects floors and helps to reduce noise levels, while fully encapsulating and protecting the metal base.

The maximum post sizes assume SHS tubing is used. This Pallet Foot range is ideal for metal pallets and stillages.

  • Stacking options available.

Rohové pánty – s pevným čapom

External Metal Corner Hinge are suitable for machine covers and electric panels. They come in different profiles and sizes to be fixed either with stud or screwed on.

Stmeňove závory – so záražkou

Flexible Over Centre Drawer Latches have a low profile design and the keeper is concealed and fixed under the latch to aid this design feature. The handle is made from black rubber making it non-corrosive and if fixed using standard M4 screws (not supplied)

Strmeňová závora s okom a zarážkou

Wire Loop Draw Latches & Strikes consist of a simple ergonomic design suitable for a wide variety of applications requiring a straightforward Latch. The catch and strike components must be ordered separately and both are available in both Mild and Stainless Steel

Strmeňové závory

Over Centre Drawer Latches have a smooth surface for an aesthetic finish and operate with a draw hook. They securely pull two components together and lock by pushing the latch over its centre. This range of latches are light duty when compared to the Wire Latches. They are used on small containers, metal boxes and light industrial cleaning machine. A choice of material is on offer to suit various application environments.

Strmeňové závory s bočnou pružinou a so zarážkou

Spring Draw Latches or Tension Latches securely pull and lock two components together. The spring allows a expandable pull and firm locking. A selection of materials allow the use of this Draw Latch in various applications.

Polohovacie trecie pánty s konštantným trením

These Constant Torque Hinges articulate and hold the panel in position, thus eliminating the need for a gas strut or lid stay. The torque value is fixed to a specific value, requiring no adjustment along it's lifecycle and the range includes hinges made from a variety of materials and different fixed torque values, including detent hinges.