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ANSI IP68 Plast

 (10 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Chrániče prírubových otvorov na skrutky

Disky chrániča príruby sa jednoducho nasadzujú. Disk má štyri vopred vyrazené otvory, cez ktoré sa môžu jednoducho prevliecť viazacie a sťahovacie pásky pre bezpečné uchytenie. V prípade potreby sa môžu použiť aj ďalšie upevňovacie prvky ako upínacia zátka, kolíky a podložky.

Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu tesniaceho povrchu celého čela príruby. Majú špeciálnu konštrukciu s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru otvoru pre skrutky príruby a rozstupovej kružnici skrutky.

Široký sortiment zahŕňa množstvo rozmerov a rôznych hodnôt menovitého tlaku. Zahŕňa varianty, ktoré sú vhodné pre príruby DIN podľa DN 10 až DN 600 – tlakové triedy PN 6, 10, 16, 15 a 40 a príruby ANSI 1/2 až 32 palcov – tlakové triedy 150, 300, 600 a 900 libier (lb).

  • Diskové chrániče prírub sa ľahko nasadzujú. Jednoducho sa pripevnia pomocou sťahovacích pások a v prípade potreby pomocou ďalších upevňovacích prvkov, ako sú upínacie zátky, kolíky a podložky.
  • Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu celého tesniaceho povrchu odkrytého prírubami.
  • Majú špeciálny dizajn s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru príruby a obvodu skrutky.
  • Options suitable for DIN flanges DN 10 to DN 600.
Materiál: PP Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SR1172

Kryty na príruby

Flange Covers are ideal for protecting internally coated flanges, and they provide complete all-round flange protection. They are designed to suit all types of flange faces.

They offer flexibility, durability, and the versatile design makes them suitable for the protection of bolt holes. They are easy to fit. The range includes options that are injection moulded.

Cover ANSI 16.5, DIN 2631-2635 and BS4504

  • Material: Flexible Polyethylene (PE)
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1353

Káblové vývodky - rovné, mosadzné

These Cable Gland Straight /Brass are used in various applications to fasten and seal electrical cables. These cable glands' outstanding material strength and corrosion resistance ensure their longevity and endurance. For smaller sizes, no sealing washer is required to fulfil IP68 certification and comes with a TPE inner sealing gland and a CR/ NBR exterior sealing gland. Remove the inner sealing gland for larger cable diameters.

These cable glands are designed to keep moisture, dust, and other impurities from your cables and electrical connections. It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to 100 C. Used in various applications, including telecommunications, energy, and industrial manufacturing. Locknuts and sealing washer available separately.

  • Material: Brass, PA, Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Silver Grey, Dark Grey
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR1717

Káblové vývodky - rovné, polyamidové

These Cable Gland Straight /Nylon are used in various applications to fasten and seal electrical cables. These cable glands' outstanding material strength and corrosion resistance ensure longevity and endurance. For smaller sizes, no sealing washer is required to fulfil IP68 certification, and it comes with a TPE inner sealing gland and a CR/ NBR outer sealing gland. Remove the inner sealing gland for larger cable diameters.

These cable glands are designed to keep moisture, dust, and other impurities from your cables and electrical connections. It is also durable, easy to install, and lightweight, making it an excellent choice for weight issues. It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to 100 C. Used in various applications, including telecommunications, automotive, and construction. Locknut and sealing washers are available separately.

  • Material: Nylon, PA
  • Colour: Black, Blue, Grey, White, Red
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-0, UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR1704

Rebrované krytky potrubia

Ribbed Pipe End Caps are ideal for protecting threaded or non-threaded pipes, tubes or rods. In addition it is used to shield or mask areas during the painting process, as well as preventing dirt, dust, or debris from entering.

It is easy to install and remove, and it can withstand a maximum temperature of 79.4C. Designed for plumbing, HVAC, and industrial applications.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1046

Samolepiace chrániče celého čela príruby

Full Face Flange Protectors are adhesive backed, with an easy peel and stick design. The special adhesive bonds securely and will not leave behind residue under normal application conditions.

The protectors provide full-faced outside diameter flange protection. They meet ANSI B16.5 and ASME B16.47 specification, and have a 15 pound (lb) rating.

No fasteners are required.

  • Material: Polyethylene (PE)
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1373

Samolepiace disky na čelá prírub

Raised-face Flange Protectors are adhesive backed and feature an easy peel and stick design. The special adhesive bonds securely and will not leave behind residue under normal application conditions.

Shaped like a disc, the protects provide full flange face protection. The range is suitable for DIN and ANSI flange specifications. They are available with holes for internal bore sand blasting and have a standard thickness of 1.5 mm.

They discs are ozone and weather resistant, as well as offering resistance to petrol, oil and non-oxidisation acids. They are also able to withstand temperatures from -15C up to +70C.

Requires no fasteners.

  • Material: Rubber
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1361

Zasúvacie chrániče celého čela príruby

Full Face Flange Protectors have a simple push-in design. The design also features flexible fins that ensure a snug fit into the bore, every single time.

This flange protection requires no fasteners to assemble. It meets ANSI B16.5 Class 150 flanges, DIN2627 to 2638 and BS5504 ratings.

  • Materials: Polyethylene (PE) and Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1365

Štandardné ochranné krytky potrubia

Štandardné ochranné krytky potrubia sú úsporné ochranné krytky s vysoko kvalitnou povrchovou úpravou.

Lisované krytky navrhnuté na obopnutie vonkajšieho priemeru koncov rúr so závitom a bez závitu, zabraňujú vniknutiu cudzích materiálov počas skladovania a prepravy.

Dizajn krytky má vnútorné rebrovanie, ktoré zaisťuje pevné osadenie. Tento rad tiež zahŕňa krytky, ktoré majú malý vetrací otvor na elimináciu nárastu tlaku vzduchu, spĺňajú špecifikácie podľa ANSI a DIN.

  • Navrhnuté na zabránenie vniknutia cudzieho materiálu počas skladovania alebo prepravy.
  • Má vnútorné rebrovanie, ktoré zaisťuje pevné osadenie.
  • Majú malý vetrací otvor na elimináciu vytvárania tlaku vzduchu.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, PVC Farba: Zelená, Modrá, Oranžová, Žltá, Červená, Čierna, Prírodná, Šedá Skupina SR: SR1358, SRTXTPE, SR1387, SR1340