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Okrúhle Polyetylén LD Paint works & surface treatment

 (8 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Flexi vinylové krytky s uchytením - vysokoteplotné

High Temperature Flexible Caps with an ergonomic-friendly pull-tab design for easy fitting and removal. Suitable for use on threaded or plain applications.

The unique design fits a range of applications and thread sizes including Metric, UNF and BSP. The range includes options with a six-sided design.Vysokoteplotné pružné krytky s úchytom sa nasadzujú a odstraňujú zo závitových alebo hladkých aplikácií.

  • Jedinečná konštrukcia umožňuje nasadenie každej krytky na širokú škálu priemerov.
  • Jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.
Materiál: PVCFarba: ŽltáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SR1072

Kryty koncov rúrok

Tube End Caps offer ideal protection for threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes and rods. Standard, short and long caps are available. The short versions are for general purpose closure and the long versions have an extra depth and feathered edge that ensure a tight fit.

The design of these longer caps helps to prevent accidental displacement. Tube End Caps serve the same purpose as Heat Shrink End Caps, but do not shrink when heated during the application process. They are UV and weather resistant, making them ideal outdoor applications.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Low density polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Colour: Red

Skupina SR: SR1610, SR1620

Kónické krytky a zátky - silná záťaž

Tapered Caps & Plugs protect threaded and non-threaded pipes, ports, and access points from damage, dust and debris during storage and shipping. They have a heavy duty wall and a tapered sealing ring for maximum protection.

Heavy duty tapered caps and plugs are designed to provide extra protection and durability where standard caps and plugs would not suffice. It provides a secure seal by push fit, excellent durability, and resistance to impact and abrasion. Used for applications in machinery, automotive, and industrial.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: White, Red

Skupina SR: SR1003

Kónické krytky a zátky – štandardné

Štandardné kónické krytky a zátky sú univerzálne komponenty určené na použitie ako zátka alebo krytka. Kónický profil umožňuje nasadenie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov alebo zakrytie viacerých vonkajších priemerov.

Tieto dvojfunkčné zátky alebo krytky sa zvyčajne používajú na ochranu pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.

Vďaka tvaru na priame zatlačenie sa tieto dvojfunkčné komponenty ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú. Široký sortiment ponúka výber veľkostí od 2,9 mm do 345,0 mm.

  • Tvar zátky je vhodný pre viacero vnútorných a vonkajších priemerov.
  • Chránia závitové a hladké rúry, porty a prístupové body pred poškodením, špinou, vlhkosťou, úlomkami a koróziou.
  • Vhodné na použitie v hydraulických systémoch, automobilových komponentoch alebo zdravotníctve.
Materiál: Polyetylén LDFarba: Červená, Modrá, Čierna, Priehľadná, ŽltáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SR1000, SR1111, SRF0020

Okrúhle koncové krytky - štandardné

Standard Round End Caps are used to securely protect threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes, and rods during transportation, a paint process or on a finished product. It prevents dirt, debris, dust and other contaminants from damaging the tubes.

These caps are easily applied by pushing onto the application and can be re-used upon removal. They are used for industrial, HVAC, and plumbing applications and can withstand temperatures up to 70C.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Natural, Red

Series Code: SRF0068, SR1000, SR5763

Rebrované krytky potrubia

Ribbed Pipe End Caps are ideal for protecting threaded or non-threaded pipes, tubes or rods. In addition it is used to shield or mask areas during the painting process, as well as preventing dirt, dust, or debris from entering.

It is easy to install and remove, and it can withstand a maximum temperature of 79.4C. Designed for plumbing, HVAC, and industrial applications.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Series Code: SR1046

Roztiahnuteľné maskovacie kryty

Expandable Masking Covers are an ideal alternative to a more conventional cap when the part to cover has an awkward shape. The Masking Covers are expandable by stretching with an elasticated end or by stretching through the elasticity of the material. The elasticated cap makes it a looser hold and therefore is best for a general protection during transport and storage or light masking requirement.

The stretched material cap has a stronger hold on the part by gripping and therefore is best for application putting pressure on the part. Their softening point is at 90 degrees Celsius and they can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius.

  • Material: LDPE, Silicone
  • Colour: Blue, Red, White, Clear

Skupina SR: SR1097, SRF0019

Zátky Collar

Collar plugs feature a self tapping design which makes them easy to install. Very durable due to their thick wall, they are difficult to dislodge and offer a secure connection.

Designed to protect your equipment from dust, debris and other external elements. Ideal for sandblasting and other applications in the construction and automotive industries.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Orange

Skupina SR: SR1160