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Zatlačením Závitový čap Nábytok pre kancelárie a maloobchod

 (12 sady výrobkov)

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Klzáky - nastaviteľná, hladká základňa

Klzáky s nastaviteľnou, hladkou základňou.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - pochrómovaný kryt

These Chrome Capped Adjustable Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications on slightly uneven surfaces, including office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery. The range are made from chrome capped black Polyethylene (PE).

Skupina SR: SR5442

Nastaviteľné nožičky - štandardné, nečlenené

Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.

Skupina SR: SR5439

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom - s pevnou plastovou základňou

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom s plastovou pevnou základňou sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia. Plastové základne poskytujú hladký neabrazívny povrch, ktorý chráni podlahy.

Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž

Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia.

Nožičky s nitom

Rivet Feet are ideal in helping with the manoeuvring of furniture, as well as providing a high level of surface protection. The simply design of our Rivet Mount Feet make them a quick and easy, tool-free solution.

Our Rivet Foot range features UL94 HB rated Fast Feet made from Black TPE, with a Grey Acetal Rive that are ideal for wooden cabinets, equipment enclosures, free-standing electrical and electronics equipment. Soft Fast Feet are also available within this range that have a material harness of 86 Shore; they are also made of Black TPE, and have a Polypropylene pin. Also available are Snap Rivet Feet made from UL94 V2 rated Polyamide 6/6, which have a TPE base. These help protect floors and tube ends when secured to the assembly with a rivet.

Rivet Feet install with a straight-forward push-fit. They can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and as stops in a wide range of applications and assemblies. The incorporated push rivets push into pre-drilled holes. The foot is fully removable.

Skupina SR: SR5796

Protišmykové gumené podložky

Protišmykové podložky sú ideálne na zakrytie vyrovnávacích nožičiek na strojoch a dopravníkoch. Tieto podložky vydržia vysoké zaťaženie a poskytujú zvýšené trenie na zabránenie pohybu a posúvania.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky - kovová pevná základňa

Vyrovnávacie nožičky s pevným kovovým podstavcom sú lacné riešenie pre nenáročné aplikácie. Použite tieto vyrovnávacie nožičky na kancelársky nábytok, regály, vitríny v obchodoch, skrinky a malé stroje.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje sú lacným riešením pre aplikácie s nízkym zaťažením. Nastaviteľné nožičky sa používajú na kancelársky nábytok, police, skrinky a strojové zariadenia malých rozmerov.

Zatláčacia nožička

Push Fit Feet, commonly known as Grommet Feet, are an ideal choice for a host of applications. The have a number of useful properties that can provide surface protection, vibration dampening, strength retention, and skid prevention.

Our Push In Foot range is designed to simply push into punched or drilled holes, tube ends or to the base of furniture - making them quick and easy to install. They can provide stability and support in various applications and industries, including; office and retail, the manufacture of small and large appliances, furniture and cabinets, housings and cases, glass shelving and table top support, stacking, electrical and electronics equipment - and for many more.

  • Available in various materials including Nylon 6/6, Silicone Rubber, Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE).
  • Shapes: Rectangle, Right Angle, Round and Square
  • Colours: Black, Brown, Grey, Natural and Transparent
  • UL94 HB rated options.

Skupina SR: SR1573

Zatláčacie dorazy a gumené nožičky - doraz

Push-Fit Bumpers can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and stops in various applications. The press-fit stem holds the bumper securely in place to protect surfaces from contact.

Skupina SR: SR5807

Zatláčacie gumené nožičky

Push-Fit Bumper Feet can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and stops in various applications. The press-fit design holds the bumper securely in place to protect surfaces from contact.

Skupina SR: SR5795