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Plastik Hortum Koruma Tekerlekler

 (13 Ürün grupları)

Liste Kılavuz

Dengelem Tekerlekleri

Our multifunctional Levelling castors are an ideal choice for machinary, cabinets, portable equipment and transportation. Move and position large equipment single handedly, with ease. The wheel is made from black poloyamide and features aluminium housing. A range of fittings and adjustments are available, with up to 1500Kg load capacity.

Series Code :SR5694

Seri Kodu: SR5694

Endüstriyel Tekerlekler

Industrial Castors are ideal for heavy duty applications or industries, such as; automotive, engineering, manufacturing and others. Ultimately designed to bear heavy loads, these castors are likely to be used on items like dolly carts, storage racks, tow lines, maintenance equipment, platform trucks and others. Our offering includes Bolt Hole, Threaded Stem, Fixed Plate and Swivel Plate castor type options - manufactured in a variety of colours and materials including, Rubber, Nylon, Cast Iron and Polyurethane. A choice of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Series Code :SR5616

Seri Kodu: SR5616 ,SR5626, SR5693

Batmayan Tekerlekler

Our Float-On Castors are designed for use in wet and dry conditions. They ensure smooth movement of delicate or polished flat materials. The balls are availble in two matieral and colour options. The red polyurethane (Shore A 90-95) ball is more hardwearing. The black rubber (Shore A 80-85) us for most other applications. The height is adjustable making these very practical. Features a BZP stem. Right or left hand orientation options are available to suit your needs. Comes either fully or partially assembled, and also available in a 'ball only' option.

Hareketli Tekerlekler

We offer a wide selection of Castor Wheels to suit an array of applications, across several industries. Our wheels are available in materials including; Polyamide, Polyurethane, Rubber and Thermoplastic. A great choice of colours to choose from too, such as; Red, Blue, Grey, Black and White - in a range of sizes and load capactities to suit your purpose.

Series Code :SR5629

Seri Kodu: SR5629 ,SR5646, SR5767

Hortum Koruma Manşonları

Hose Protection Sleeves are strong covers that protect hoses against heat, abrasion and noise reduction. Resistant to heat, ozone and abrasions. Can withstand temperatures ranging from 110ºC up to 185ºC.

  • Excellent abrasion resistance.
  • Easy to install.
  • Ideal for connectors, fittings, splices, cables and hoses.
Malzeme: 1050 Ballistic Nylon, PA, PES; PO Renk: Black Seri Kodu: SR1080, , SR1108

Hortum Koruma Manşonları - Maden Güvenliği Onaylı

Hose Protection Sleeves that are Mining Safety approved. Durable coatings are approved to protect hoses against heat, abrasion and bursts. Can withstand temperatures ranging from -40C up to +130C. The US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has approved this product. Effective in minimising a concentrated stream of pinhole leaks, while maintaining high burst resistance.

  • US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approved product.
  • Highly abrasion and burst resistant.
  • Temperature resistance: -40C to +130C.
  • Can be branded with your company logo and part number details.
  • Standard roll length: 50 metres.
Malzeme: Polyester, Nylon Renk: Black Seri Kodu: , SR1082

Mobilya ve Ofis Tekerlekleri

These aestically pleasing castors are a great option for equipment typically found in offices and other commercial premises. Our range of Furniture & Office Castors can be applied to desk chairs, pedastals, storage trolleys, meeting tables and more. The materials offered in this range include; Rubber, Nylon, Zinc Plated Steel and more. A variety of type options are available to suit your requirments, including; Spherical, Twinwheel, Bolt Hole, Spoke Wheel, Knurled Stem and others. Our range is available in varying load capacity and size options.

Series Code :SR5769

Seri Kodu: SR5769 ,SR1547

Spiral Sargılı Hortum Koruyucular

Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors are intended to protect hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.

  • Hortumun hizmet süresini son derece artırır.
  • Maliyetli onarımları, iş durma sürelerini ve operatör güvenliği olaylarını azaltır.
  • Maksimum aşınma ve ezilme direnci.
  • Koruma manşonuyla birlikte kullanıldığında premium koruma sağlar.
Malzeme: HDPE, PP Renk: Yellow, Black Seri Kodu: SRV0021, SR1084, SRV0052, SR1081

Spiral Sargılı Hortum Koruyucular - Maden Güvenliği Onaylı

Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors for mining safety. Flame retardant and anti-static properties are approved, making it ideal for subterranean applications. Designed to protect hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.

  • Eski 182:1986 numaralı İngiliz Kömür şartnamesine uygun olarak test edilip onaylanmıştır. Yeraltında kullanım için metalik olmayan malzemeler düzenlemesi gereksinimlerini karşılar.
  • NSW Maden Güvenliği Laboratuvarı Maden Kaynakları Departmanı tarafından test edilip AS2660 FRAS uyumluluğu onaylanmıştır - 1991.
  • Uluslararası Standart: ISO 6805.
  • Geçerli patentler: Avustralya 747837, Almanya 69912586.3-08, İtalya ve Birleşik Krallık 1062456, Birleşik Devletler 6286557
  • Alev geciktirici ve anti statik.
Malzeme: HDPE Renk: Grey Seri Kodu: SR1081

Tekerlek bağlantıları

A mixture of Castor Fittings, including; castor fitting plates, metal or plastic sockets, gripneck and threaded stems. Compatible with castors with a blind hole mount. Choose according to desired attachment method and size of castor mounting holes. A choice of material options to suit your application needs.

Tıbbi Amaçlı Tekerlekler

Medical Castors are pivotal in the mobility of equipment in the healthcare sector, whether in hospitals, care homes, laboratories and more. Enter any medical facility and you will find portable equipment, such as; patient monitors and devices, ventilators, beds, medical carts and trolleys, hoists, wheelchairs, and others that all make use of castors and wheels. Our extensive range features different castor types, including; Levina, Linea, Twinwheel, Swivel, Fixed plate and others. These castors are offered in a choice of colours and materials, such as Polyurethane, Zinc Plated Steel and Nylon. A plethora of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Series Code :SR5606

Seri Kodu: SR5606 ,SR5680, SR5681, SR5772

Yeme-İçme Hizmeti Amaçlı Tekerlekler

An ideal choice for the food and hospitality industry, these Catering Castors are likely to be used on equipment, such as; hostess trolleys, ovens and other portable cooking equipment, waste bins, kitchen units, storage racks and more. Our range includes tyres made from materials, including; Polyurethane, Stainless Steel and Nylon. An array of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Series Code :SR5621

Seri Kodu: SR5621 ,SR5630

Yüksek Sıcaklık Tekerlekleri

High Temperature Castors are ideal for equipment like bakery oven wheels, as well as in applications where high heats are expected - such as; industrial oven equipment and autoclaves. Plus other applications in need of high temperature resistance. Our range features Bolt Hole, Fixed Plate and Swivel Plate castors. These come in a choice of material and colour options, including Thermoplastic, Stainless Steel and Rubber. Different load capacity and sizes are available.