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(28 Tuotteet)
Our plastic Key Tags are highly economical. An inlay card, window and metal split ring are all included. These tags assist with good key management and security in retail premises.
Compression Latch with a Wing Knob is an ideal choice when better sealing is required under vibration conditions. A popular choice for cabinets, access panels and other access hardware applications.
This compression latch range has a fixed design that are available in locking and non-locking options. Locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are provided with 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.
The latches require the use of standard cams without stoppers, which are sold separately.
These HVAC Locks are used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to offer security and regulate access to HVAC equipment. Designed for enclosures susceptible to pressure differentials to prevent unauthorised tampering or interference with HVAC equipment, assuring system safety and performance. HVAC locks assist in preserving the integrity of the system and safeguard it from potential damage or misuse by securing access panels and doors.
Due to the surface mounting, the thermal bridge between the inside and exterior of the enclosure does not undermine the application's integrity. They are built to survive the severe circumstances common in HVAC systems, such as excessive temperatures, wetness, and vibrations. The stepped cam aids in compression, closing the container more tightly.
The line includes both locking and non-locking variants and L- and T-handle choices. Surface mounting improves application and locking integrity because there is no need to drill a hole through the door. Many handle and locking choices are available to give diversity and user friendliness.
Mini Cam Latches are Wing Knob designed and secure access to your panels and doors with a rotating cam (pawl) that is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side.
The cam latch provides easy fixing and has a clip assembly.
These Furniture Locks are used to secure metal cabinets; however, they were initially developed for Fire Hose Cabinets. These locks are intended to be placed flush with the application's surface, resulting in a smooth and seamless look.
It offers security to protect valuable items and are durable. The flush mount design prevents the locks from protruding from the application surface, preserving the piece's aesthetic integrity.
It is easy to install and can be adapted to existing cabinets, making it a convenient and effective way to secure doors and drawers. They are typically found in metal cabinets, medical furniture, and data cabinets that require a clean and discrete locking mechanism.
Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an T-shaped handle. They are commonly used cabinet and furniture applications.
The cam latches compression allows for a more secure seal where IP/NEMA performance is required. This also allows for improved insulation against noise and vibration conditions.
With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.
Neljänneskierroslukkovalikoimaan voi hankkia erilaisia lisävarusteita, kuten kiinnitysrenkaita. Niitä on kahta eri tyyppiä: jousiteräksinen ja painevaletusta sinkistä valmistettu. Ne sopivat kaikkiin lukkoihin, joiden asennusreiän koko on 20.2 x 22.2.
The Locating Plates in this range are used to securely position Cam Locks when there is a potential risk of having some movements due to the nature of the application. This range cover a washer and a plate made of steel.
Compression Latches with a Wing Knob design are ideal for applications that require better sealing under vibration conditions. They are commonly used for cabinets and access panels in manufacturing environments.
Our range features adjustable and fixed latches that are locking or non-locking. Where the latch is locking, two keys are supplied with every lock. The adjustable latches have a quarter turn cam operation. Cams are sold separately.
These latches can be used for both left-hand and right-hand applications. Features 6mm of pre-set compression for improved noise isolation.
Matalaprofiiliset kuljetuslavojen jalat, joita kutsutaan usein hitsatuiksi kupeiksi. Sopivat vakiomallisiin metallipohjaisiin liukuihin ja kasvattavat kestoa ja suojausta.
Sileä niukkahiilinen teräs suojaa lattiaa ja pienentää melutasoa peittäen metallialustan täysin ja suojaten sitä.
Korokkeen maksimikoot käytettäessä SHS-putkia. Tämä kuljetuslavojen jalkavalikoima sopii erinomaisesti metallisille kuljetusalustoille ja kehikoille.
Ulkopuoliset metalliset kulmasaranat sopivat koneen suojiin ja sähköpaneeleihin. Niille on tarjolla eri profiileja ja kokoja, ja ne voidaan asentaa joko tapilla tai ruuveilla.
Quarter Turn Latch with Wing Knobs are designed to secure doors, cabinets, enclosures, and other access points. They are operated by twisting the knob 90 degrees, which causes the latch to engage or disengage, making them ideal for applications requiring frequent opening and shutting. Each lock comes with an outer sealing gasket and an assembly nut.
It is made to be easy and quick to install by inserting it into the installation hole and tightening the nut. The range of products includes various materials, finishes, and grip ranges that are utilised in various applications, such as electrical enclosures, furniture cabinets, and equipment covers.
Neljänneskierroslukkovalikoimaan voi hankkia erilaisia lisävarusteita, kuten lukkokahvoja. Ne on valmistettu polyamidista. Ne sopivat kaikkiin lukkoihin, joiden asennusreiän koko on 20.2 x 22.2
Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an L-shaped handle. They are commonly used in applications such as electric panels and machinery covers.
Available in a choice of materials that include; Nylon, Polyamide, Stainless Steel and Die-Cast Zinc Alloy. Our range also boasts several visually pleasing finishes; Powder Coated, Matt, Chrome Plated and Bright Chrome.
With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.
Cam Latches with compression have a T-shaped handle. They are designed to offer secure access to panels and doors, courtesy of the rotating cam (pawl).
The cam is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side. These latches come with standard technology. Ideally used for cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.
Nosto- ja kääntöpuristuslukot sopivat kaappeihin, joissa tarvitaan parempaa tiivistystä tärisevissä olosuhteissa. Lukot tarjoavat 5 mm:n puristuksen melueristyksen parantamiseksi. Tämän valikoiman aukko on 16,5 x 13,7 mm.
Sarjanumero: SR6483
Kääntyvät lenkkilukot vetävät ja lukitsevat kaksi komponenttia tiukasti yhteen. Ne on valmistettu ruostumattomasta teräksestä, ja niitä käytetään käsin, joten niiden käyttö on nopeaa ja helppoa. Ne sopivat erilaisiin kohteisiin, kuten kontteihin, paketointiin ja teollisiin siivouslaitteisiin.
Swell Latches are quick and easy to install. They are used as a fastener for applicactions requiring alignment and anti vibration. A selection for cut out is required depending on the frame thickness.
These Dust Caps are designed to keep dust, humidity, dirt, ingress, and other contaminants out of locks. In addition, they offer excellent durability and resistance to wear and tear. They fit the exact hole sizes as the corresponding lock types.
These caps' snug fit and secure closure make them easy to install. As it is installed between the lock and the door, you will need to include the thickness of the dust cap base in your calculations when considering the appropriate grip range. Widely used in various industries, including electronics, automotive, and industrial manufacturing.
Featured with Padlock Fittings for additional security option when sealed with a padlock. They are also fitted with a rubber gasket for additional sealing properties. On offer are right and left hand door orientations and an array of grip ranges
Handle Turn Cam Latches - Adjustable used for electronic panels, doors, cabinets and other similar installations.
These latches offer exceptional durability and security making them the ideal choice for industrial, commercial, and high-stakes environments. These latches are quick and easy to install. They are perfect for situations requiring lightweight access and can be put on doors of any thickness.
Its handle is removable therefore not mandatory, and when not in use the lock can be opened with a 9mm triangular key.
Jousitetut laatikkosalvat tai vetosalvat vetävät ja lukitsevat kaksi komponenttia tiukasti yhteen. Jousi mahdollistaa paremman vedon ja tiukan lukituksen. Materiaalivalikoiman ansiosta tätä laatikkosalpaa voi käyttää useissa käyttökohteissa.
Siipinupilla varustettuja kääntöniitit on saatavilla erityispitkällä kotelolla. Ne sopivat erinomaisesti äänieristettyihin ja eristettyihin oviin, ja niiden mukana toimitetaan tiivistystä parantava kumitiiviste. Niitä on saatavilla kromi- tai mustalla jauhepinnoitteella, ne on valmistettu painevaletusta sinkistä, ja tarjolla on erilaisia kahvoja
Sarjanumero: SR5523
Flush Compression Lever Latch with an offset trigger design. Provides good gasket compression and is easy to use. Suitable for left and right hand applications to secure doors, cabinets, or panels.
Suitable for a panel thickness of less than, and including, 2mm. It is available in a selection of adjustable grip range: 0-24mm, 24-46mm, 36-48mm, and 51-63mm.
These Latches come as either keyed alike (5333), keyed different or with no lock and supplied with 2 keys per lock.
Joustavat keskelle asennettavat vetolaatikon salvat ovat matalia, ja pidäke on kiinnitetty piiloon salvan alle pitämään muodon matalana. Kahva on valmistettu mustasta kumista, joten tuote on korroosionkestävä, ja se asennetaan tavallisilla M4-ruuveilla (ei kuulu toimitukseen)
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