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(52 sady výrobkov)
Tento sortiment podpierok dosiek plošných spojov drží dosku na okraji, čím sa minimalizujú potrebné rozstupy. Sú k dispozícii s uzamykacím výstupkom alebo bez uzamykacieho výstupku pre dodatočnú pevnosť uchytenia.
Fibre Splice Trays are stackable to any number, and inter-tray fibre routing is possible through slots along one of the long sides of the tray. Colour coded hinges indicate side of tray to open from. Lid, trays, and hinges are sold separately or in a kit. Flame resistance; UL94 V0 and UL94 HB.
Skupina SR: SROFST
These Female to Female Standoffs are designed to be installed by hand and do not require assembly equipment. They are suitable for a wide range of applications and the threaded spacer will allow easy assembly. Available in several thread sizes and lengths and in hexagonal or round shapes.
Skupina SR: SR2794
Držiak kondenzátora je určený na priskrutkovanie do rámu skrine. Odolné výrobky s jednodielnou konštrukciou. Dodávajú sa s upínacími dielmi alebo bez upínacích dielov. Sú dostupné vo vyhotovení s dištančnými stĺpikmi, zabezpečujúcimi odsadenie kondenzátora od rámu. Dodávajú sa aj v prevedení bez odsadení na prechod cez zariadenia.
The Adhesive Mount Cable Tie Holder range offers versatility in terms of mounting options. It comes supplied with adhesive and also allows screw fixing. Available in fixed four-way cable tie installation direction or swivel base holder. The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.
Skupina SR: SR1718
This range of cable tie holders is available for a variety of cable tie types and applications.
Skupina SR: SR1719
These Flexible Steel Clamps are fasteners for bundling, clamping, securing, and organising cables, wires, or tubing. It provides great strength and corrosion resistance while preventing drooping, tangling, or coming into touch with other components. The vinyl coating holds the cable and insulates it.
The adaptability of these clamps enables simple cable routing and placement while allowing variations in cable diameter or length. They are commonly used in applications involving vibration, movement, or severe conditions.
These cable clamps' flexible form enables simple installation and adjustment screw mounting into place, making them excellent for usage in various sectors such as automotive, electrical, and construction.
Skupina SR: SR2150
These P Clips, also known as pipe clips, secure wires, pipes, hoses, and other things. These clips are shaped like a ""P"" and give a tight hold by securing the object. At the same time, the smooth interior surface avoids injury to the held item. It has exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance.
It is simple to install; screw it into the surface where the object is fastened. This range offers several mounting holes for various screw sizes. Suitable for various industries and applications, including automotive, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC.
Skupina SR: SR1109
These Cable Clamps have a buckle and a strap and are intended for tightly holding, organising, and managing cables, wires, and cords. It is adjustable so that it can accept a wide range of cable diameters.
The strap is designed to hold the cables in place securely. It contains perforations throughout its length for cable management flexibility. The buckle was used to secure the fastener.
It can be attached using self-adhesive tape or a screw or rivet (not included). It is utilised in various applications such as the workplace, garage, lighting fixtures, power equipment, charging cords, and other automobile parts.
The adhesive base of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from the date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.
Locking Wire Saddles provide a quick and easy solution for gathering and directing cables and wires, and holding them neatly in place.
The top locking entry system ensures cables are retained and clear of sensitive components. The cables can be easily removed, when required. The wire saddle can be easily fitted and removed with finger-tip pressure.
The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.
Nízky profil na použitie na husto osadených doskách, alebo pre iné zariadenia s obmedzeným priestorom. Vhodné pre smerovanie dvoch paralelných zväzkov káblov, so stredovým otvorom 0,125 palca pre skrutku #4 alebo M3. Dostupné v troch rôznych veľkostiach na zadržanie zväzkov 1/8 palca, 3/16 palca a 1/4 palca. Polyamid 6.6 UL94 V-2, prírodná farba
Screw Mount Half U Cable Clamps are designed to be installed on flat surfaces, and they feature a half-round U shape that securely holds the cable or wire while allowing for easy installation or removal. They are screw mounted.
Its low profile makes it the perfect component for densely packed boards or other space-limited applications, such as in corners or along edges. Used in automotive, aerospace, electronic, and HVAC industries.
Tento sortiment svoriek pre vlnité chráničky je navrhnutý pre prácu s chráničmi káblových zväzkov Essentra veľkosti 20 a 25 zväzkov (séria SHR) a dodáva sa so štyrmi rôznymi druhmi montáže; zacvaknutie do okrúhleho alebo štvorcového otvoru (na zabránenie rotácii), montáž skrutkou a prilepením. Vnútorná lamela na uchytenie zväzku. Uvoľňovacia západka umožňujúca údržbu.
Tento sortiment krytov poistiek je ideálny, keď je potrebná tuhosť, ale nie je možné použiť vopred zostavený kryt. Poskytuje skvelú ochranu pre krehké sklenené komponenty ochrany obvodu.
Táto káblová svorka bezpečne drží zvlnené a stočené hadice alebo iné zväzky na svojom mieste. Má vnútornú lamelu pozdĺž vnútorného priemeru svorky, zabezpečujúcu tesné uchytenie.
Skrutkovacie káblové príchytky sú vhodné na prichytenie zviazaných káblov a U-konštrukcia umožňuje rýchle vloženie a odobratie káblov alebo drôtov.
These P-Style Cable Clamps are crucial for anyone looking to organise and protect their cords effectively. These clamps provide a dependable and efficient option for cable management due to their sturdy construction and versatile design. Due to their material, they are resistant to impact, chemicals, and UV radiation, which reduces the need for frequent replacements.
These cable clamps' P Style design gives a secure and stable grip on cables of various sizes and diameters, and they are available with one, two, or three mounting holes which permit to use the same clamp for three different holding diameters. Designed to be screwed to a surface for a tight and secure hold. Used in various applications, including electrical, data centres, telecommunications networks, automotive, and manufacturing.
Univerzálny káblový organizér je ideálny pre vedenie viacerých káblov, ktoré zároveň drží od seba oddelené. Spoľahlivé pripevnenie zabezpečuje montáž s pomocou skrutiek.
Náš sortiment kovových madiel má tvar U, je vyrobený z rúrky okrúhleho, štvorcového alebo oválneho tvaru, ak je to z ergonomického hľadiska potrebné. Sortiment ponúka výber materiálu a povrchových úprav, aby vyhovovali rôznym prostrediam aplikácie a estetickému vzhľadu hotového výrobku. Rôzne konštrukčné uhly zaisťujú výber uhlov ťahania. Podľa potreby montáže je možné zvoliť prednú a zadnú montáž.
Mostíkové rukoväte sú silné madlá používané pri otváraní aj zatváraní dverí a poklopov ťažkých skriniek. Sortiment ponúka výber materiálu, ktorý vyhovuje prostrediu a pevnosti v ťahu, s výberom typu montáže z prednej alebo zadnej strany.
Oblúkové madlá sú ľahké a poskytujú štýlovejšiu ergonomickú povrchovú úpravu. Sortiment ponúka výber typu montáže z prednej alebo zadnej strany.
Stupnice sa používajú na presné a opakované umiestňovanie posuvných svoriek pozdĺž lineárnych vedení alebo hriadeľov. K dispozícii sú dva varianty, každý s odlišným štýlom montáže. Dosky s jednou stupnicou alebo dosky s dvojitou stupnicou. Každá z nich má svoj typ montáže. Typ montáže skrutkou s vyvŕtanými otvormi alebo lepením, ktorý má obrys umiestnenia otvoru pre skrutku, nie je vyvŕtaný.
Majú vyznačenú mierku alebo mriežkový vzor, ktorý sa tiahne pozdĺž jedného alebo oboch okrajov. Sú stabilné a odolné voči opotrebovaniu.
Široko sa používajú v rôznych priemyselných aplikáciách, ako je automobilové, letecké a zdravotnícke vybavenie.
Montážne nožičky sa používajú na pripevnenie dosiek PC k podstave.
These Strain Relief Cable Clamps are designed to securely tie and organise cables while slightly reducing strain and protecting the cable from metal cut-outs.
The screw mount feature provides a strong and long-lasting hold that keeps the cables from slipping or becoming tangled. They are resistant to a wide range of environmental conditions, making them excellent for both indoor and outdoor use.
They are simple to install in a chassis, panel or wall to connect the main power wire to the appliances. It is attached with two screws that offer a firm hold on the cables. It's used in various industries, including automotive, telecommunications, electrical installations, and construction.
These Standoffs are designed to be installed by hand and do not require assembly equipment. The round standoffs are suitable for a wide range of applications and are ideal for use when high mechanical strength is required and provide sturdy, insulated spacing for high power electronic applications. They are made of nylon with brass inserts and are rated UL94 V-2.
Skupina SR: SR2797
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