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Na vytiahnutie Zaistenie Tesniace O-krúžky

 (19 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Chrániče Banjo

A range of protective caps designed for Banjo Union connections. They provide external assembly cover during storage and transportation to protect the connection from the ingress of dirt. This range is available in a choice of two material options; Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and High-Density Polyethylene.

The Flexible PVC options offer a truly snug fit that offers optimum protection. The flexible material allows for quick fitting and removal, which is aided by a convenient finger tab.

The harder material of our HDPE options make application fast, by easily clicking the cap into place for a secure fit. Suitable for temperatures ranging from a minimum of -30 up to a maximum of +80 degrees celsius.

  • Materials: Flexible PVC and HDPE
  • Colours: Red and Yellow
  • Fits hydraulic Banjo Unions to DIN 7642 B/E

Series Code: SR1071, SRF0005

Flexi vinylové krytky s uchytením - štandardné

Flexible Caps are suitable for plain or thread applications and the unique design means they fit a range of diameters.

The central pull-tab, coupled with the unique star shaped design makes fitting and removal quick and easy. They are suitable for Metric, UNF and BSP thread sizes.

  • Material: Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour: Black

Series Code: SR1072

Krytky na skrutky Banjo

A Protection Cap and Retaining Washer in a single unit. These Banjo Bolt Caps hold everything together during assembly, storage and shipping.

A highly versatile cap that will protect your application against damage and the ingress of dirt. The product is also supplied with bridged retaining loops. The caps are easy to grip, even when wearing gloves and are available in a choice of sizes to suit your project needs.

  • Material: Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Colour: Black

Series Code: SR1083

Káblové sedlá Mini

Káblové minisedlá sú vyrobené z prírodného polyamidu 6.6. Používajú sa najmä na zoskupovanie a vedenie káblov pre elektronické aplikácie. Káblové sedlá udržujú komponenty usporiadané. Pomáhajú tiež zabezpečiť ľahký prístup ku káblom pre ďalšiu montáž alebo opravu.

Náš sortiment obsahuje káblové sedlá s uzamykateľným a neuzamykateľným vrškom, varianty s lepiacou základňou, ako aj sedlá s bočným vstupom, slepým otvorom a dištančné káblové sedlá. Možnosti montáže: zatlačením a priskrutkovaním.

Vďaka menšej veľkosti týchto káblových sediel sú vhodné pre aplikácie s obmedzeným priestorom.

  • Materiál: polyamid 6/6
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2

Káblové sedlá rýchlomontážne so zámkom

Locking Wire Saddles provide a quick and easy solution for gathering and directing cables and wires, and holding them neatly in place.

The top locking entry system ensures cables are retained and clear of sensitive components. The cables can be easily removed, when required. The wire saddle can be easily fitted and removed with finger-tip pressure.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Káblové sedlá s uzamykateľným vrškom

Hinged Wire Saddles provide a quick and easy solution for gathering and directing cables and wires, and holding them neatly in place.

The hinged top locking entry system ensures cables are retained and clear of sensitive components. The cables can be easily removed, when required. The wire saddle can be easily fitted and removed with finger-tip pressure.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Káblové svorky - lamelové upevnenie, s uzamykateľným vrškom

Bezpečne drží zvlnené/špirálovité trubice alebo iné zväzky káblov. Vnútorná lamela pozdĺž vnútorného priemeru svorky zabezpečuje tesné uchytenie. Uvoľniteľná západka pre pohodlnú obsluhu. Lamelové upevnenie vyhovuje širokej škále hrúbok panelov

Káblové svorky - zaklapávacie, nastaviteľné

Spona so západkami drží zväzok pevne na mieste. Nastaviteľné pre širokú škálu priemerov zväzkov. Po zaistení zväzku, je možné svorku znovu otvoriť na zmeny smeru. Sú dobré pre zariadenia s vysokými vibráciami. Po zatvorení sa dá svorka otvoriť až po uvoľnení úchytu. Dodávajú sa v materiáloch UL94 V-2 aj UL94 V-0

Káblové svorky so zaistením

Tieto káblové svorky majú uzamykateľný vršok s pántom. Najprv sa kábl(e) umiestnia do stredu svorky a potom sa ponad káble umiestni sklápací vršok. Nožičky svoriek sa umiestnia do dvoch montážnych otvorov. Zaistený vršok svorky udržiava káble s pomocou dvoch skrutiek. Dotiahnutím skrutiek sa roztiahnu nožičky svorky, čím udržia svorku na mieste bez potreby použitia matice. To znamená, že nie je potrebný prístup zo spodnej strany dosky.

Ring Seal Clamps

This range of Lipped and Un-lipped hygienic Ring Seal Clamps are the latest advancement in contamination detection and containment, thus helping reduce product loss and increase productivity. This unique range of metal detectable elastomer compounds has been developed specially, to meet the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical and food processing industries.

Fragments as small as 2 to 3 millimetres can be easily identified by in-line metal detection equipment that are used to detect products contaminated by process lines. Typical applications include static sealing applications for food processing equipment and pharmaceutical drug manufacturing equipment in the bioscience industry.

These ring seal clamps have excellent mechanical properties and sealing efficiency. They feature a blue seal to assist easy identification. They are free from animal derived ingredients.

  • Materials: FKM, EPDM, VMQ
  • Colours: Blue, Black
  • FDA-compliant

Series Code: SRV0054, SRV0053, SRV0052, SRV0048, SRV0047, SRV0046

Samolepiaca, zamykacia D-svorka

Rýchle a jednoduché uchytenie lepiacou podložkou. Vrchná časť príchytiek sa zatlačí pod spodnú časť na zaistenie káblov na miesto. Dva rôzne rozmery pre rozličné priemery zväzkov káblov. Šedý PVC UL94 V-0 s akrylovým lepidlom Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.

Samolepiaca, zamykacia káblová svorka

Jednoduché uchytenie lepením. Nie je potrebný žiadny montážny otvor. Zaisťovací mechanizmus drží káble na mieste a dá sa aj znovu otvoriť. Dodáva sa v rôznych tvaroch, farbách a materiáloch. Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.

Samolepiace káblové svorky

Nastaviteľné káblové svorky majú západku na udržanie zväzku káblov pevne na mieste. Svorky sa dajú opakovane otvoriť pre zmeny smeru.

Náš sortiment je vyrobený z polyamidu 6.6 a zahŕňa možnosti so samolepiacim pásikom pre pohodlné a jednoduché upevnenie vašich káblových zväzkov. Pre diely, ktoré nemajú lepiaci pásik, je potrebné ho zakúpiť samostatne - prezrite si náš sortiment Pásky, kde nájdete vhodné možnosti.

  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2

Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.

Súpravy tesniacich krúžkov - O-krúžky

These O-Ring Ring Seal Kits are utilised for sealing purposes. In both static and dynamic applications, it forms a secure seal. It ensures the seal does not twist or roll during operation or installation.

Imperial o-rings, metric o-rings, European metric o-rings, and O-ring face seals (ORFS) are all available. When put in applications, it inhibits fluid entry and gas leakage. These kits are packaged to protect the seals during storage or shipment.

It is simple to insert into a machined groove, where the flat edge of the D-ring provides support. Commonly used in industries such as automotive, plumbing, and manufacturing. They are helpful for sealing applications in engines, pumps, valves, and other mechanical devices.

Series Code: SR6160, SR6155, SR6154, SR6152, SR6151, SR6150

Tesniace O-krúžky

These O-Ring seal are designed to provide a tight seal in flanged connections, preventing fluid or gas leaks. It creates a tight seal by fitting into flange grooves. It is flexible and durable and can withstand the pressures and temperatures encountered in hydraulic systems, ensuring consistent performance even under harsh conditions.

The round cross-section of the O-ring seal allows for consistent sealing force and a tight fit, allowing them to be employed in both static and dynamic applications. They offer a seal between two stationary components in static applications and between a fixed part and a moving element in dynamic applications.

This section contains imperial o-rings, metric o-rings, European metric o-rings, and O-ring face seals (ORFS). Some are made of nitrile, while others are made of FPM. Typically inserted in the flange grooves to provide a tight fit and a secure seal. Commonly used in various applications such as hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems, fluid power systems or oil and gas.

Series Code: SR6151, SR6150, SR6160, SR6152, SR6155, SR6154

Tesniace krúžky - metrický rad

These D-Ring Seals are intended to form a secure seal in static and dynamic applications, preventing fluid or gas loss and repelling oils and chemicals. D-ring seals provide improved groove stability over O-ring seals, preventing the seal from twisting or rolling during operation or installation. This results in a more trustworthy seal and enhances the seal's lifespan.

It is made of Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) and suits a 3/4"" fitting. It is simple to insert into a machined groove, where the flat edge of the D-ring provides stability, a tight fit, and a secure seal that prevents leakage. Used in various industries, including automotive, oil and gas, chemical processing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Series Code: SR6159

Uzávery so zámkom

The Padle Latch range is a heavy duty push to close lock that is best suited for large cabinets . The locks can be opened from the inside by moving the cam.The slam shut operation requires a locking device to order under part number 016A71E. A choice of materials, keyed alike and key to differ and IP54 rating provide a solution for application environment and additional security.

Zarážky pre uzávery so zámkom

This Cam Striking Plate is required in conjunction with the Locking Paddle Latch that is slam shut operated. It is made of Steel and is Zinc Plated finished.

Zatlačovacie káblové svorky

Môžu byť veľakrát otvorené a zatvorené na pridávanie a odoberanie káblov. Veľká tvarovaná základňa, ktorá zabezpečuje stabilnú montáž. Polyamid 6.6