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Plast Montáž skrutkou

 (36 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Káblové svorky - polovičné U-príchytky, skrutkovacie

Screw Mount Half U Cable Clamps are designed to be installed on flat surfaces, and they feature a half-round U shape that securely holds the cable or wire while allowing for easy installation or removal. They are screw mounted.

Its low profile makes it the perfect component for densely packed boards or other space-limited applications, such as in corners or along edges. Used in automotive, aerospace, electronic, and HVAC industries.

  • Material: PA
  • Colour: Natural
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR2127

Káblové svorky - príchytky pre napájací kábel

Tento sortiment krytov poistiek je ideálny, keď je potrebná tuhosť, ale nie je možné použiť vopred zostavený kryt. Poskytuje skvelú ochranu pre krehké sklenené komponenty ochrany obvodu.

Káblové svorky - príchytky pre SHR

Tento sortiment svoriek pre vlnité chráničky je navrhnutý pre prácu s chráničmi káblových zväzkov Essentra veľkosti 20 a 25 zväzkov (séria SHR) a dodáva sa so štyrmi rôznymi druhmi montáže; zacvaknutie do okrúhleho alebo štvorcového otvoru (na zabránenie rotácii), montáž skrutkou a prilepením. Vnútorná lamela na uchytenie zväzku. Uvoľňovacia západka umožňujúca údržbu.

Káblové svorky - skrutkovacie, pre káblové zväzky

Táto káblová svorka bezpečne drží zvlnené a stočené hadice alebo iné zväzky na svojom mieste. Má vnútornú lamelu pozdĺž vnútorného priemeru svorky, zabezpečujúcu tesné uchytenie.

Káblové príchytky so sťahovacou páskou

These Cable Clamps have a buckle and a strap and are intended for tightly holding, organising, and managing cables, wires, and cords. It is adjustable so that it can accept a wide range of cable diameters.

The strap is designed to hold the cables in place securely. It contains perforations throughout its length for cable management flexibility. The buckle was used to secure the fastener.

It can be attached using self-adhesive tape or a screw or rivet (not included). It is utilised in various applications such as the workplace, garage, lighting fixtures, power equipment, charging cords, and other automobile parts.

The adhesive base of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from the date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.

  • Adjustable to handle multiple bundle sizes.
  • It can be attached using self-adhesive tape or a screw or rivet (not included).
  • It have a buckle and a strap and are intended for tightly holding, organising, and managing cables.
Materiál: PA Farba: Čierna, Šedá Series Code:

Držiak kondenzátora

Držiak kondenzátora je určený na priskrutkovanie do rámu skrine. Odolné výrobky s jednodielnou konštrukciou. Dodávajú sa s upínacími dielmi alebo bez upínacích dielov. Sú dostupné vo vyhotovení s dištančnými stĺpikmi, zabezpečujúcimi odsadenie kondenzátora od rámu. Dodávajú sa aj v prevedení bez odsadení na prechod cez zariadenia.

Dištančné stĺpiky so závitom

These Female to Female Standoffs are designed to be installed by hand and do not require assembly equipment. They are suitable for a wide range of applications and the threaded spacer will allow easy assembly. Available in several thread sizes and lengths and in hexagonal or round shapes.

Skupina SR: SR2794

Držiak na viazacie pásky samolepiaci

The Adhesive Mount Cable Tie Holder range offers versatility in terms of mounting options. It comes supplied with adhesive and also allows screw fixing. Available in fixed four-way cable tie installation direction or swivel base holder. The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.

Skupina SR: SR1718

Diely pre organizéry zvarov optických vlákien

Fibre Splice Trays are stackable to any number, and inter-tray fibre routing is possible through slots along one of the long sides of the tray. Colour coded hinges indicate side of tray to open from. Lid, trays, and hinges are sold separately or in a kit. Flame resistance; UL94 V0 and UL94 HB.

Skupina SR: SROFST

Organizéry zvarov optických vlákien - systém, súprava

Ideal for eliminating macro and micro bends that occur during mishandling of optical fibres. The trays are stackable to any number and inter-tray fibre routing is possible. Can use with splice holders, splice protectors and bend limiting tubing. Lids, trays and hinges also sold separately.

Káblové sedlá rýchlomontážne so zámkom

Locking Wire Saddles provide a quick and easy solution for gathering and directing cables and wires, and holding them neatly in place.

The top locking entry system ensures cables are retained and clear of sensitive components. The cables can be easily removed, when required. The wire saddle can be easily fitted and removed with finger-tip pressure.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Káblové svorky - dvojité polovičné U-príchytky, skrutkovacie

Nízky profil na použitie na husto osadených doskách, alebo pre iné zariadenia s obmedzeným priestorom. Vhodné pre smerovanie dvoch paralelných zväzkov káblov, so stredovým otvorom 0,125 palca pre skrutku #4 alebo M3. Dostupné v troch rôznych veľkostiach na zadržanie zväzkov 1/8 palca, 3/16 palca a 1/4 palca. Polyamid 6.6 UL94 V-2, prírodná farba

Káblové svorky - skrutkovacie, typ U

Skrutkovacie káblové príchytky sú vhodné na prichytenie zviazaných káblov a U-konštrukcia umožňuje rýchle vloženie a odobratie káblov alebo drôtov.

Káblové svorky - typ P, skrutkovacie, polyamidové, prírodné

These P-Style Cable Clamps are crucial for anyone looking to organise and protect their cords effectively. These clamps provide a dependable and efficient option for cable management due to their sturdy construction and versatile design. Due to their material, they are resistant to impact, chemicals, and UV radiation, which reduces the need for frequent replacements.

These cable clamps' P Style design gives a secure and stable grip on cables of various sizes and diameters, and they are available with one, two, or three mounting holes which permit to use the same clamp for three different holding diameters. Designed to be screwed to a surface for a tight and secure hold. Used in various applications, including electrical, data centres, telecommunications networks, automotive, and manufacturing.

  • Material: PA, Nylon
  • Colour: Black, Natural
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2, UL94 V-0

Madlá - mostíkové, plastové

This range of Pull Handles have a bridge shape with a rectangular bar. These strong handles are commonly used for both the opening and closure of doors, and for the lids on heavy cabinets.

They are an economical choice that is well suitable to a number of applications and industries, including; railway, machinery, and electrical or industrial equipment.

Our offer features a selection of material and finish options to suit different environments, as well as a choice of pulling strengths and thread styles. The range also has options suitable for front or rear mounting.

  • Material: Duroplast, Thermoplastic
  • Colour: White, Black, Yellow, Natural

Madlá - oblúkové, plastové

Arch Shape Pull Handles are lightweight and provide a clean finish. This range of handles includes many different sizes and styles to suit a wide range of applications including; electrical and machining, cabinet making, and others. As well as serving a host of sectors, such as; hospitality, health care, transport services, manufacturing and more.

The range features ergonomic options and options that are more geared toward heavy duty applications, like machine applications. The many styles and forms of these pull handles benefit from a wealth of properties such as; impact resistance, stability, weather and UV resistance - this means the range is highly flexible and versatile in not only how they are used, but also in where.

  • Material: PA, Nylon, Reinforced Polyamide Based Technopolymer
  • Colour: Black, Orange, Grey, Green, Yellow, Blue, Red, White
  • Front and Rear mounting options

Skupina SR: SR5587, SR5586

Viazacie a sťahovacie pásky s príchytkou

These Mounting Cable Ties are surface-mounted and are perfect for securing metal or timber panels. They have a moulded attaching head and a self-locking mechanism that maintains a secure and tight hold on wires, preventing them from slipping or becoming tangled.

It is simple to install and remove because it has a clamp and bracket all in one, which speeds up the assembly process. They are available in screw-in, push-in, snap-in, rivet or adhesive mounting options. Used in numerous industries, including electrical, telecommunications, and automotive.

  • Material: PA
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Yellow, White, Red, Green, Blue
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2, UL94 V-0

Skupina SR: SR1825

Okrúhle izolačné dištančné stĺpiky

These Standoffs are designed to be installed by hand and do not require assembly equipment. The round standoffs are suitable for a wide range of applications and are ideal for use when high mechanical strength is required and provide sturdy, insulated spacing for high power electronic applications. They are made of nylon with brass inserts and are rated UL94 V-2.

Skupina SR: SR2797

Montážne nožičky pre dosky plošných spojov – skrutkovanie nadol

Montážne nožičky sa používajú na pripevnenie dosiek PC k podstave.

Podperné stĺpiky PCB - s nasadením na skrutku

Tieto podpery sa inštalujú na spodnú dosku zatlačením na skrutku alebo čap #8 alebo M4. Zubky vo vnútri rozpery zachytia závity. Horné upevnenie je uzamykací bajonetový výtupok.

Podperné stĺpiky PCB - so skrutkou dole

Tieto podpery sú bezpečne upevnené skrutkou #4 alebo M3. Odsadený dizajn umožňuje objemné balenie.

Podperné stĺpiky PCB - zaistenie na hranu, skrutkovacie, s dlhým výstupkom

Edge Locking Supports provide a secure hold on the side of the PCB allowing for easy removal. Screw mount supports are very secure and reliable. These mount with a self-tapping screw.

Skupina SR: SR2758

Zasunovacie úchyty páskov

Push Mount Cable Tie Holders are push in and removable to be used in panels with pre-drilled holes.

Skupina SR: SR2022

Rozpierky PCB - šesťhranné / bez zápichu

These PCB Spacers are designed to be installed by hand and do not require assembly equipment. They are simple to install thanks to their screw in design. These Hexagonal Brass Standoffs are suitable for a wide range of applications and are available in both non-undercut and undercut versions. Non-undercut spacers offer greater stability but require a washer for installation. Undercut spacers are much quicker to install and don't require the use of a washer

Držiak pásky so skrutkou

This range of cable tie holders is available for a variety of cable tie types and applications.

Skupina SR: SR1719

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