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(325 sady výrobkov)
Adhesive Cable Clamps have a ratcheting feature that holds and locks bundles securely. Ideal for holding and routing cables, wires and cords.
The clamps in this range are adjustable and can be reopened once the tab is released. This function allows for routing changes. The range also includes options with a side lock on the top of the clamp that prevents the clip from sliding open.
This range of cable clamps come equipped with a self-adhesive strip, for convenient and easy securing of your cable bundles.
The Adhesive Mount Cable Tie Holder range offers versatility in terms of mounting options. It comes supplied with adhesive and also allows screw fixing. Available in fixed four-way cable tie installation direction or swivel base holder. The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.
Skupina SR: SR1718
Jednoduché uchytenie lepením. Nie je potrebný žiadny montážny otvor. Zaisťovací mechanizmus drží káble na mieste a dá sa aj znovu otvoriť. Dodáva sa v rôznych tvaroch, farbách a materiáloch. Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.
Káblové príchytky so základňou predstavujú jednoduchý a dostatočne efektívny spôsob pripevnenia káblov prilepením. Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.
Wires and cables effortlessly slide into these round Wire Saddles. The Wire Saddle holds and directs passing wires, without the needed of a locking mechanism.
These Wire Saddles are available in screw mounted or self-adhesive backed options. The adhesive option is backed with a high quality adhesive tape.
The round shape makes these Wire Saddles suitable for use with a wide range of cable diameter sizes.
The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.
Nastaviteľné svorky sa montujú zatlačením do panela, nastaviteľná svorka sa dokáže prispôsobiť celému radu rozmerov káblov.
These Chrome Capped Adjustable Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications on slightly uneven surfaces, including office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery. The range are made from chrome capped black Polyethylene (PE).
Skupina SR: SR5442
Stud Mount Leveling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.
Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.
Skupina SR: SR5439
Dodáva sa v 2 typoch. Spona stiahne káble k panelu použitím zatláčacieho upevňovacieho prvku, ktorý je pripevnený k panelu s hrúbkou 3 mm. Typ 1 má protirotačné uchytenie na udržanie pásky na mieste a zabránenie pohybu.
Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia.
Tento sortiment podpierok dosiek plošných spojov drží dosku na okraji, čím sa minimalizujú potrebné rozstupy. Sú k dispozícii s uzamykacím výstupkom alebo bez uzamykacieho výstupku pre dodatočnú pevnosť uchytenia.
Self-adhesive bumpers provide cushioning and protection for an array of surfaces, across many applications.
The range includes black adhesive discs with a single-sided foam that has anti-skid properties. Available in packs of four that are either on a roll or on a pad, these versatile discs are designed to bond to many surfaces including; corrugated card, chipboard, wood, low surface energy plastics and powder coats.
Also included are anti-slip pads that are made from PE Foam tape, featuring a silicone coated paper liner. These are suitable for applications with temperatures ranging from -29C up to 66C.
Binder Screw Sets are designed to screw the threaded part and receptacle together in seconds for a quick, easy, secure joining component. Supplied in sets including screw and receptacle (female part is the receptacle, and the male part is the screw).
It provides a secure binding solution, preventing the materials from coming apart, plus they are easy to use, install and remove. Used for bookbinding and with laminated applications.
Blanking Plugs are used on sheet metal to protect against sharp edges and are ideal for closing panel cavities. It protects against moisture ingress and dust, is acid-resistant and vibration-dampening. It provides a clean finish and a quick solution.
They come in an extensive offering to suit the most common hole diameters and panel thicknesses. Used in electronic applications and the automotive industry. Three materials are available: TPE withstands temperatures up to 203F (95C). TPR withstands temperatures between -40C and 135C | -40F and 275F. PVC withstands temperatures up to 50C | 122F.
The Book Binding Posts are made of plastic, which makes them lightweight and durable. These are the female or receptacle sides (male threaded posts sold separately). Both parts are joined together to hold the bound papers or materials.
It joins several sheets together by screwing them into a mating piece by hand or with a flat screwdriver. Used for panel fastening assemblies, such as swatch cards, colour charts, catalogues, sample books and many others.
These Button Thread Nuts - Kwik Nuts are designed to provide a secure and rapid fastening mechanism. Simply push down the thread length to the correct location and lock it in place with a 180 turn for press-fit installation.
It produces a more secure fastening by reducing the danger of nut back-off due to vibrations or dynamic loads. It also makes them particularly ideal for applications involving severe weights or high-pressure situations, assuring excellent performance and lifespan of the secured assembly. Used in applications such as electronics, automobiles, and heavy machinery.
Káblové svorky pre jeden kábel poskytujú bezpečné a jednoduché upevnenie, ktoré je ideálnym riešením uchytenia káblov pre množstvo zariadení. Montáž prilepením predstavuje veľmi spoľahlivé a tiež odnímateľné uchytenie. Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.
Duálna príchytka pre káble a rúrky poskytuje výhodu oddeleného vedenia jednej 25,0 mm trubice alebo rúrky a zároveň dvoch menších 6,0 mm zväzkov.
Používa sa na upevnenie káblov a rúrok na panel s lamelovým puzdrom.
Nízky profil na použitie na husto osadených doskách, alebo pre iné zariadenia s obmedzeným priestorom. Vhodné pre smerovanie dvoch paralelných zväzkov káblov, so stredovým otvorom 0,125 palca pre skrutku #4 alebo M3. Dostupné v troch rôznych veľkostiach na zadržanie zväzkov 1/8 palca, 3/16 palca a 1/4 palca. Polyamid 6.6 UL94 V-2, prírodná farba
Nízky profil na použitie na husto osadených doskách, alebo pre iné zariadenia s obmedzeným priestorom. Vhodné na vedenie dvoch paralelných káblových zväzkov. Rýchle zacvaknutie do otvoru s rozmerom 0,125 palca do panelu s hrúbkou 1/16 palca. UL certifikované pod č. E71558. Dostupné v troch rôznych veľkostiach na zadržanie zväzkov 1/8 palca, 3/16 palca a 1/4 palca. Polyamid 6.6 UL94 V-2, prírodná farba
Bezpečne drží zvlnené/špirálovité trubice alebo iné zväzky káblov. Vnútorná lamela pozdĺž vnútorného priemeru svorky zabezpečuje tesné uchytenie. Uvoľniteľná západka pre pohodlnú obsluhu. Lamelové upevnenie vyhovuje širokej škále hrúbok panelov
Káblová svorka má lamelové upevnenie a dá sa ľahko zatlačiť do montážneho otvoru pomocou štandardného 6 mm šesťhranného nadstavca, vtlačeného do montážneho púzdra. Svorka je uvoľniteľná a opakovane použiteľná pre jednoduché riešenie problémov.
Screw Mount Half U Cable Clamps are designed to be installed on flat surfaces, and they feature a half-round U shape that securely holds the cable or wire while allowing for easy installation or removal. They are screw mounted.
Its low profile makes it the perfect component for densely packed boards or other space-limited applications, such as in corners or along edges. Used in automotive, aerospace, electronic, and HVAC industries.
Nízkoprofilové káblové svorky na použitie na husto osadených doskách, alebo pre iné zariadenia s obmedzeným priestorom. Vhodná pre montáž do rohov alebo na hrany.
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