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Zaistenie Tesnenia pre kontajnery a nákl. vozidlá

 (21 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Bezpečnostné plomby

Our Security Seals provide a tamper evident seal for plastic containers, while also adding a level of security protection against theft and contamination.

Ideal for use on storage and shopping containers. This range of seals is available in a selection of sizes and a choice of styles, including; cable lock, EZE seal, smooth grip and metal lock.

  • Materials: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Aluminium, Polypropylene (PP) and Steel
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Natural, Orange, Red, White and Yellow

Series Code: SRArrowLock, SR1153, SR1152, SR1151, SRJawLock, SRZipLock, , SRSentryLock, SRSphereLock, SRLuggagelock, SRMeterLock, SRMaxi JawLock

Kolíkové plomby

A high security Bolt Seal that is ideal for use for the securing import and export goods both domestically, and internationally. Applications include; shipping containers, cargo containers, trucks, trailer vehicle doors and rail freights.

These bolt seals features an 18mm insert and pin head that keeps the seal engaged on the applications latch when the plastic cover is intentionally or accidentally removed. It has limited 180 degree rotation when engaged. These seals prevent high-speed spinning attacks on the barrel. The bolt seal also features a label attachment.

The range includes different options, including pins that are either coated or uncoated. The coated pin has an additional layer of paint that gives it an extra layer of protection from chips and damage.The bolt seal barrel is made from high-quality ABS material, which benefits from impact resistance and also indicates evidence of tampering.

ISO 17712:2013 (coated pin option only) and C-TPAT compliant.

To Install;
1. Place pin into barrel
2. Press down on seal
3. Use bolt cutters to remove (sold separately).

  • Material: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Barrel and Steel Pin
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Red and White

Series Code: SRUnoLock, SRHanaLock, SREinLock

Káblové sedlá Mini

Káblové minisedlá sú vyrobené z prírodného polyamidu 6.6. Používajú sa najmä na zoskupovanie a vedenie káblov pre elektronické aplikácie. Káblové sedlá udržujú komponenty usporiadané. Pomáhajú tiež zabezpečiť ľahký prístup ku káblom pre ďalšiu montáž alebo opravu.

Náš sortiment obsahuje káblové sedlá s uzamykateľným a neuzamykateľným vrškom, varianty s lepiacou základňou, ako aj sedlá s bočným vstupom, slepým otvorom a dištančné káblové sedlá. Možnosti montáže: zatlačením a priskrutkovaním.

Vďaka menšej veľkosti týchto káblových sediel sú vhodné pre aplikácie s obmedzeným priestorom.

  • Materiál: polyamid 6/6
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2

Káblové sedlá rýchlomontážne so zámkom

Locking Wire Saddles provide a quick and easy solution for gathering and directing cables and wires, and holding them neatly in place.

The top locking entry system ensures cables are retained and clear of sensitive components. The cables can be easily removed, when required. The wire saddle can be easily fitted and removed with finger-tip pressure.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Káblové sedlá s uzamykateľným vrškom

Hinged Wire Saddles provide a quick and easy solution for gathering and directing cables and wires, and holding them neatly in place.

The hinged top locking entry system ensures cables are retained and clear of sensitive components. The cables can be easily removed, when required. The wire saddle can be easily fitted and removed with finger-tip pressure.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Káblové svorky - lamelové upevnenie, s uzamykateľným vrškom

Bezpečne drží zvlnené/špirálovité trubice alebo iné zväzky káblov. Vnútorná lamela pozdĺž vnútorného priemeru svorky zabezpečuje tesné uchytenie. Uvoľniteľná západka pre pohodlnú obsluhu. Lamelové upevnenie vyhovuje širokej škále hrúbok panelov

Káblové svorky - zaklapávacie, nastaviteľné

Spona so západkami drží zväzok pevne na mieste. Nastaviteľné pre širokú škálu priemerov zväzkov. Po zaistení zväzku, je možné svorku znovu otvoriť na zmeny smeru. Sú dobré pre zariadenia s vysokými vibráciami. Po zatvorení sa dá svorka otvoriť až po uvoľnení úchytu. Dodávajú sa v materiáloch UL94 V-2 aj UL94 V-0

Káblové svorky so zaistením

Tieto káblové svorky majú uzamykateľný vršok s pántom. Najprv sa kábl(e) umiestnia do stredu svorky a potom sa ponad káble umiestni sklápací vršok. Nožičky svoriek sa umiestnia do dvoch montážnych otvorov. Zaistený vršok svorky udržiava káble s pomocou dvoch skrutiek. Dotiahnutím skrutiek sa roztiahnu nožičky svorky, čím udržia svorku na mieste bez potreby použitia matice. To znamená, že nie je potrebný prístup zo spodnej strany dosky.

Lankové plomby - kovové telo

Our Metal Cable Seals can be used to secure goods for long time periods and are used worldwide to secure goods during import and export. Typical applications include, shipping containers, cargo containers, rail freights, plastic distribution boxes, petrochemical valves, trucks and trailers.

The steel cable can only be removed using a tool (sold separately). The non-preformed cable unravels when cut to prevent tampering. These seals prevent tampering by cable cutting and reusing of the seal.

Compliant with ISO17712:2023 and C-TPAT with cable diameters of 3.5. and above.

To Install;
1. Loop the cable through the item to be sealed
2. Insert the cable through the locking chamber
3. Pull the cable all the way through the body, until the item is tightly sealed. - then pull at the body to ensure the seal is locked
4. Remove seal with the appropriate cable cutters (sold separately).

  • Material: Aluminium body with Galvanised Steel cable
  • Colours: Black, Blue, Bronze and Red

Series Code: SRAluLock

Lankové plomby - plastové telo

Our Plastic Cable Seals can be used worldwide to secure goods during import and export. A highly secure alternative to standard locks, due to the additional tamper evidence feature. The seal is easy to use on pull-tight applications. Suitable applications include; vehicle doors, bulk tankers, duty-free carts and roll cages.

The seal has an enhanced locking mechanism and includes a long tag that is ideal for the printing of QR codes or serial numbers and barcodes of up to 13-digits. The seal also has very high tensile strength, with options include; 120kg (1.5mm diameter) and 150kg (2.0mm diameter).

To Install;
1. Loop the cable through the item to be sealed
2. Insert the cable through the locking chamber
3. Pull the cable all the way through the body, until the item is tightly sealed. - then pull at the body to ensure the seal is locked
4. Remove seal with the appropriate cable cutters (sold separately).

  • Material: Polypropylene (PP) body with Chrome Plated Steel hasp.
  • Colours: Blue, Green and Red

Series Code: SRPlaskaLock

Plomby s pevnou dĺžkou - kovové

A heavy-duty seal with a fixed length that features an all-metal design. Theses Fixed Length Seals are ideal for securing truck and container doors.

The metal seal provides an extra strong way to deter and prevent theft, as well as helping to detect breach and tampering.

Easy to install, the seal does not require any tools to apply. A cutting tool is required for removal.

  • High break strength: 25kg
  • Material: Tin Plated Steel

Custom printing is available on request.

Series Code: SRMetalLock

Plomby s pevnou dĺžkou - plastové

Plastic Fixed Length Seals provide an easy and economical way to deter theft, as well as signal evidence of tampering or breach of goods. They are ideal for securing truck and container doors.

Our range is available in several types, including InnoLock, OctoLock and TwinLock.

InnoLock features a flat and tear-off tab for easy, tool-free removal. The seal has an anti-tamper metal locking jaw.

OctoLock and TwinLock are all-plastic options. OctoLock has a heavy-duty octagonal head and features a pre-determined break point. OctoLock and TwinLock benefit from a double locking mechanism with an acetal jaw that has a higher melting point than polypropylene (PP).

TwinLock also has a pre-set break point on the deal for ease of removal. It features a fixed loop design. For full security benefits of the double locking mechanism, insert until you hear a second click.

High Break Strengths: 9.5kg and 15kg

  • Body Material: Polypropylene (PP)
  • Jaw Materials: Metal and Acetal
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Red, White and Yellow

Series Code: SRTwinLock, SRInnoLock, SROctoLock

Plomby zaťahovacie - so zúbkovaným pásikom

An all-plastic range of pull-tight seals with a barbed strap that is ideal for gripping slippery materials. They provide an indicative seal revealing evidence of tampering or breach, and can therefore help in the prevention of theft. The seals are commonly used for easy identification of delivery details to help improve efficiency. They are suitable for many applications, including those that are more robust in nature.The range includes several type options, including those with a tear-off tab for quick and easy removal that is tool-free. The type options are; AceLock, LightLock, PrimeLock and SentryLock.

PrimeLock is a cost-effective, tamper evident seal with a tag-holder included. It features a one-piece variable loop construction with unique spiky stem design that enhances grip of the seal. It also has side tear-off and long tag options. The longer tags are ideal for barcode printing. PrimeLock are typically used for secure fastening to the neck of bags or on non slippery materials. Benefits from quick identification of information and easy removal of the seal, without the need for cutting tools.

LightLock is specially developed for marking fire extinguishers after testing and features a low break strain for easy removal in emergencies. Has one-piece variable construction for a low tensile strength and a thin barbed sealing ribbon (2.6mm diameter). These seals are ideal for applications with small sealing apertures. Colour coding allows easy identification and they also benefit from tool-free removal.

AceLock is a versatile pull-tight seal that's ideal for applications confined to small sealing spaces. Easy to use and no tools are needed for installation or removal. Features variable loop design that is reinforced with an acetal locking mechanism, which bolsters security and protects against heat-sourced tampering. Also features a thin barbed sealing ribbon (3.0mm) and has side tear-off options. Ideal for more robust applications.

SentryLock is a multi-purpose seal that offers security and loss prevention. It has a high break strength and a user-friendly side tear-off design. The variable loop design is reinforced with an acetal locking mechanism. This mechanism also benefits from roll heat staking technology. The seal features gripping prongs on the stem. Used to securely fasten the necks of bags and provide clear evidence of tampering.

High break strengths: 8kg,12kg, 20kg and 32kg

  • Body Material: Polypropylene
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Red, White and Yellow
  • Applications include; Cash and courier bags, security containers, roll cage pallets and bonded cage doors, trucks and trolleys, cash machines, coin boxes, gaming machines, safety equipment (fire extinguishers), evidence bags, transport containers, logistcs and security servies... and more!

Series Code: , SRAceLock, SRPrimeLock, SRLightLock

Samolepiaca, zamykacia D-svorka

Rýchle a jednoduché uchytenie lepiacou podložkou. Vrchná časť príchytiek sa zatlačí pod spodnú časť na zaistenie káblov na miesto. Dva rôzne rozmery pre rozličné priemery zväzkov káblov. Šedý PVC UL94 V-0 s akrylovým lepidlom Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.

Samolepiaca, zamykacia káblová svorka

Jednoduché uchytenie lepením. Nie je potrebný žiadny montážny otvor. Zaisťovací mechanizmus drží káble na mieste a dá sa aj znovu otvoriť. Dodáva sa v rôznych tvaroch, farbách a materiáloch. Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.

Samolepiace káblové svorky

Nastaviteľné káblové svorky majú západku na udržanie zväzku káblov pevne na mieste. Svorky sa dajú opakovane otvoriť pre zmeny smeru.

Náš sortiment je vyrobený z polyamidu 6.6 a zahŕňa možnosti so samolepiacim pásikom pre pohodlné a jednoduché upevnenie vašich káblových zväzkov. Pre diely, ktoré nemajú lepiaci pásik, je potrebné ho zakúpiť samostatne - prezrite si náš sortiment Pásky, kde nájdete vhodné možnosti.

  • Farba: prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2

Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.

Uzávery so zámkom

The Padle Latch range is a heavy duty push to close lock that is best suited for large cabinets . The locks can be opened from the inside by moving the cam.The slam shut operation requires a locking device to order under part number 016A71E. A choice of materials, keyed alike and key to differ and IP54 rating provide a solution for application environment and additional security.

Visiace plomby

Our Padlock Seals are used to secure goods during transit, and provides obvious indication of tampering or breach - giving you peace of mind during shipping. These seals are an ideal choice for more demanding applications.

The seal can only be removed with wire cutters (sold separately). These seals offer a low-cost and secure single-use alternative to conventional padlocks. They are made from tamper evident transparent material.

  • Material: SAN Resin and Polypropylene (PP) body with Chrome Plate Steel hasp
  • Notch of wire hasp that is removable by hand (optional)
  • Colours: Blue, Green and Red

Includes options that feature RFID tag for electronic scanning and logging.

To Install;
1. Pull the shackle out from casing
2. Insert shackle through the top casing hole
3. Press to lock.

Applications include; plastic distribution boxes, vehicle doors and bonded store doors.

Series Code: , SRPadLock

Zarážky pre uzávery so zámkom

This Cam Striking Plate is required in conjunction with the Locking Paddle Latch that is slam shut operated. It is made of Steel and is Zinc Plated finished.

Zatlačovacie káblové svorky

Môžu byť veľakrát otvorené a zatvorené na pridávanie a odoberanie káblov. Veľká tvarovaná základňa, ktorá zabezpečuje stabilnú montáž. Polyamid 6.6

Zaťahovacie plomby s hladkou páskou

A range of pull tight seals with smooth straps that provide an indicative seal that reveals evidence of tampering or breach, across a variety of applications. The products featured are easy to apply and tighten to a desired diameter. Several seal types are available, including those with longer tags and with a tear-off tab for quick and easy removability. These seals have a variable loop with a metal locking jaw.The type options available, include; JawLock including Mini and Maxi versions, SegureLock, TeraLock and SmoothLock.

JawLock is a versatile seal that provides signs of tampering. Specially designed for small strap diameters, making it ideal for securing items with a small aperture. The thin round and smooth strap (2.0mm diameter) has side tear-off functionality and includes a full-size tag with ample surface for codings. Ideal for more robust applications. Benefits from tool-free removal.

SegureLock and SmoothLock are user-friendly options that feature high-security, tamper-evident pull tight seals. They are ieal for securing applications such as, courier sacks. They both features a smooth straps with gripping prongs on the stem.High Strength: 12kg, 14kg, 20kg, 25kg, 35kg and 45kg

  • Body Material: Polypropylene (PP)
  • Jaw Materials: Metal and Stainless Steel
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Red, White and Yellow
  • Applications include; In-land transportations, courier and postal bags, security containers, games machines, distribution boxes, cage roll pallets, cash containers, food tanker valves, evidence bags, cash-in transit bags, truck and trailer doors, tote bags and roll cages.... and more.

Series Code: SRSmoothLock, SRSegurLock, , SRMini JawLock, SRJawLock, SRTeraLock, SRMaxi JawLock