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(10 sady výrobkov)
Cover Caps are used to conceal and protect exposed screw or bolt heads, while providing an attractive finish. Caps and washers are supplied separately.
Push-On Tilt Glides are a swivel glides with a spring insert. Designed to provide mobility and stability for furniture and other products. Features a tube end cap for a clean finish. Also has a ball-and-socket joint that creates a tilt action.
Round Threaded Inserts are quick-fit inserts for tube ends and connecting pipes, designed for secure screw fixing. Provides a stable and secure mounting point for various furniture and equipment components.
Female Lobed Hand Wheels & Knobs have a scalloped edge to allow for maximum grip and comfort. These durable lobed knobs are impact and chemical resistant and provide a neat appearance for finished applications that require adjustment.
Low-profile Pallet Feet that are often called Weld Cups. They fit standard metal base glides and provided added strength and protection.
The smooth Mild Steel material protects floors and helps to reduce noise levels, while fully encapsulating and protecting the metal base.
The maximum post sizes assume SHS tubing is used. This Pallet Foot range is ideal for metal pallets and stillages.
Push In Glides, or Tube Inserts, are commonly used at the base of tubular products like chair legs. The push-fit glide provides protection, not just for the assembly, but more importantly for the surface below. Ideal protection for wooden, carpeted and other floor surfaces.
Our Push-In Glide range has a wide range of material options to choose from, including but not limited to; Polyamide (PA), Polyethylene (PE), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Felt and also Steel; as well as various finishes and colour choices to choose from.
Our offer features numerous styles, including; Domed, Angled, Metal-Pronged, Ribbed, Threaded, Lightweight and Heavy Duty. Plus lots of shapes to suit your application needs, including; Round, Oval, Rectangular and Square.
Round Threaded Inserts feature an internal thread for adjustable levelling feet and brackets. Their metal threads ensure a smooth, secure and durable fit, with two-piece mouldings that fit snugly into tubes.
Knurled Style Thumb Screw Knobs can be press-fit onto screws to create a small knob for clamping or securing. These knobs can be used with any length screw and the knurled edge is easily gripped for tightening and loosening.
Skupina SR: SR6127
Vent Plugs are designed to seal openings, while allowing controlled ventilation. Ideal for use in applications where pressure or temperature variations occur, such as in the automotive, electronics and manufacturing industries. These plugs offer a secure fit to prevent air, moisture and contaminants from entering or escaping. Has an integrated venting feature that makes them essential for pressure equalisation and temperature control.
Štvorcové zátky a klzáky poskytujú konečný vzhľad a ochranu zakončenia štvorcových rúrok, tyčí a stĺpikov. K dispozícii sú dve prevedenia: rebrovaný pre maximálnu priľnavosť, ktorý možno použiť na viaceré priemery rúrok, alebo s hladkým driekom, špeciálne pre jeden priemer rúrky, pre jednoduché nasadenie.
Navrhnuté tak, aby poskytovali tesné spojenie na rôznych rúrkových výrobkoch. Niektoré z nich pomáhajú zabrániť poškodeniu podláh alebo iných povrchov, ako aj chrániť profil pred vonkajšími vplyvmi.
Dodávajú sa v rôznych prevedeniach a štýloch: štandardné štvorcové rebrované zátky, ľahké štvorcové zátky a kovové štvorcové zátky. Zvyčajne sa používajú v nábytkárstve a priemyselných zariadeniach. Univerzálnosť materiálov, povrchových úprav a farieb poskytuje možnosti na maximalizáciu estetického vzhľadu a dokonalé prispôsobenie vašej aplikácii.
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