V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
(13 sady výrobkov)
Blanking Plugs protect sheet metal from sharp edges and seal panel cavities to prevent dust and moisture ingress. They provide a clean finish, can resist acids and also dampen vibrations. Available in various materials; TPE withstands temperatures up to 95C, TPR handles -40C to 135C, and PVC endures up to 50C.
Krytky mazníc sú určené na ochranu mazníc pred prachom, vlhkosťou, špinou a inými nečistotami. Náš sortiment ponúka na výber krytky s úchytom alebo bez úchytu pre jednoduchšie odstránenie. Dizajn krytky s vrúbkovanou alebo hladkou hlavou pre ľahké uchopenie. Tieto kryty mazníc možno použiť aj ako vizuálny indikátor namazania armatúry.
Ide o úsporné riešenie s rýchlou a jednoduchou montážou a demontážou.
Používajú sa v aplikáciách prepravy kvapalín, ktoré majú maznice.
End Tips protect the exposed ends of rods and tubes, while providing a neat appearance. The simple push-fit design allows for quick and easy installation.
Flanged Caps are designed for easy assembly and removal, either with automated equipment or by hand. Typically used to protect metric or imperial threads, with or without O-Rings. The larger flange allows for faster application and removal when using it by hand.
For the purpose of quality control; the natural coloured caps allow you to see through the cap and check whether the O-ring is installed, or not installed, on the protected fitting.
Hose Washer Caps are applied to the ends of hoses and tubes to keep them from slipping over the fittings. Protects against water, dust, grime and pollutants.
Masking Flangeless Plugs are designed to cover holes without masking the surrounding area, protecting against contaminants. Featuring conical rings and a hollow core, these plugs can mask multiple areas at once.
Rivet Feet are ideal in helping with the manoeuvring of furniture, as well as providing a high level of surface protection. The simply design of our Rivet Mount Feet make them a quick and easy, tool-free solution.
Our Rivet Foot range features UL94 HB rated Fast Feet made from Black TPE, with a Grey Acetal Rive that are ideal for wooden cabinets, equipment enclosures, free-standing electrical and electronics equipment. Soft Fast Feet are also available within this range that have a material harness of 86 Shore; they are also made of Black TPE, and have a Polypropylene pin. Also available are Snap Rivet Feet made from UL94 V2 rated Polyamide 6/6, which have a TPE base. These help protect floors and tube ends when secured to the assembly with a rivet.
Rivet Feet install with a straight-forward push-fit. They can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and as stops in a wide range of applications and assemblies. The incorporated push rivets push into pre-drilled holes. The foot is fully removable.
Skupina SR: SR5796 ,SR5803, SR5806
Okrúhle zátky a klzáky poskytujú konečný vzhľad a ochranu zakončenia okrúhlych rúrok, tyčí alebo stĺpikov. K dispozícii sú dve prevedenia: rebrovaný pre maximálnu priľnavosť, ktorý možno použiť na viaceré priemery rúrok, alebo s hladkým driekom špeciálne pre jeden priemer rúrky, pre jednoduché nasadenie.
Dostupné sú rôzne typy a štýly:
Pružné koncové krytky sú vyrobené z pružného materiálu, ktorý sa dá natiahnuť na väčšie rozmery pre dokonalú priľnavosť. Poskytujú ochranu závitov alebo hladkých zakončení.
Krytka má závesné uško na jej použitie s drôtenými háčikmi. Sú vhodným riešením pre aplikácie maskovania pri nízkych teplotách.
Výhodou krytiek je tiež ich materiál odolný voči kyselinám.
Quick Release Plugs provide secure sealing for hoses. They remain attached during use. Designed as male fittings for ISO A and ISO B series. Can withstand temperatures from -40C up to 135C.
Standard Round End Caps keep out dirt and other contaminants from threaded and non-threaded tubes, pipes and rods. Available in standard, short or long form, depending on the intended use. Can resist temperatures of up to 70C.
Quick Release Caps are designed for capping ISO A and ISO B series. They protect hoses, fittings and tubes from contamination, dirt, moisture and corrosion. They can withstand temperatures ranging from -40C up to 135C.
Rýchloupínacia krytka používaná v hydraulických aplikáciách. Upevnenie pomocou vnútorného závitu je vhodné na ochranu rýchloupínacích spojok série A a B podľa ISO 7241-1.
Push Fit Feet, commonly known as Grommet Feet, are an ideal choice for a host of applications. The have a number of useful properties that can provide surface protection, vibration dampening, strength retention, and skid prevention.
Our Push In Foot range is designed to simply push into punched or drilled holes, tube ends or to the base of furniture - making them quick and easy to install. They can provide stability and support in various applications and industries, including; office and retail, the manufacture of small and large appliances, furniture and cabinets, housings and cases, glass shelving and table top support, stacking, electrical and electronics equipment - and for many more.
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