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(20 sady výrobkov)
Štvrťotáčkové držiaky na optické vlákna podporujú štandardné držiaky na konzoly, ktoré sa štvrťotáčkovou montujú do 19-palcového racku. Používajú sa na vedenie optických vlákien vedľa dátového rozvádzača. Vyrobené z čierneho polyamidu triedy UL94 V0.
Tieto klenuté zaslepovacie zátky sú vhodné na utesnenie otvorov v plechoch. Sú určené na utesnenie medzier v zariadeniach alebo strojoch, v sektore plechov, ako ochrana pred ostrými hranami. Fungujú tiež ako bezpečná bariéra proti vniknutiu prachu, nečistôt, vlhkosti a iných kontaminantov.
Klenutý tvar ponúka úhľadný a čistý povrch, pomáha odrážať nárazy, čím znižuje možnosť poškodenia zátky alebo zariadenia, do ktorého sa vkladá. Sú odolné voči korózii a poskytujú elektrickú izoláciu.
Jednoduché nasadenie. Vyrobené tak, aby tesne zapadli do otvoru, ktorý utesňujú, čím zaisťujú pevné a bezpečné uchytenie. Veľký sortiment pre mnohé priemery otvorov a hrúbky panelov, môžu sa použiť v odvetviach, ako je výroba, stavebníctvo a elektronika.
Counter Sunk Mount Leaf Hinges are a flat leaf widely used in various applications. They are best suited for flush mounted doors. The range also referred as Surface Mount Hinges, offers different formats of counter sunk holes depending on the strenth of the support required by the application. A choice of material is available to suit the environment demand of the application being an indoor or outoor exposure. Different rotation angles are also available.
Skupina SR: SR5506
Tento sortiment svoriek pre vlnité chráničky je navrhnutý pre prácu s chráničmi káblových zväzkov Essentra veľkosti 20 a 25 zväzkov (séria SHR) a dodáva sa so štyrmi rôznymi druhmi montáže; zacvaknutie do okrúhleho alebo štvorcového otvoru (na zabránenie rotácii), montáž skrutkou a prilepením. Vnútorná lamela na uchytenie zväzku. Uvoľňovacia západka umožňujúca údržbu.
Guličkové sťahovacie pásky umožňujú jednoduchú inštaláciu a uvoľnenie kábla a zároveň zabraňujú jeho zošmyknutiu. Pásky s montážnou príchytkou umožňujú jednoduché a pevné upevnenie do panela.
Nastaviteľné svorky sa montujú zatlačením do panela, nastaviteľná svorka sa dokáže prispôsobiť celému radu rozmerov káblov.
Detent Hinges are Torque Hinges indented every 30 degrees allowing panels to be positioned and maintained withough auxiliary components. The torque is factory preset and cannot be modified by users. Made of Anodised Aluminiumm, a choice of finish is available for aesthetic appeal. Several torque values are available.
Obdĺžnikové zátky a klzáky sú vhodné pre najpredávanejšie veľkosti a rozmery obdĺžnikových rúrok. Po vložení do konca rúrky ponúkajú čistý a úhľadný vzhľad.
Majú rebrovaný tvar pre ľahké vkladanie a dobré zapadnutie. Tieto zátky ponúkajú povrchovú ochranu a zabraňujú vniknutiu špiny a iných nečistôt do vnútornej časti hadice alebo rúrky.
Zvyčajne sa používajú v nábytkárstve a priemyselných zariadeniach. Univerzálnosť materiálov, povrchových úprav a farieb poskytuje možnosti na maximalizáciu estetického vzhľadu a dokonalé prispôsobenie vašej aplikácii. Náš široký sortiment ponúka rôzne veľkosti a farby.
Rectangular Inserts and Glides are ideally suited lightweight rectangle tube and pipe applications. When inserted into a tube-end, they offer a clean and tidy appearance to the finished application.
They feature a ribbed design for ease of insertion and a positive fit. These inserts offer surface protection, and prevent the ingress of dirt and other contaminants to the inner section of the pipe or tube.
HVAC Hinges are heavy duty free swinging hinges ideal for large flush fitting doors. They are suitable for air conditioning units, electrical panels and machinery panels. This range propose a selection of designs and materials to suit both aesthetic appearance, environment and application requirements. Customers buying this product might also be interested in our range of weather stripping gaskets.
Rectangular Inserts are applied to a variety of tubular applications and provide a neat and tidy appearance. These inserts have the added advantage of being chrome-capped, which gives then an attractive, high-gloss aesthetic that is ideal for finished products.
Suitable applications include chair and table legs, cabinets, shelving and others. The range includes ribbed options that are easy to insert and provide a positive fit. These options are suited to a wall section of 1.0 to 2.0 mm in thickness.
These Constant Torque Hinges articulate and hold the panel in position, thus eliminating the need for a gas strut or lid stay. The torque value is fixed to a specific value, requiring no adjustment along it's lifecycle and the range includes hinges made from a variety of materials and different fixed torque values, including detent hinges.
This range of Leaf Hinges is mounted with male stud on one leaf and countersunk screws on the oppostie leaf. The range of Surface Mount Leaf Hinges also referred as Stand Off Hinges is available in various materials to provice a solution to most applications.
Skupina SR: SR5507
Blanking Plugs are used on sheet metal to protect against sharp edges and are ideal for closing panel cavities. It protects against moisture ingress and dust, is acid-resistant and vibration-dampening. It provides a clean finish and a quick solution.
They come in an extensive offering to suit the most common hole diameters and panel thicknesses. Used in electronic applications and the automotive industry. Three materials are available: TPE withstands temperatures up to 203F (95C). TPR withstands temperatures between -40C and 135C | -40F and 275F. PVC withstands temperatures up to 50C | 122F.
Push Mount Cable Tie Holders are push in and removable to be used in panels with pre-drilled holes.
Skupina SR: SR2022
Snap-Fit Blanking Plugs are used in various applications to seal and preserve unused holes or apertures. These plugs have been carefully developed to offer a secure and dependable seal without extra fasteners or adhesives.
The snap-fit mechanism provides a secure connection, preventing inadvertent removal or displacement even when subjected to pressure or vibration. It offers high impact resistance and keeps dust, moisture, and other pollutants out of the hole.
It is easy to install, requiring only a push or snap into place, without needing tools. Suitable for various sectors such as manufacturing, electronics, and construction.
Skupina SR: SR1760
Push Fit Feet, commonly known as Grommet Feet, are an ideal choice for a host of applications. The have a number of useful properties that can provide surface protection, vibration dampening, strength retention, and skid prevention.
Our Push In Foot range is designed to simply push into punched or drilled holes, tube ends or to the base of furniture - making them quick and easy to install. They can provide stability and support in various applications and industries, including; office and retail, the manufacture of small and large appliances, furniture and cabinets, housings and cases, glass shelving and table top support, stacking, electrical and electronics equipment - and for many more.
Push-Fit Bumper Feet can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and stops in various applications. The press-fit design holds the bumper securely in place to protect surfaces from contact.
Skupina SR: SR5795
Zatláčacie klzáky alebo zátky do profilov sa často používajú v základni rúrkových výrobkov, ako sú nohy stoličiek. Posuvné klzáky poskytujú ochranu nielen samotnému výrobku, ale predovšetkým povrchu pod ním. Ideálna ochrana pre drevené podlahy, koberce a iné podlahové krytiny.
Náš sortiment zatláčacích klzákov ponúka na výber širokú škálu materiálov, medzi ktoré patria napríklad: polyamid (PA), polyetylén (PE), akrylonitrilbutadiénstyrén (ABS), plsť a tiež oceľ, ako aj rôzne povrchové úpravy a farby.
Naša ponuka obsahuje množstvo typov, napríklad: vypuklý, šikmý, kovový, rebrovaný, závitový, ľahký a pre veľké namáhanie. A taktiež rôzne tvary, ktoré budú vyhovovať potrebám vašej aplikácie: okrúhle, oválne, obdĺžnikové a štvorcové.
Tube Inserts are available with different features. Inserted to the end of tubes; they are ideal for the attachment of levelling feet or castors.
This range of Horizontal Inserts are designed to insert into rectangular tubes, and provide a neat and tidy finish to the application.
Customers can choose from four options that allow for a variety of joining configurations. These include;
Type 1 has 1 level and 2 directions
Type 2 has 1 level, 2 directions and top thread
Type 3 has 1 level, 2 directions and bottom thread
Type 4 has 1 level, 2 directions and 2 threads
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