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Rukou doťahovateľné skrutky Tesniace krúžky

 (14 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

D-krúžky a súpravy

Metric D-rings and Kit used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.

  • Poskytujú bezpečné tesnenie v statických a dynamických zariadeniach.
  • Zabezpečujú stabilitu, ktorá zabraňuje pokrúteniu a skĺznutiu tesnenia počas prevádzky či montáže.
  • Jednoducho sa vložia do obrobenej drážky, kde plochý okraj D-krúžku poskytuje stabilitu.
Materiál: NBR Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SR6159, SRV0071

Európske metrické O-krúžky a súpravy

Metric O-rings and Kit used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.

  • Zabraňujú vniknutiu kvapaliny a úniku plynu.
  • K dispozícii sú imperiálne O-krúžky, metrické O-krúžky, európske metrické O-krúžky a čelné tesniace krúžky (ORFS).
  • Tieto sady sú balené tak, aby sa tesnenia počas prepravy a skladovania nepoškodili.
Materiál: FPM 75, Nitrilová guma 70 Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SRV0064, SR6152, SRV0063, SRV0062

Metrické O-krúžky a súpravy

O-ring seals provide a tight seal in flanged connections that prevents fluid or gas leakage. Typically inserted into the flange grooves to provide a tight fit, and a secure seal.

The radial cross-section of the O-ring provides consistent sealing force and a snug fit. When used in static situations, they create a seal between two stationary components. When used in dynamic situations, they seal between a fixed part and a moving element.

Used in various applications such as hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems, fluid power systems, or oil and gas.

  • Obsahujú sortiment imperiálnych aj metrických veľkostí.
  • K dispozícii na použitie v hydraulických a pneumatických zariadeniach.
  • Tieto sady sú balené tak, aby sa tesnenia počas prepravy a skladovania nepoškodili.
Materiál: FPM 75, NBR Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SRV0061, SR6151, SRV0060, SRV0059

O-krúžky a súpravy Imperial

Imperial O-rings and Kit are used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.

  • Zabraňujú vniknutiu kvapaliny a úniku plynu.
  • K dispozícii sú imperiálne O-krúžky, metrické O-krúžky, európske metrické O-krúžky a čelné tesniace krúžky (ORFS).
  • Na použitie v statických a dynamických zariadeniach.
Materiál: FPM 75, Nitrilová guma 70 Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SRV0058, SR6150, SRV0057, SRV0056

O-krúžky a súpravy prírubových tesnení SAE

SAE Flange Seal O-rings and Kit are used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.

  • Navrhnuté na vytvorenie spoľahlivého tesnenia v spojoch s prírubami, ktoré zabraňuje úniku kvapaliny a plynu.
  • Sú pružné a odolné, a odolávajú tlaku a teplotám, ktoré sa vyskytujú v hydraulických systémoch.
  • Vkladajú sa do drážok príruby, aby pevne sedeli a bezpečne tesnili.
Materiál: PU Farba: Modrá Skupina SR: SR6158, SRV0070

Ovládacie gombíky - matice

Female Lobed Hand Wheels & Knobs have a scalloped edge to allow for maximum grip and comfort. These durable lobed knobs are impact and chemical resistant and provide a neat appearance for finished applications that require adjustment.

Ovládacie gombíky - nepredvŕtané

Our lobed blank hand wheels are ideal for many different applications, from metal fabrication equipment to display furniture, available in many different styles and sizes. The lobed sides are easy to grip.

Ring Seal Clamps

Ring Seal Clamps available in lipped and unlipped profiles. Provides the most recent advancements in contamination detection and containment, which helps decrease product loss and boost productivity. They have strong mechanical and sealing qualities. They have a blue seal for easy identification.

  • Guferá s vrchným a spodným prstencom sú najnovším pokrokom v detekcii a zadržiavaní kontaminácie, čím pomáhajú znižovať straty produktu a zvyšovať produktivitu. Ideálne pre potravinársky a farmaceutický priemysel.
  • 2 až 3-milimetrové čiastočky možno ľahko identifikovať pomocou zabudovaného kovu, ktorý sa využíva na detekciu produktov, kontaminovaných výrobnými linkami.
  • FDA vyhovujúce.
Materiál: VMQ, FKM, EPDM Farba: Čierna, Modrá Skupina SR: SRV0048, SRV0054, SRV0046, SRV0055, SRV0047, SRV0053

Ručné kolesá - dvojlúčové

Our range of Spoked Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. A choice of technopolymer material offers resistance to oils and grease often found in their working environment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.

Ručné kolesá - kovové bez rukoväte

Control Handwheels are heavy duty leveraging hand hold to operate positioning adjustment on large machines.The 4 spoke design allow strong hold handling for the operator, and therefore are not fitted with handles. The range offer a choice of material to suit application environment.

Ručné kolesá - kovové s rukoväťou

Our range of Spoked Metal Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.

Súpravy tesniacich O-krúžkov

O-Ring Cords and Splicing Kit is intended to decrease the need for huge numbers of O-rings. Comprises of a measuring tape, cutting block, adhesive bottle, retractable knife and a cable with the proper width and length. It prevents fluid and gas leaks.

  • Obsahujú meracie pásmo, rezaciu podložku, fľaštičku s lepidlom, vysúvací nôž a šnúru.
  • Sú vhodné na utesnenie akéhokoľvek zariadenia podľa potreby a na zabránenie úniku kvapalín.
  • Využívajú sa v rôznych hydraulických systémoch, pneumatických systémoch, kvapalinových energetických systémoch, automobilovom priemysle, výrobe ropy a zemného plynu.
Materiál: NBR Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SR6153, SRV0072

Tesniace krúžky - metrický rad

Metric Ring Seals are used to seal both static and dynamic applications. They are simple to put into a machined groove, where the D-rings flat side offers stability, a tight fit and a leak-proof seal. Used in several industries, including automotive, plumbing and manufacturing.

  • Poskytujú bezpečné utesnenie v statických a dynamických zariadeniach.
  • Ľahko sa vkladajú do obrobanej drážky, kde plochá hrana D-krúžku zaisťuje pevné uchytenie.
  • Využívajú sa v automobilovom priemysle, pri spracovaní ropy a plynu, v chemickom priemysle a vo farmaceutickej výrobe.
Skupina SR:

USIT utesňovacie podložky

Self-centring Bonded Washers are commonly used where hydraulic fluids and pneumatic oils are prevalent. They are an ideal option for maintenance, repair and operation applications.

Bonded Washers are typically used with screws and bolts. The washer is made from steel and comes with a rubber O-ring seal that fits within the inside diameter of the washer. This washer and seal combination helps ensure a watertight assembly for your application.

Customers have the option to purchase a kit that contains a selection of size options that are suitable for BSP or Metric threads. This ensures quick and easy access to suitable sizes. Alternatively customers can purchase individual parts, in the thread type and specific size required.

  • Washer Material: Mild Steel
  • Seal Material: Nitrile NBR 80
  • Seal Colour: Black