V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
Tieto nastavovacie nástroje pre tesniace zátky pre palcové veľkosti pomáhajú pri efektívnej inštalácii tesniacich zátok v rôznych aplikáciách. Prispievajú k lepšiemu utesneniu znížením prenikania vzduchu alebo nečistôt.
Tesniace zátky sa osadia do vyvŕtaného otvoru a expanzná gulička sa vtlačí do objímky zátky. Samostatné drážkované tesniace krúžky pre guličky zátky sú vtlačené do materiálu puzdra pre trvalé upchatie a utesnenie otvoru. Gulička drží vo svojej polohe. Nie je potrebné žiadne závitovanie, vystružovanie ani opracovanie drážok O-krúžkov, stačí páska alebo tesnenie.
Produktový rad je ponúkaný vo variantoch s ručným a vzduchovým nástrojom pre rôzne inštalácie. Pred aplikovaním tlaku sa uistite, že je gulička úplne osadená. Často sa používajú v pneumatických, hydraulických a kvapalinových systémoch, automobilovom sektore, priemysle a ventiloch.
These self-tapping screws with metal hex socket heads and cup points are used to join two or more pieces of material. They are distinguished by their hexagonal head, which can be turned with a hex socket wrench, and their cup-shaped point, which burrows into the material being fastened to prevent the screw from loosening.
The cup point design offers a strong and sturdy attachment by giving a sharp point that bites into the materials. Their self-tapping function removes the need for pre-drilling or tapping, saving time and effort during installation. They have a tensile strength class of 5.8 (500 N/mm2).
A hex socket wrench is required for installation and removal. This is especially useful in applications where screws must be accessible or removed frequently. Used in machine construction, automobile production, and medical device applications.
Plastic Slotted Set Screws are utilised in many applications that require a secure and non-marring connection. These set screws have a plastic slotted head and offer distinct benefits over standard metal set screws.
Its high corrosion resistance makes these screws appropriate for use in locations where moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive substances are present. Furthermore, the plastic head is non-conductive, making it suitable for electrical shielding applications. This keeps the screws from shorting out or interfering with delicate electronic components.
It is designed to be simple to install and adjust with a flat head screwdriver due to the slotted head. Commonly used in industries such as electronics, automotive, and furniture manufacturing.
Skupina SR: SR1957
Set Screws with Plastic Hex Socket Heads are designed to secure objects in place by creating a tight and reliable connection. They are frequently used for applications requiring high torque or the screw to be recessed from the object's surface being secured.
It has outstanding strength and corrosion resistance and is lightweight and electrically insulated due to its composition. It has a comfortable grip that allows for simple installation and removal using a hex key or Allen wrench. Used in electrical applications like circuit boards, connectors, and heat sinks, as well as in manufacturing and the automobile industry.
Tento rad upínacích ručných skrutiek má dlhú hlavu. Sú vhodným riešením montáže pre panely s otvormi bez závitov. Používajú sa na dodržanie predpisov smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.
Bežne sa používajú s upínacími podložkami so závitom (predávajú sa samostatne).
Skrutky sú vyrobené z austenitickej nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá poskytuje dobrú odolnosť proti korózii a opracovateľnosť. Niektoré majú čiernený povrch a iné sú bez čiernenia. Materiál je obľúbenou voľbou v stavebníctve a automobilovom sektore.
Upozornenie: Tieto skrutky majú menší priemer drieku a nemali by sa uťahovať na odporúčaný krútiaci moment pre ekvivalentnú skrutku zobrazenej veľkosti závitu.
Tento rad odsadených skrutiek má vypuklú hlavu s výberom vnútorného šesťhranu, drážky Torx alebo štandardnej drážky.
Lock Screws are designed to provide a strong locking force, preventing the screw from loosening or coming undone over time due to vibration or other factors. They are quick and simple to install in panel fasteners that screw for added tightness.
Their transparent plastic look makes them a popular solution for combining functionality with aesthetics, offering a clear view of the secured objects without losing strength or durability. Ideal for use in various applications and industries, such as electronics, medical devices, automotive, and construction.
Príruba s upínacou skrutkou je alternatívou k rezaniu do panela alebo použitiu zaisťovacej podložky. Príruba sa pripevňuje do panelu zatlačením hlavy do zapusteného otvoru.
Upínacia skrutka sa potom jednoducho naskrutkuje cez prírubu a udrží v paneli.
Príruby sú vyrobené buď z nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá má dobrú odolnosť proti korózii, alebo z hliníka, ktorý má dobrú tepelnú vodivosť.
These Self Tapping Screws with Pan Heads are a type of screw that may be used to join materials without the use of pre-drilled holes. They feature a pointed tip and sharp threads that allow them to tap their threads into wood, plastic, or metal.
The pan head design features a level bearing surface and a slightly rounded top for a clean, complete look. It has high strength, durability, and corrosion resistance.
Simple to install with a Phillips head screwdriver. Commonly used in construction, manufacturing, automotive, and electronics industries.
Self-drilling and self-piercing screws are a type of fastener that combines drilling and fastening operations in a single action, removing the requirement for pre-drilling. They have a pointed head that allows the screw to self-tap into a panel. This reduces the amount of time and physical work necessary for fixing.
Easily driven into the surface with a power drill or screwdriver and provides a strong and secure hold. Ideal for use in applications where a high degree of strength and stability is required, such as in metalworking or construction.
Tieto odsadené svorníky, známe aj ako odsadené skrutky, sú typ upevňovacieho prvku s hladkým odsadením medzi hlavou a závitovou časťou skrutky. Odsadená časť je opracovaná s presnou toleranciou pre polohovacie, upevňovacie alebo otáčacie diely.
Znižujú sústredenie namáhania a pravdepodobnosť poškodenia alebo zlyhania. Sú tiež pevné, odolné voči korózii a nemagnetické. Odolávajú veľkému zaťaženiu, vibráciám a náročnému prostrediu.
Šesťhranná hlava ponúka pohodlné a stabilné uchopenie na uťahovanie a povoľovanie svorníka. Šesťhranný tvar hlavy umožňuje jednoduché aplikovanie krútiaceho momentu pomocou kľúča alebo nástrčky pre tesné a pevné spojenie. Široko sa používajú v rôznych odvetviach vrátane automobilového sektora, priemyslu, elektroniky a stavebníctva.
Tieto odsadené skrutky, tiež známe ako odsadené svorníky, sú typ upevňovacieho prvku s valcovitým odsadením, ktoré oddeľuje hlavu skrutky od jej závitovej časti. Odsadenie je opracované s presnou toleranciou a slúži ako nosná plocha pre hlavu skrutky.
Odsadené skrutky sú užitočné v situáciách, ktoré vyžadujú montážny čap, hmoždinku, kĺbový spoj, hriadeľ alebo posuvný pohyb. Sú trochu magnetické, pevné a odolné voči korózii, ale nie vo veľmi náročných podmienkach.
Tento sortiment odsadených skrutiek má hlavu s vnútorným šesťhranom, čo umožňuje ich ľahké utiahnutie alebo uvoľnenie pomocou imbusového alebo šesťhranného kľúča. Nemajú hladkú hlavu, čo pomáha pri uchopení. Tieto skrutky sú vhodné pre elektroniku, strojárstvo a automobilový priemysel.
Tieto odsadené skrutky s pologuľatou hlavou s drážkou, známe aj ako odsadené svorníky s pologuľatou hlavou s drážkou, sú typ upevňovacieho prvku, ktorý má valcovitý driek s pologuľatou hlavou na jednom konci a odsadením na druhom. Odsadenie je opracované s presnou toleranciou a slúži ako nosná plocha pre hlavu skrutky.
Odsadené skrutky sú užitočné tam, kde sa vyžaduje montážny čap, hmoždinka, kĺbový spoj, driek alebo posuvný pohyb. Sú pevné a odolné voči korózii, ale nie v skutočne náročných podmienkach.
Tento sortiment odsadených skrutiek má mierne vypuklú pologuľatú hlavu s drážkou a ploché ložisko. Sú vhodné pre nízkoprofilové aplikácie a majú estetický vzhľad. Ľahko sa inštaluje alebo odstraňuje pomocou štrbinových skrutkovačov. Tieto skrutky sú vhodné pre elektroniku, zdravotnícke prístroje, strojárstvo a automobilový priemysel.
Tieto odsadené skrutky, často známe ako odsadené svorníky, sú typ upevňovacieho prvku s valcovitou hlavou a závitovým driekom- Majú odsadenie, ktoré sa tiahne od hlavy k drieku, ktorý je opracovaný s presnou toleranciou. Odsadené skrutky sa bežne používajú na spojenie dvoch komponentov, odsadenie funguje ako nosná plocha.
Odsadené skrutky sú vhodné pre aplikácie vyžadujúce montážny čap, hmoždinku, kĺbový spoj, driek alebo posuvný pohyb.
Tento sortiment odsadených skrutiek má drážkovanú hlavu, ktorá umožňuje ich skrutkovanie pomocou drážkového skrutkovača. Sú magnetické a majú vynikajúcu odolnosť proti namáhaniu šmykom, hoci korodujú o niečo ľahšie ako bežné odsadené skrutky. Tieto skrutky sú vhodné pre elektroniku, strojárstvo, automobilový priemysel a stavebníctvo.
Tento rad odsadených skrutiek má ultra nízkoprofilovú hlavu s vnútorným šesťhranom. Výšky hláv týchto skrutiek s veľmi nízkym profilom sú približne 1/3 bežných odsadených skrutiek. Drážky s vnútorným šesťhranom sú vhodné na presnú montáž a používajú sa v miestach s menšou plochou.
Sú vyrobené z austenitickej nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá poskytuje dobrú odolnosť proti korózii a opracovateľnosť. Materiál je obľúbenou voľbou v stavebníctve a automobilovom sektore. Tieto skrutky sú vhodné pre aplikácie vo farmaceutickom a iných sektoroch.
Oceľové tyče so skrutkami s okom, ktoré sa dodávajú v rôznych veľkostiach.
These Torx Head Flanged Cap Screws are fasteners for various applications requiring a secure and durable connection. These screws combine the benefits of a Torx head screw with the help of a flanged head.
They are well-known for their exceptional grip and resistance to cam-out, making them suitable for applications requiring high torque. The flanged cap gives an extra layer of rigidity and support, making these screws perfect for situations where vibration or movement is an issue. This feature keeps the screws from becoming loose over time, guaranteeing a long-lasting and stable connection. It also spreads the screw heads weight across a broader area, preventing the screw head from sinking into the material and harming the surface.
Commonly used in industries such as automotive, machinery, and electronics. They are especially useful in situations where access is restricted. The Torx head enables efficient and dependable installation in tight places or difficult-to-reach regions.
Knurled Thumb Screws have a slotted head and a knurled surface for manual tightening and loosening of threaded fasteners but can also be installed using a flat screwdriver. It is simple to install and provides a firm grip, making it ideal for applications requiring easy adjustment.
Due to their plastic construction, they are lightweight, vibration, chemical, electrical and corrosion resistant options, making them an excellent choice for use in harsh or outdoor environments. They are frequently utilised in furniture assembly, electrical equipment, and automobile industries.
These Socket Head Cap Screws - Plastic Standard Heads are fasteners utilised in various applications that require a secure and non-metallic connection. These screws have a hexagonal socket in the head and a standard head shape.
It has high corrosion resistance, making it suited for use in settings where moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive substances are present. Furthermore, the plastic head is non-conductive, making it excellent for electrical shielding applications. This feature guards against the screws generating electrical shorts or interfering with sensitive electronic components.
It is easy to install using a regular hex key or Allen wrench. Commonly used in industries such as electronics, automotive, and furniture manufacturing. They are especially suitable in situations that need a non-metallic connection since the plastic head protects sensitive or polished surfaces.
Skupina SR: SR2012
Machine Screws with a pan head are designed for use in a wide range of applications, including construction, electronics assembly, and machine assembly. Its design allows the screw to sit flush against a surface after being fastened, providing a smooth, finished appearance.
Unlike regular screws, machine screws tend to be more durable and robust, making them perfect for resisting corrosion, high temperatures, and other chemicals or weather conditions. It is commonly used in machine assembly, including electronics, automotive, and industrial applications.
Hexagonal Head Cap Screws are distinguished by their hexagonal head, allowing easy installation and tightening with a wrench or socket. Made of plastic, they are lightweight and resistant to corrosion, oil, abrasion and most chemicals.
Offered in a variety of standard imperial and metric sizes as a replacement to all metal versions. Used in various applications, including electrical equipment, automotive trim, and furniture.
Socket Head Cap Screws with Metal Standard Heads are used to secure and tighten a connection between two or more pieces of material. The cylindrical metal standard head design has a flat top and a recessed hex socket.
It has high strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. The recessed hex socket ensures a secure grip and high torque transfer during installation.
Installation and removal are easy using a hex key or Allen wrench. Used in industries such as automotive, electronics, manufacturing, and construction.
Socket Head Cap Screws with Plastic Torx Heads are used to secure and tighten a connection between two or more pieces of material. The cylindrical head features a Torx drive type with a smaller diameter than other machine screw heads.
It has high strength, durability, corrosion resistance, lightweight and non-conductive fastening solution. The plastic Torx head provides a reliable grip, allowing for high torque transfer during installation.
Installation and removal are easy using a hex key or Allen wrench. Used in industries such as automotive, electronics, manufacturing, and construction.
These Square Machine Screws are utilised in various situations where the benefits of a square head shape are coupled with the advantages of plastic material. It is a lighter, corrosion-resistant alternative to metal machine screws.
It is appropriate for electrical applications with minimal shock or short circuit risk. Furthermore, it is corrosion resistant, making them appropriate for use in areas where exposure to moisture or chemicals is a problem. Because they are lightweight, they lower the total weight of the assembly, making them useful in applications where weight reduction is needed.
It provides increased grip and torque transmission, making it perfect for applications requiring secure attaching with the ease of hand tightening. Commonly used in industries such as electronics, automotive, and consumer goods.
Binder Machine Screws feature a slotted head that allows them to be tightened or loosened using a flathead screwdriver. The head is thicker than the pan, with a deeper slot and a bevelled outside edge.
Ideal for applications that demand minimal weight and strong chemical and electrical resistance. They are universal fasteners that meet DIN 85 or ISO 1580 specifications. Used for binding material swatches, big manuals, and electrical applications.
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