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Oceľ Nábytok pre kancelárie a maloobchod

 (14 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Uchytenia koliesok

A mixture of Castor Fittings, including; castor fitting plates, metal or plastic sockets, gripneck and threaded stems. Compatible with castors with a blind hole mount. Choose according to desired attachment method and size of castor mounting holes. A choice of material options to suit your application needs.

Klzáky - nastaviteľná, hladká základňa

Glides with adjustable, smooth base.

Kolieska pre reštauračné zariadenia

An ideal choice for the food and hospitality industry, these Catering Castors are likely to be used on equipment, such as; hostess trolleys, ovens and other portable cooking equipment, waste bins, kitchen units, storage racks and more. Our range includes tyres made from materials, including; Polyurethane, Stainless Steel and Nylon. An array of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5621 ,SR5630

Kolieska pre vysoké teploty

High Temperature Castors are ideal for equipment like bakery oven wheels, as well as in applications where high heats are expected - such as; industrial oven equipment and autoclaves. Plus other applications in need of high temperature resistance. Our range features Bolt Hole, Fixed Plate and Swivel Plate castors. These come in a choice of material and colour options, including Thermoplastic, Stainless Steel and Rubber. Different load capacity and sizes are available.

Kolieska pre zdravotnícke zariadenia

Medical Castors are pivotal in the mobility of equipment in the healthcare sector, whether in hospitals, care homes, laboratories and more. Enter any medical facility and you will find portable equipment, such as; patient monitors and devices, ventilators, beds, medical carts and trolleys, hoists, wheelchairs, and others that all make use of castors and wheels. Our extensive range features different castor types, including; Levina, Linea, Twinwheel, Swivel, Fixed plate and others. These castors are offered in a choice of colours and materials, such as Polyurethane, Zinc Plated Steel and Nylon. A plethora of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5606 ,SR5680, SR5681, SR5772

Nastaviteľné nožičky - pochrómovaný kryt

These Chrome Capped Adjustable Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications on slightly uneven surfaces, including office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery. The range are made from chrome capped black Polyethylene (PE).

Skupina SR: SR5442 ,SR5701

Nastaviteľné nožičky - štandardné, nečlenené

Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.

Skupina SR: SR5439

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom - s pevnou plastovou základňou

Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.

Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž

Adjusters - Level Mount adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications.

Nábytkové a kancelárske kolieska

These aestically pleasing castors are a great option for equipment typically found in offices and other commercial premises. Our range of Furniture & Office Castors can be applied to desk chairs, pedastals, storage trolleys, meeting tables and more. The materials offered in this range include; Rubber, Nylon, Zinc Plated Steel and more. A variety of type options are available to suit your requirments, including; Spherical, Twinwheel, Bolt Hole, Spoke Wheel, Knurled Stem and others. Our range is available in varying load capacity and size options.

Skupina SR: SR5769 ,SR1547

Priemyselné pojazdové kolieska

Industrial Castors are ideal for heavy duty applications or industries, such as; automotive, engineering, manufacturing and others. Ultimately designed to bear heavy loads, these castors are likely to be used on items like dolly carts, storage racks, tow lines, maintenance equipment, platform trucks and others. Our offering includes Bolt Hole, Threaded Stem, Fixed Plate and Swivel Plate castor type options - manufactured in a variety of colours and materials including, Rubber, Nylon, Cast Iron and Polyurethane. A choice of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5616 ,SR5626, SR5693

Protišmykové gumené podložky

Non-slip rubber pads are ideal to cover the levelers on machines or conveyors. These pads can bear heavy loads and provide extra friction to prevent movement and slipping.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky - kovová pevná základňa

Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Rigid Metal Base is an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications. Use these leveling feet on office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje

Machine Levelling Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications. Use these leveling feet on office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery.