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(138 sady výrobkov)
Disky chrániča príruby sa jednoducho nasadzujú. Disk má štyri vopred vyrazené otvory, cez ktoré sa môžu jednoducho prevliecť viazacie a sťahovacie pásky pre bezpečné uchytenie. V prípade potreby sa môžu použiť aj ďalšie upevňovacie prvky ako upínacia zátka, kolíky a podložky.
Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu tesniaceho povrchu celého čela príruby. Majú špeciálnu konštrukciu s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru otvoru pre skrutky príruby a rozstupovej kružnici skrutky.
Široký sortiment zahŕňa množstvo rozmerov a rôznych hodnôt menovitého tlaku. Zahŕňa varianty, ktoré sú vhodné pre príruby DIN podľa DN 10 až DN 600 – tlakové triedy PN 6, 10, 16, 15 a 40 a príruby ANSI 1/2 až 32 palcov – tlakové triedy 150, 300, 600 a 900 libier (lb).
Face Protector that acts as a protective guard to shield flanges from dirt, moisture, paint and sand blasting.
The tapered design creates a strong adhesion to the collar of the pipe application, and requires no fasteners for fitting. Made from durable material, they are suitable for DIN and ANSI flanges.
These DKO Side Release Plugs protect DKO-compression fittings (24 nipples with O-Ring) during transit, storage, and processing from damage and contaminants. These plugs' sturdy structure ensures dependable performance even in harsh environments. The leak-proof seal and secure connection prevent fluid leakage or loss, reducing the danger of equipment damage, productivity loss, or safety issues.
The flexible end fits snugly into the DKO swivel nut, and the side pull tab allows easy removal. Commonly used to meet the needs of industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and machinery.
Štvrťotáčkové držiaky na optické vlákna podporujú štandardné držiaky na konzoly, ktoré sa štvrťotáčkovou montujú do 19-palcového racku. Používajú sa na vedenie optických vlákien vedľa dátového rozvádzača. Vyrobené z čierneho polyamidu triedy UL94 V0.
High Temperature Flexible Caps with an ergonomic-friendly pull-tab design for easy fitting and removal. Suitable for use on threaded or plain applications.
The unique design fits a range of applications and thread sizes including Metric, UNF and BSP. The range includes options with a six-sided design.Vysokoteplotné pružné krytky s úchytom sa nasadzujú a odstraňujú zo závitových alebo hladkých aplikácií.
Round Ball Cap with high strength and secure press fit to enhance the design of the leg. Ideal for furniture, crafts, or architectural projects. They can also be used to protect the ends of furniture, and are easy to install and remove. It can also be used as a decorative top or finial.
High Temperature Tubing is an excellent masking solution to fit over longer parts, where standard caps are too short. The tubing can be used with a cap, if required. These caps be be applied to long studs and pins.
Supplied on a roll; the tubing can be cut to the required length. By cutting long also creates an easy pull tab, for swift removal. It can be masked off thru-hole by utilising the outside diameter of the tube and pulling it through.
The tubing is flexible and conforms to irregularities. It will not melt or harden and can be reused - making it an economical product.
Popular applications include; powder coating, e-coating, plating and anodising.
Tieto klenuté zaslepovacie zátky sú vhodné na utesnenie otvorov v plechoch. Sú určené na utesnenie medzier v zariadeniach alebo strojoch, v sektore plechov, ako ochrana pred ostrými hranami. Fungujú tiež ako bezpečná bariéra proti vniknutiu prachu, nečistôt, vlhkosti a iných kontaminantov.
Klenutý tvar ponúka úhľadný a čistý povrch, pomáha odrážať nárazy, čím znižuje možnosť poškodenia zátky alebo zariadenia, do ktorého sa vkladá. Sú odolné voči korózii a poskytujú elektrickú izoláciu.
Jednoduché nasadenie. Vyrobené tak, aby tesne zapadli do otvoru, ktorý utesňujú, čím zaisťujú pevné a bezpečné uchytenie. Veľký sortiment pre mnohé priemery otvorov a hrúbky panelov, môžu sa použiť v odvetviach, ako je výroba, stavebníctvo a elektronika.
End Tips are a versatile cap with a multitude of uses. They are ideal for product presentations due to their neat and tidy appearance. They also offer product protection, preventing damage and the ingress of dirt.
The range is provided in a choice flexible and hard-wearing materials, making these caps a durable solution for your project requirements. Quick and easy to install, with a simple push fit design.
These Torx Caps are designed to fit securely on top of Torx head screws and provide a decorative neat finish covering. They offer protection from damage, moisture, corrosion, and dirt. It also helps prevent tampering or unauthorized access to the fastener, as the Torx screw requires a specific Torx driver or wrench to remove it.
It provides a secure grip on the screw. It prevents it from slipping, making it easier to turn, and is often used in applications such as automotive, industrial, and electronic assemblies.
Unicap Cover Caps and washers are designed to conceal and protect exposed screws or bolt heads for aesthetic or safety reasons. These caps and washers are resistant to corrosion, abrasion, and impact due to their material, offering long-lasting protection and durability.
In addition, they protect against dirt and are easy to install and remove by push fit. Available in both low profile and high profile. Used in construction, furniture and appliances.
Please note that in this product range you will find caps and washers which are sold separately and you will need to order both items.
Stud Bolt Caps provide protection in scaffold applications. The design allows them to be positively fitted on to any exposed clamp studs on your scaffolding.
The protection that these caps offers helps prevent weathering, and damage to the studs from the people working around them - as well as injury prevention to workers. The hard material used to manufacture the caps ensures snug fitting and durability, no matter where they are fitted.
Manufactured to industry standard sizes for easy fitting and usability. This avoids any requirement for the measurement of your scaffold studs. They are available with a 13mm inner diameter that features a gradual ribbed design that helps keep the cap secure once fitted.
Krytky mazníc sú určené na ochranu mazníc pred prachom, vlhkosťou, špinou a inými nečistotami. Náš sortiment ponúka na výber krytky s úchytom alebo bez úchytu pre jednoduchšie odstránenie. Dizajn krytky s vrúbkovanou alebo hladkou hlavou pre ľahké uchopenie. Tieto kryty mazníc možno použiť aj ako vizuálny indikátor namazania armatúry.
Ide o úsporné riešenie s rýchlou a jednoduchou montážou a demontážou.
Používajú sa v aplikáciách prepravy kvapalín, ktoré majú maznice.
Screw Cap Covers, also known as screw hole covers or screw head covers, are designed to provide a finished and professional surface appearance while protecting the screw or hole from damage and corrosion on veneered chipboard.
These push-fit screw caps fit securely into the top of the screws, covering the screw head neatly and protecting it from dust and dirt ingress. Used to cover exposed screws in furniture, cabinets and automotive applications.
Flanged Caps are designed for easy assembly and removal, either with automated equipment or by hand. Typically used to protect metric or imperial threads, with or without O-Rings. The larger flange allows for faster application and removal when using it by hand.
For the purpose of quality control; the natural coloured caps allow you to see through the cap and check whether the O-ring is installed, or not installed, on the protected fitting.
Cover Caps are designed to protect screw heads and are ideal for decorative purposes. They snap into place, protects against dirt and moisture.
Easy to install, requiring no special tools or equipment. They can be installed by simply snapping them into place over the screws. Used in applications such as medical, and industrial.
Gas cylinder valve cap is designed to protect industrial and LPG gas cylinder valve threads when they are not used. It protects from the entry of moisture, dirt, dust or other contaminants. It is fitted with a vent flap to allow the safe release of gas following the accidental opening of the valve. It can differentiate full from empty cylinders.
They are simple to install and remove and provide an airtight seal to maintain the integrity of the gas in the cylinder. It is commonly used in laboratories, medical industry, and construction applications.
A useful cap with a cross head design that is commonly applied to the tip of garden canes, metal rods and other stick applications.
Their main function is to protect the application from damage and the ingress of foreign contaminants, as well as offering some weather protection.
They also serve as a protective buffer, by capping the exposed sharp ends of canes and rods that users risk coming into contact with, resulting in the prevention of accidental injury.
Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)Colours: Green and Yellow
Skupina SR: SR1203
Heavy Duty Pipe Caps are used to protect the end of a pipe from dust, dirt, and other impurities. They are appropriate for nominal pipe sizes and provide a low-cost, high-quality choice. Internal ribs ensure a snug fit and release after pressure is applied. The caps come with or without a vent hole.
Used to keep small pipes safe during transportation and storage. It is also simple to install and remove, thanks to the press fit design. Temperature resistance ranges from 66C to -40C. Used in plumbing, heating, ventilation, and industrial applications.
Hose Washer Caps are applied on the hose and tube ends to prevent them from sliding over the fittings. It features a tight-fitting design that helps to prevent water, dust, dirt and other contaminants from getting into the hose.
They are simple to install and remove and provide an airtight seal to maintain the integrity of the hose connector. It is used in construction applications, gardening, and the automotive industry.
Krytky s tupým zvarom SAE sa používajú predovšetkým v hydraulických a pneumatických aplikáciách. Je to ochranný krytka na použitie v aplikáciách 3000 a 6000 SAE PSI. Poskytujú maximálnu ochranu na tupo zváraných koncoch na ventiloch, čerpadlách a výmenníkoch tepla. Nepraskajú a eliminujú potrebu preglejky, masonitových dosiek a spojovacích prvkov.
Šetria náklady na montáž, ľahko sa zasúvajú na miesto rukou. Špeciálny tvar vratného uhla zodpovedá uhlu tupého zvaru, plne zakrývajú alebo chránia zakončenia počas prepravy a skladovania.
Vyrobené z polyetylénu s nízkou hustotou (PE-LD), k dispozícii dve farebné verzie. Prírodná, priesvitná verzia je určená na ochranu povrchov rozpojených prírub, umožňuje viditeľnosť tesniaceho O-krúžku a zabezpečuje ochranu s vnútorným zaisťovacím krúžkom. Červená verzia je vhodná pre prírubovú vsuvku SAE. Používajú sa pri teplotách od minimálne -30 C do maximálne +50 C.
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