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Plast Zatlačením Závitový čap

 (130 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Krytky skrutiek s krížovou drážkou

These Pozidriv Screw Caps are designed to cover Pozidriv (Phillips or Crosshead) screws, providing a seamless and finished look. They offer a simple and quick installation by push-in.

These screw caps are designed to fit snugly over the screw head, providing a secure and tight seal that prevents dust, dirt, and other debris from entering the assembly. They also protect the screw head from damage and corrosion. Ideal for use in applications such as furniture, appliances and electrical.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Black, Brown, Grey, White

Skupina SR: SR1815

Krytky ukončovacie hladké

Koncové krytky bez závitu sú vhodné na ochranu závitových a hladkých rúr, potrubí alebo tyčí. Zabraňujú prenikaniu špiny, nečistôt a iných látok. Majú určitú odolnosť proti oderu, ktorá chráni spojovaciu časť počas skladovania a prepravy. Môžu sa použiť aj na maskovanie pri lakovaní, pokovovaní alebo pieskovaní.

Rýchla a jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.

Možno ich použiť v inštalatérstve, vzduchotechnike a klimatizácii a pre priemyselné aplikácie.

  • Bezpečné chránia závitové a hladké rúrky, potrubia alebo tyče.
  • Rýchla a jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.
  • Používajú sa v inštalatérstve, vzduchotechnike a klimatizácii a pre priemyselné aplikácie.
Materiál: Polyetylén, PP, Polyetylén LD Farba: Žltá, Čierna, Šedá, Prírodná, Modrá Series Code: SRF0023, SR1062

Kryty koncov rúrok

Tube End Caps offer ideal protection for threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes and rods. Standard, short and long caps are available. The short versions are for general purpose closure and the long versions have an extra depth and feathered edge that ensure a tight fit.

The design of these longer caps helps to prevent accidental displacement. Tube End Caps serve the same purpose as Heat Shrink End Caps, but do not shrink when heated during the application process. They are UV and weather resistant, making them ideal outdoor applications.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Low density polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Colour: Red

Skupina SR: SR1610, SR1620

Kryty na príruby

Flange Covers are ideal for protecting internally coated flanges, and they provide complete all-round flange protection. They are designed to suit all types of flange faces.

They offer flexibility, durability, and the versatile design makes them suitable for the protection of bolt holes. They are easy to fit. The range includes options that are injection moulded.

Cover ANSI 16.5, DIN 2631-2635 and BS4504

  • Material: Flexible Polyethylene (PE)
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1353

Kryty na skrutky

Uniscrew Caps are intended to fit into the screw hole for a seamless, flush look. Their function is to conceal the screw heads, which can accommodate most sizes. These caps are connected to a washer by a hinge that folds neatly when inserted into the cap.

The durable material protects against damage, dirt, moisture and corrosion during storage and shipping. They are easy to install simply by push fit and are often used in furniture assembly, automotive interiors, and electrical equipment.

  • Material: PP
  • Colour: Black, White

Skupina SR: SR1807

Kryty na skrutky s krížovou drážkou

Cross Head Screw Caps are designed to conceal and protect exposed Crosshead (Phillips) head screws from dust and dirt. They offer a neat and tidy finish and can be easily installed by simply pressing them over the screw head until they click into place.

It helps prevent rusting, corrosion, and other forms of damage. Used on electrical enclosures, switchgear, and applications in industrial.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Black, White, Brown and Teak

Skupina SR: SR1806

Kryty nitov a otvorov

These Rivet Caps are designed to provide protection and a neat finish for screws. They fit securely into the top of screws, covering the screw head neatly and providing protection from dust and dirt ingress, damage and corrosion.

They are easy to use and require no special installation as they can be installed and removed quickly by push fit. Used in various rivet types, including blind rivets, solid rivets, and tubular rivets and for applications in the automotive, construction, furniture and appliance industries.

  • Material: HDPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Black, White, Beige, Grey
  • Series Code: SR1814, SR1804

Series Code: SR1814, SR1804

Krídlové pánty so závitovým čapom a závitovou montážnou vložkou

The Leaf Hinges with Male Threaded Inserts are a flat leaf best suited for flush mounted doors. This range also referred as Surface Mount Hinges or Stand Off Hinges comes in various materials and stud sizes to provide a solution to most applications.

Skupina SR: SR5330

Káblové svorky - príchytky pre SHR

Tento sortiment svoriek pre vlnité chráničky je navrhnutý pre prácu s chráničmi káblových zväzkov Essentra veľkosti 20 a 25 zväzkov (séria SHR) a dodáva sa so štyrmi rôznymi druhmi montáže; zacvaknutie do okrúhleho alebo štvorcového otvoru (na zabránenie rotácii), montáž skrutkou a prilepením. Vnútorná lamela na uchytenie zväzku. Uvoľňovacia západka umožňujúca údržbu.

Kónické krytky a zátky - silná záťaž

Tapered Caps & Plugs protect threaded and non-threaded pipes, ports, and access points from damage, dust and debris during storage and shipping. They have a heavy duty wall and a tapered sealing ring for maximum protection.

Heavy duty tapered caps and plugs are designed to provide extra protection and durability where standard caps and plugs would not suffice. It provides a secure seal by push fit, excellent durability, and resistance to impact and abrasion. Used for applications in machinery, automotive, and industrial.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: White, Red

Skupina SR: SR1003

Kónické krytky a zátky - široká príruba

Kónické krytky a zátky so širokou prírubou ponúkajú dodatočnú ochranu okolia na povrchu ložiska. Širšia príruba zabraňuje náhodnému zatlačeniu dielu cez protikus. Určené na použitie ako zátka alebo krytka. Kónický profil umožňuje nasadenie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov alebo zakrytie viacerých vonkajších priemerov.

Tieto dvojfunkčné komponenty sa zvyčajne používajú na ochranu pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.

Vďaka tvaru na priame zatlačenie sa ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú.

  • Zabraňujú náhodnému zatlačeniu zátky cez protikus.
  • Chránia závitové a hladké rúry, porty a prístupové body pred poškodením, špinou, vlhkosťou, úlomkami a koróziou.
  • Vhodné na použitie v hydraulických systémoch, automobilových komponentoch, v chemickom priemysle alebo zdravotníctve.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD Farba: Žltá, Červená, Modrá Series Code: SRF0030, SR1001, SR1115

Kónické krytky a zátky – štandardné

Štandardné kónické krytky a zátky sú univerzálne komponenty určené na použitie ako zátka alebo krytka. Kónický profil umožňuje nasadenie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov alebo zakrytie viacerých vonkajších priemerov.

Tieto dvojfunkčné zátky alebo krytky sa zvyčajne používajú na ochranu pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.

Vďaka tvaru na priame zatlačenie sa tieto dvojfunkčné komponenty ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú. Široký sortiment ponúka výber veľkostí od 2,9 mm do 345,0 mm.

  • Tvar zátky je vhodný pre viacero vnútorných a vonkajších priemerov.
  • Chránia závitové a hladké rúry, porty a prístupové body pred poškodením, špinou, vlhkosťou, úlomkami a koróziou.
  • Vhodné na použitie v hydraulických systémoch, automobilových komponentoch alebo zdravotníctve.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD Farba: Červená, Modrá, Čierna, Priehľadná, Žltá Series Code: SR1000, SR1111, SRF0020

Kúpiť krytky skrutiek

These Socket Screw Cover Caps cover and protect socket head screws from dust and dirt, while providing a quick and clean finish to internal hex screws.

Commonly used for the inside of UPS boxes when high voltage cables pass close to metal screw heads, which occurs when space is limited. The cap can be applied in order to prevent interference between the two, as the screw head needs to be isolated. They are also used in appliances, electrical applications and automotive.

  • Material: Silicone, LDPE
  • Colour: Black, White, Grey

Skupina SR: SR1628, SR1813

LPG krytky na plynové potrubie

LPG Caps were developed with the LPG industry to help prevent dangerous gas leaks. They meet the LP Gas Association Code of Practice 15. Its design incorporates a strap to help prevent loss and ease of replacement. It withstands pressures while providing a gas-tight seal, even under extreme temperatures and adverse conditions.

It also prevents debris and contaminants from entering the application. It is easy to use or remove. Used in warehousing to protect LPG gas cylinders, in the storage of applications, construction and automotive industry.

  • Material: HDPE
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1085

Madlá - oblúkové, plastové

Oblúkové madlá sú ľahké a poskytujú štýlovejšiu ergonomickú povrchovú úpravu. Sortiment ponúka výber typu montáže z prednej alebo zadnej strany.

Maskovacie kužele

Masking Cone Plugs are a versatile masking solution that can be used as a plug or as a cap. The tapered design allows the part to plug a range of inside diameter sizes and to cap a range of outside diameter sizes. These plugs are ideal for a range of masking applications, including; powder coating, e-coating, plating and anodizing.

The range is available in a choice of materials that include premium Silicone and economical EPDM. Silicone benefits from a high temperature rating and can be used multiple times. EPDM is also reusable with a lower heat resistance, but superior chemical resistance.

  • Materials: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) and Silicone Rubber
  • Colours: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Natural, Red, Rust, Purple and Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1075, SR1091

Maskovacie vyťahovacie zátky

Masking Pull Plugs, also known as silicone masking plugs, are plugs used to mask threaded and non-threaded holes. They resist chemicals, dust, dirt, temperature changes, and abrasion. Furthermore, the pull tab simplifies installation and removal, allowing for smooth insertion and a secure fit that avoids undesired leaks or seepage.

The reusable material used in these plugs allows for various uses, reducing the need for frequent replacements and contributing to waste reduction. They can resist temperatures of up to 250 degrees Celsius and are used in various applications, including powder coating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics production.

  • Material: Silicone, EPDM, Silicone Rubber, TPR
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Clear, Red, Grey, White, Purple, Green, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Blue

Skupina SR: SR1057, SR1094, SR6118, SR6117, SRF0060, SR5750, SR5749, SR5752, SR1028, SR1067

Maskovacie zátky bez príruby

Masking Flangeless Plugs are a type of plug that is used to cover holes without masking the surrounding area. They protect against contaminants, dust, dirt, damage, or undesired substances. It features conical rings and a hollow core, which allows many different areas to be masked.

Furthermore, the pull tab makes them simple to install and remove, allowing for smooth insertion and a snug fit that eliminates unwanted leaks or seepage. The reusable nature of the material used in these plugs allows for various uses, minimising the need for frequent replacements and helping to reduce waste. They can be utilised in multiple applications, such as powder coating, painting, plating, and sealing.

  • Material: EPDM, Silicone, TPE, PVC
  • Colour: Black, Natural, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Red

Skupina SR: SR1090, SR1093, SR5748, SR1034

Maskovacie zátky s podložkou

These High Temperature Washer Plugs are used to mask the surface around a threaded or plain hole, with an integrated washer and plug that allows them to function as a single item. They are long-lasting and resistant to chemicals, temperature changes, and abrasion.

These plugs are simple to install and remove, and their design assures a snug fit, a secure seal, and the prevention of leakage or contamination. They can withstand high temperatures of up to 250 degrees Celsius and are used in various applications such as powder coating, painting, plating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics manufacturing.

  • Material: Silicone, EPDM
  • Colour: Grey, Natural, Black, Clear, White, Dark Green, Yellow, Pink, Purple, Red

Skupina SR: SR1065, SR1092, SR5753

Mäkké vrúbkované uzávery

Mäkké vrúbkované krytky sú jednoduchý a úsporný spôsob ochrany metrických a UNF závitov počas lakovania, montáže alebo prepravy. Majú vrúbkovaný vonkajší povrch, sú vyrobené z mäkkého, odolného TPE, ktorý poskytuje lepšiu priľnavosť a pevné uchytenie. Chránia konce rúrok pred poškodením a zabraňujú vniknutiu nečistôt.

Jednoduchá montáž a demontáž. Môžu sa používať pri teplotách od -60 C do 135 C.

Bežne sa používajú v inštalatérstve, vzduchotechnike a klimatizácii a priemyselných aplikáciách.

  • Jednoduchý a úsporný spôsob ochrany metrických a UNF závitov.
  • Jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.
  • Používajú sa pri teplotách od minimálne -60 C do maximálne 135 C.
Materiál: TPEFarba: ModráNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SRF0010

Narážací klzák

Push -On Tilt glides are swivel glides with spring insert used on furniture and other products to provide mobility and stability. Insert and Glide come as a one piece to facilitate the application. The Glides are designed with a tube end cap for a clean finish and have a ball and socket joint to create a tilt action. The range offers a choice of base to suit various applications.

  • Material: Steel, Nylon;Steel
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR6453, SR6450, SR6427, SR6426, SR6452

Nastaviteľné káblové svorky

Nastaviteľné svorky sa montujú zatlačením do panela, nastaviteľná svorka sa dokáže prispôsobiť celému radu rozmerov káblov.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - nečlenené

Stud Mount Leveling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - pochrómovaný kryt

These Chrome Capped Adjustable Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications on slightly uneven surfaces, including office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery. The range are made from chrome capped black Polyethylene (PE).

Skupina SR: SR5442

Nastaviteľné nožičky - s montážnym závitom, otočná základňa, plastové

Levelling Feet with Stud Mount and Plastic Swivel Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.

Skupina SR: SR1569

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