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Avaintoiminen Kiinnitetty P-klipsit

 (32 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

90 lukot - helppo kiinnitys

The Easy Fixing Quarter Turn Lock is easily fitted into a 20.2 x 22.2 mm cut out and secured with the help of a clip. It is suitable for left and right hand. The internal spring provides a 1.5 mm torsion and it can be used for panel thickness from 0.8 to 2.0 mm.


Our plastic Key Tags are highly economical. An inlay card, window and metal split ring are all included. These tags assist with good key management and security in retail premises.

  • Available in eight assorted colours, including; Orange, Black, Purple, White, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green.
  • Comes in a pack of 100 tags, as standard.

Kompressiosalvat - T-kahva

Compression Latch with a T Handle are hand-operated and have a fixed design. They are used in a range of access hardware applications and are a great choice for cabinets and access panels.

Our range is available with locking and non-locking options. All locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are supplied with rubber sealing gasket and 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy
  • Finish Options: Chrome Plated and Black Powder Coating

Huonekalulukot - uppoasennetut kaappilukot

These furniture locks, also known as cabinet locks or cupboard locks, are intended to offer security and privacy. The locks are designed to be used with our rods (available separately) to give 2-point locking.

It lies flush with the metal lockers's surface, giving it a clean and inconspicuous appearance. This flush design not only improves the appearance of the furniture but also prevents the lock from snagging on garments or inflicting unintended damage.

Cupboard locks are simple to install by pressing them into the cut out hole; the clip-on body makes installation easier, and they are available with Keyed Alike or Keyed Differ cylinder choices. Commonly used in metal lockers and other storage units.

  • Used to offer security and privacy.
  • Available with Keyed Alike or Keyed Differ.
  • It designed to be used with our rods to give 2-point locking.
Materiaali: Sinkkiseos Series Code:

Huonekalulukot - lasiovien liukulukot

These Glass Door Slide Furniture Locks are used in furniture and cabinets to lock glass doors and give a smooth, controlled sliding action. Developed mainly for glass doors, providing a safe and dependable locking mechanism while enabling simple access and view of the items within.

It comprises two parts: the sliding mechanics and the locking mechanism. The sliding mechanism is attached to the second glass door, and the locking travels along it when unlocked and stops movement when locked. One of their most significant benefits is their capacity to firmly hold glass doors in place, preventing them from opening or closing accidentally. This is especially crucial when storing fragile or precious things behind glass doors since it avoids accidental damage or theft.

The range includes key alike, and key to differ options. Typically seen on bookshelves, china cabinets, entertainment or expo cabinets, and other types of furniture.

Please get in touch with your local sales team to acquire the Keyed Alike version.

Series Code :SR5543

Sarjanumero: SR5543

Huonekalulukot - pystysuuntaiset liukulukot puulle

These Vertical Slide for Wood Furniture Locks are intended to secure vertical sliding doors in wooden furniture items. It allows for a smooth and controlled sliding action while keeping the door firmly closed. They are visually appealing, inconspicuous, and come in right-hand, left-hand, keyed alike and keyed differently.

It increases the security and stability of vertical sliding doors by including a mechanism that keeps the door in place, preventing it from unintentionally sliding open or closing. This keeps the contents of the furniture safe and undisturbed. The vertical slide design provides easy access and viewing while retaining a secure closing.

Simple to install and may be effortlessly incorporated into wooden furniture. They are often utilised in cabinets, closets, and other furniture with vertical sliding doors.

Kaapelikiinnikkeet - P-mallinen/ruuviasennus/nailon

These P-Style Cable Clamps are crucial for anyone looking to organise and protect their cords effectively. These clamps provide a dependable and efficient option for cable management due to their sturdy construction and versatile design. Due to their material, they are resistant to impact, chemicals, and UV radiation, which reduces the need for frequent replacements.

These cable clamps' P Style design gives a secure and stable grip on cables of various sizes and diameters, and they are available with one, two, or three mounting holes which permit to use the same clamp for three different holding diameters. Designed to be screwed to a surface for a tight and secure hold. Used in various applications, including electrical, data centres, telecommunications networks, automotive, and manufacturing.

  • Material: PA, Nylon
  • Colour: Black, Natural
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2, UL94 V-0

Avainlukittavat salpalukot kaappeihin

Tämä salpalukkojen valikoima sopii näyttöyksiköihin, turvakaappeihin ja säilytyskomeroihin. Valikoima samalla tai eri avaimella sekä erilaisilla oteratkaisuilla mahdollistavat käytön erilaisia vaatimuksia tarvitseviin kohteisiin.

Sarjanumero: SR1887


Neljänneskierroslukkovalikoimaan voi hankkia erilaisia lisävarusteita, kuten kiinnitysrenkaita. Niitä on kahta eri tyyppiä: jousiteräksinen ja painevaletusta sinkistä valmistettu. Ne sopivat kaikkiin lukkoihin, joiden asennusreiän koko on 20.2 x 22.2.


The Locating Plates in this range are used to securely position Cam Locks when there is a potential risk of having some movements due to the nature of the application. This range cover a washer and a plate made of steel.

Kuljetuslavojen jalat

Matalaprofiiliset kuljetuslavojen jalat, joita kutsutaan usein hitsatuiksi kupeiksi. Sopivat vakiomallisiin metallipohjaisiin liukuihin ja kasvattavat kestoa ja suojausta.

Sileä niukkahiilinen teräs suojaa lattiaa ja pienentää melutasoa peittäen metallialustan täysin ja suojaten sitä.

‌Korokkeen maksimikoot käytettäessä SHS-putkia. Tämä kuljetuslavojen jalkavalikoima sopii erinomaisesti metallisille kuljetusalustoille ja kehikoille.

  • Tarjolla on pinottavia vaihtoehtoja.

Kulmasaranat – kiinteä tappi

Ulkopuoliset metalliset kulmasaranat sopivat koneen suojiin ja sähköpaneeleihin. Niille on tarjolla eri profiileja ja kokoja, ja ne voidaan asentaa joko tapilla tai ruuveilla.

Lukkojen kahvat

Neljänneskierroslukkovalikoimaan voi hankkia erilaisia lisävarusteita, kuten lukkokahvoja. Ne on valmistettu polyamidista. Ne sopivat kaikkiin lukkoihin, joiden asennusreiän koko on 20.2 x 22.2

Kierteitetyt jousettomat minikääntöniitit

This range of Mini Camlocks are without spring action and key alike. The type fixed by a nut fit in a 16.2x14.2 cut out, the type fixed by a clip fit in 17.2 x14.2 cut out.

Neljänneskierrossalvat – L-kahva

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an L-shaped handle. They are commonly used in applications such as electric panels and machinery covers.

Available in a choice of materials that include; Nylon, Polyamide, Stainless Steel and Die-Cast Zinc Alloy. Our range also boasts several visually pleasing finishes; Powder Coated, Matt, Chrome Plated and Bright Chrome.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Eurokey, Quarter Turn Key, Push Button, Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design
  • DIN-EN 1774 rated


These P Clips, also known as pipe clips, secure wires, pipes, hoses, and other things. These clips are shaped like a ""P"" and give a tight hold by securing the object. At the same time, the smooth interior surface avoids injury to the held item. It has exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance.

It is simple to install; screw it into the surface where the object is fastened. This range offers several mounting holes for various screw sizes. Suitable for various industries and applications, including automotive, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC.

Series Code :SR1109

Sarjanumero: SR1109

Perhossalpa vastakappaleella

Kääntyvät lenkkilukot vetävät ja lukitsevat kaksi komponenttia tiukasti yhteen. Ne on valmistettu ruostumattomasta teräksestä, ja niitä käytetään käsin, joten niiden käyttö on nopeaa ja helppoa. Ne sopivat erilaisiin kohteisiin, kuten kontteihin, paketointiin ja teollisiin siivouslaitteisiin.


Swell Latches are quick and easy to install. They are used as a fastener for applicactions requiring alignment and anti vibration. A selection for cut out is required depending on the frame thickness.

Työntölukot - alakisko, työntö

Bottom Rail Push Locks offer a good level of security for sliding glass doors by locking through the bottom rail. The push to lock action saves time in busy environments and the die-cast zinc allow lock has an anti-drill centre for added security.

Työntölukot - lasiovet, veto

Pull Push Locks are fitted to the rear-most of two sliding glass doors and the inner body springs forward to prevent the doors from opening. These locks are ideal for display cases containing high value items and glass-fronted notice boards with an anti-drill centre.


These Dust Caps are designed to keep dust, humidity, dirt, ingress, and other contaminants out of locks. In addition, they offer excellent durability and resistance to wear and tear. They fit the exact hole sizes as the corresponding lock types.

These caps' snug fit and secure closure make them easy to install. As it is installed between the lock and the door, you will need to include the thickness of the dust cap base in your calculations when considering the appropriate grip range. Widely used in various industries, including electronics, automotive, and industrial manufacturing.

  • Material: PU
  • Colour: Black

Please get in touch with customer service for other colours.

Kääntöniitit - siipinuppi avaimella

Quarter Turn Latch with Wing Knobs are designed to secure doors, cabinets, enclosures, and other access points. They are operated by twisting the knob 90 degrees, which causes the latch to engage or disengage, making them ideal for applications requiring frequent opening and shutting. Each lock has an outer sealing gasket, an assembly nut and two standard Euro Keys (5333).

It is made to be easy and quick to install, provides extra security, and prevents unauthorized entry whilst still allowing easy access when unlocked. The products include various materials, finishes, and grip ranges utilized in various applications, such as electrical enclosures, furniture cabinets, and equipment covers.

  • Material: , Zinc Alloy, Die Cast Zinc Alloy
  • Colour: Black, Natural

Series Code :SR5541

Sarjanumero: SR5541

Neljänneskierroslukot - turvallinen

Turvallinen 90 lukko kuuluu IP65-luokkaan ja sopii vasen- ja oikeakätisille. Kun lukko on auki, avain toimii nuppina. Avain sopii tiettyyn lukkoon ja on tilattava lukon mukana. Valitse kromattu (16711E) tai mustapinnotteinen (16712E) avain.

Ruuvattavat P-klipsit

Vinyylipinnoitus on pysyvämpi ratkaisu kaapelien suojaamiselle tärinältä ja vaurioilta. Ruuvikiinnitysalue on paljas tukevan kiinnityksen takaamiseksi. Tarjolla on 14 kokoa eri nippujen halkaisijoille.


Salpalukot on suunniteltu paneelien ja ovien lukitsemiseen ja pääsyn turvaamiseen pyörivällä salvalla, joka kiinnitetään kehykseen tai takana olevaan pidäkkeeseen.

Nämä ilman työkaluja asennettavat lukot tekevät asennuksesta nopeaa ja helppoa. Ne voidaan asentaa tavallisen paksuisiin oviin ja sopivat erinomaisesti kevyisiin kohteisiin.

Sarjaan kuuluu eri lukkotyyppejä: pääavain, samanlaiset avaimet, erilaiset avaimet,

  • Materiaalit: ruostumaton teräs ja ruiskuvalettu sinkkiseos
  • Viimeistelyvaihtoehdot: jauhemaalaus, kromipinnoite ja ruostumaton teräs
  • Värit: musta ja väritön (hopea)

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