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Kunststof Bescherming voor hydraulische slangen

 (4 productgroepen)

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Slangbescherming hoezen

Hose Protection Sleeves are strong covers that protect hoses against heat, abrasion and noise reduction. Resistant to heat, ozone and abrasions. Can withstand temperatures ranging from 110ºC up to 185ºC.

  • Excellent abrasion resistance.
  • Easy to install.
  • Ideal for connectors, fittings, splices, cables and hoses.
Materiaal: 1050 Ballistisch nylon, PA, PES;PO Kleur: Zwart Serie: SR1080, , SR1108

Slangbescherming hoezen - Goedgekeurd voor de mijnbouw

Hose Protection Sleeves that are Mining Safety approved. Durable coatings are approved to protect hoses against heat, abrasion and bursts. Can withstand temperatures ranging from -40C up to +130C. The US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has approved this product. Effective in minimising a concentrated stream of pinhole leaks, while maintaining high burst resistance.

  • US Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approved product.
  • Highly abrasion and burst resistant.
  • Temperature resistance: -40C to +130C.
  • Can be branded with your company logo and part number details.
  • Standard roll length: 50 metres.
Materiaal: Polyester, Nylon Kleur: Zwart Serie: , SR1082

Spiraalslang bescherming

Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors are intended to protect hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.

  • Verlengt de levensduur van de slang aanzienlijk.
  • Beperkt kostbare reparaties, uitvaltijd en veiligheidsincidenten voor de operator.
  • Optimale slijt- en pletbestendigheid.
  • Biedt uitstekende bescherming in combinatie met een beschermhoes.
Materiaal: HDPE, PP Kleur: Geel, Zwart Serie: SRV0021, SR1084, SRV0052, SR1081

Spiraalslang bescherming - Goedgekeurd voor de mijnbouw

Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors for mining safety. Flame retardant and anti-static properties are approved, making it ideal for subterranean applications. Designed to protect hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.

  • Getest en goedgekeurd volgens de voormalige British Coal-specificatie 182:1986 en voldoet aan de eisen van het niet-metalen schema voor ondergronds gebruik.
  • Getest en goedgekeurd door Mine Safety Laboratory Department of Mineral Resources, NSW volgens AS2660 FRAS-conformiteit - 1991.
  • Internationale standaard : ISO 6805.
  • Patenten van toepassing: Australië 747837, Duitsland 69912586.3-08, Italië en Verenigd Koninkrijk 1062456, Verenigde Staten 6286557
  • Vlamwerend en antistatisch.
Materiaal: HDPE Kleur: Grijs Serie: SR1081